Does Abs After 40 Work? The Answer You Should Know

Every person, whether male or female, wants their body to look great. They want to have those ripped abs and show it off whenever the opportunity presents itself. 

Unfortunately, many aren’t ready to put in the work. Some individuals undergo abdominoplasty to get toned abs. Some individuals even dread going to the gym or setting up their home gym. For some individuals, the primary excuse is their age. Most people believe they can’t get abs since they’re above 40 years of age. 

Abs are pretty beneficial. If your abdominal muscles are strong, they can keep lower back pain at bay and ensure good posture. Generally, the stronger one’s abs get, the stronger their support.   

However, the most common reason you can’t see those abs is because of body fat distribution. As you grow older, your abs become hidden beneath a layer of fat.

Now, let’s answer the critical question.

Does abs after 40 work?

Yes, Abs after 40 works. You might assume you don’t have a chance at six-packs if you’re over 40. But the truth is you still do—but a rippling flat stomach should be just one aspect of your overall goal. 

You might get that six-pack if you focus your workouts on developing a strong, healthy belly.A firm, healthy stomach can protect you from injuries, support and stabilize you when lifting heavy objects. 

However, there are other factors to consider regarding stomach workouts. So, are you near or over 40? Would you love to get Abs even at 40? If yes, keep reading for exciting tips and exercises that will give you ripped abs after 40.

10 Exercises To Get You Abs After 40

If you want a flatter, washboard tummy, focus on workouts that support those activities. You can train your entire core from diverse angles to achieve your desired abs.

After all, if you do crunches all the time, you’ll create bigger, bulkier abdominal muscles. 

If you need an energy boost, try taking pre-workout supplements. Check the label to see if they have any of the following: Caffeine, Creatine, and Beta-alanine. These are all natural ingredients recommended by Healthcanal that can help you power through your workouts.

Follow the following core exercises in your daily routine, alongside plenty of long walks or other forms of aerobics.

Rotations of Landmines (8-10 reps each side)

Put a barbell inside a landmine attachment to start the activity. You can also hold the barbell up against a firm surface.

With both hands, grasp the barbell’s end, and hold it out in front of you with your feet and shoulder widely apart. Then, while keeping your stomach tight, spin the bar to one side of your body, pivoting both feet in that direction.

Rotate the bar to the opposing side, leading with your hips and shoulders and maintaining belly tightness.

Band for Half-Kneeling Pallof Press (eight reps on each side)

Pull a resistance band out in front of you after wrapping it around a firm board or pole. Get into a half-kneeling stance with your arms to your chest while gripping the band. 

Then place the band on the opposite side of the knee in front of you. Start by bracing your tummy and pushing the bar out before you, exhaling as you finish a stage. 

Before taking another exercise, take a deep breath and pull the band back. Then, before switching to the other side, complete all the eight reps on one side.

Knee Raised in the air (10-15 reps)

Hang on a pull-up bar to get yourself into position. Then, fold your pelvis and drive your knees towards your chest without swinging. 

At the peak of the exercise, flex your lower abs. Then lower back to the starting position before attempting another rep.

Carry Your Suitcase Exercise (50-100 feet on each side) 

Firstly, place a heavy dumbbell at your side. Pick the dumbbell up with one arm while maintaining a straight spine, keeping your chest tall and stomach firm. 

Brace your abs firmly and begin strolling. Try to retain a neutral spine, even as the dumbbell weight pulls you to the side. On your way back, switch hands after walking the necessary distance.

Dead bug position 

Begin by resting on your back with your hands pointing upwards and your knees up. Next, fill your tummy with air and drag your ribs down to the floor, pressing your lower back into the floor. 

Extend one of your arms and the opposite leg up to just above the floor.When you’ve reached that stage, exhale while maintaining a tight belly. Then, return the arm/leg to the starting position and repeat on the opposing side.

Lying leg raises workout

Lie face-up on a mat on the floor with your legs stretched. Put your hands beneath your lower spine and hips to support your hips. Maintain straight legs while squeezing your thighs together. 

