I am just a brawler who has been given the
opportunity to compete in a sport which is very similar to
boxing, and I have taken advantage of that opportunity.
Boxers need to be lean and have good cardiovascular and strength. Many boxers rely on the fact that they are already in great shape; however, they should still look after these areas which will help them maintain their muscle mass, as well as increase their stamina.
10 Exercises to Train Like A Professional Boxer
 Work out routines don’t have to be dull, boring, repetitive and predictable.  They can be more exciting and interesting and there are a number of exercises you can do for every workout routine.
These are 10 exercises you need to do to train like a professional boxing.
1. Shoulder Presses
So, if you are not interested in developing your shoulders, don’t worry about the shoulder press. However, if you want to develop your shoulders and build up endurance, then the shoulder press should be included in every single workout.
4. I press my body weight, or lower.
As the weight increases, so does the resistance. This is true in nature, where the larger the force applied to a body, the greater the resistance.
The biceps brachii or four-curve muscle is the larger muscle group in your upper arm; it is used to flex your arm, including raising your arm straight up and down, and twisting it, as well as to lift your arm away from your body. It is one of the prime punching and deflecting muscles of the body.
2. Clap Press-Up
This exercise is one of the most common in MMA and has many applications. You can do several types of burpees with straight legs, with reverse lunges, with an alternating arm-leg-leg set, in a power clean, and even in the MMA environment. As for the burpees, I can see the benefits of it in MMA. The biggest benefit is the cardio, the long duration of time spent performing the exercise will get the heart rate up.
The explosive nature of a clap-press-up also builds-up the pectoralis major (chest muscle) and deltoids (back muscle). Which in turn, enhances upper body strength. It is also important during fights.
This is what I’ve seen in the past and I’m hoping to see more of it.
3. Plank
Many boxers can be seen doing a classic plank to keep their back strong. This is especially important when you are in the clinch as the position allows maximum flexibility in the hips.
As for the abs, if you don’t have a barbell, a piece of wood can be used.
If you don’t have a piece of wood, buy an exercise mat.
A lot of the time in this sport your body is beat up. Boxing can be such a brutal sport. You need to keep your body strong and strong, especially your core. You also need to maintain the flexibility of your abdomen otherwise you are at risk of having a hernia.
4. Skipping
A quick step is a movement that involves a step of forward movement followed later by a step of backward movement. A boxer’s quick steps are especially important to evade an opponent’s strikes.
It helps maintain speed and agility and is yet another way to maintain general fitness.
It is often used in pairs when sprinting.
Rope skipping is a great means to improve your agility, coordination, and balance; but it should not be used as a substitute for hard work, dedication, and determination in the gym.
5. Push Ups
Push-ups help build strength and endurance in the entire body, especially the arms, chest, and shoulders. The core and core muscles are also given a major workout and the arms are stretched along with the shoulders and core.
In an attempt to find a suitable and affordable place, I checked out the local parks as a potential workout space. However, I would only be able to workout with either my boyfriend (a tennis player), my parents (who are in their 60s), or myself (who is in her 20s).
It is a good idea to add push-ups into your daily routine. They can help with your shoulder, arms, chest and core and will also help you with cardio.
6. Sit-Ups
There are many benefits associated with performing sit-ups in your fitness regime. Not only does it help to strengthen your core muscles and increase your stamina, it can also help to improve your posture and build an overall better body.
It’s important that sit-ups are executed properly so that the full benefits may be enjoyed.
Whether throwing a punch, defending a right hook or simply sparring, core strength is responsible for holding the body firm and stretching allows for the muscles to be stretched.
7. Squats
 Squats are a key part of maintaining lower-body strength. Boxers need to be constantly on their toes, ready to duck and weave at any given moment, and so as they build mass they must add strength to their lower bodies.
It is amazing how many benefits a daily exercise routine can have. These include not only a significant increase in muscular lean body mass, but also a significant increase in strength and endurance. For instance, by training just four to six sets of squats or leg presses per week, you can see gains in both the upper and lower body.
8. Shadow Boxing
Anthony Joshua is currently one of the highest paid fighters in boxing and has been for many years.
He was ranked as the highest paid British boxer by the Boxing Writers Association of Great Britain in 2017.
Joshua is a model professional and is the favourite to win this year’s BBC Sports Personality of the Year award. His popularity seems to have no boundaries.
Since Joshua defeated Wladimir Klitschko, he has been raised above the fray, and would be a worthy winner.
 Heavyweight champion Deontay Wilder has taken a Brazilian-style shadow boxing approach to his training, to keep all of the important body parts, including the shoulder, active.  This gives his punch-off-a-stick ability much more balance and consistency, as he can turn it around and use it well.
9. Chin Ups
Boxers need to develop strong upper bodies in order to become successful boxers. They must have strong chest, back, arms, shoulders, and core muscles as well. They should have a chin up bar in their homes and garages so that they can implement this into their daily routine.
If you can’t reach your goals, increase the intensity of your training. Don’t be discouraged if you reach your targets too early since you don’t have to stay at this level forever – always strive to get better and progress.
10. Burpees
Burpees are not the most glamorous exercise but they absolutely work the body in many areas, sculpting the body, and burning calories.
If you want to start any fitness plan, you must first determine your goal. It sounds simple, but it’s the most important first step.
Endurance can be improved by Burpees and if you are unsure the technique check around for some step-by-step videos.
If you want to make the most of working out as part of your daily routine, boxing is worth trying. You can easily fit these into your daily schedule because it’s not as demanding as other types of exercise like running or cycling.
The most important things a boxer has on his side are motivation, dedication, and hunger. A boxer must have it in them to train everyday, sometimes even multiple times a day. Motivation comes from a desire to compete, desire to become a champion, and desire to become the best in the world.
 It is only natural that boxers develop a natural instinct in all of these areas with their age.  The older the boxer becomes, the more they will learn to develop these areas in order to become better boxers.
The workout plan begins with a fast pace with the goal of increasing the pace gradually. The workout goes into the second round of the plan with the goal of decreasing the speed. Then we do the third round of the plan and so on.