Lift your legs until your hips are fully flexed. Do this until your straight legs can no longer move much higher, then relax and repeat.

Don’t even consider standing up until you’ve completed many sets of lying leg lifts if you’re doing this exercise.

This practice helps to sculpt your stomach, and it increases the flexibility of your hamstrings. This flexibility is vital for every stride you take and every squat you do.

Swiss ball rollout

The Swiss ball rollout is a core muscle workout that focuses on the back and shoulder muscles. In addition, the rollout exercise is for you to have firmer stomach muscles.

This ball rollout is similar to a plank exercise. The only difference is that you place your arms and hands on the stability ball instead of the training mat. Your core muscles have to work harder because the ball adds an element of instability.

Before trying this exercise, ensure you can perfectly hold a regular plank for at least 30 to 60 seconds.

Reduce the rollout distance until you are confident in your ability to complete the movement entirely. 

Abs crunches on a stability ball

This ball workout is one of the most effective exercises for strengthening, flattening and toning the abs. 

Using a stability ball to perform abs exercise minimizes the impact of a hard floor on the spine. This exercise also enhances improved posture, spine support,lower back strength, and back injury prevention.

Furthermore, the flexibility of your stomach muscles will increase by 24 to 38% compared to crunches performed without a ball.

Start by sitting in a positive posture; roll out until you can rest your lower back comfortably on the ball. Then, put your feet on the ground with your shoulder and width apart.

Next, point your elbows straight out to the sides. Then, raise your head to the same level as your waist and look straight up.

Take deep breaths and contract your lower abs as you exhale.

Inhale while holding the flex. Next, exhale while slowly curling your body forward. Then, flex your middle and upper abs to bring the chest up and toward the hips. 

Allow your head to fall in line with your chest. Do not pull or force your head forward. Instead, allow your abs to handle the heavy lifting.

Raise your chest until your abs are fully engaged, then hold for 3 to 5 long, comfortable breaths. Allow your head and chest to return to the torso position as you slowly disengage. 

Breathe again! 10–12 times is a good number of repetitions for a starter. As you gain strength, increase the number of repetitions.

Donkey Kicks

This workout helps to flatten the abs, improve posture and prevent hip injuries. In addition, the abs exercise helps to develop and tone the entire body, including the waistline.

It also helps to prevent injury by and to strengthen the lower back and spine. This high-intensity activity is a total-body workout that also molds and shapes the muscles in the arms and legs.

When carrying out this workout, get down on all fours. Place your hands placed directly under your shoulders and your knees directly under your hips. 

Then, tuck your chin slightly, so the back of your neck faces the ceiling, and make sure your back is very flat. Finally, engage your lower core muscles without curving your spine. 

Slowly pull your right leg straight back and up toward the ceiling, keeping the 90-degree bend in your right knee. You would reach your maximum height before your back begins to arch or your hips start to rotate.

Then, return to your initial starting position. Switch legs after completing all reps on one side.

Side planks workout

The side plank is an excellent workout for building the side abdominal muscles—especially muscles which are not as well worked during other abs workouts. 

In this workout, you have to position your body in a straight position on your side. In addition, you should support your body with the side of one foot and only one arm. 

Lean on your right side with your legs extended and stretched from your hips to your feet. Your right arm’s elbow should be directly under your shoulder. 

Make sure your head and spine are in perfect alignment. For example, you can align your left arm with your body’s left side. Then, breathe out while you lift your hips and knees off the mat. With no sagging or bending, your torso is in a straight line. 

Maintain your current position. Inhale and return to the initial posture after a few breaths. 

Holding for 60 seconds should be the goal. After that, switch sides and repeat the process. 


Having six-pack abs over 40 is attainable. You have to focus on the correct exercises as listed above. In addition, follow an appropriate lifestyle and proper diet to reduce abdominal fat.

However, don’t only do abs workouts; always engage your stomach muscles. Always tuck your belly in and engage those muscles no matter what exercise you’re doing.

In addition to workouts, you can strengthen your core muscles during working, walking, or while climbing elevators. 

Whatever you do, engage those muscles!

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