How To Kill Mr. House – Learn To Play Fallout: New Vegas

Mr. House is here to stay, and you have to either disable or kill him. If you kill Mr. House, you will meet Yes man at the Tops casino and then accompany him to the “Lucky 8”. This is a brief description of what happens in Fallout: New Vegas. This game can be described as a post-apocalyptic and action-role playing video game developed and launched by Obsidian Entertainment in 2010. This game was written by John Gonzalez and published by Bethesda Softworks.

So How do You Kill Mr. House?

One of the best ways to kill Mr. House is to activate the terminal inside before riding the secret elevator to Mr. House’s life support chamber. Once you enter the chamber, you will locate Mr. House’s stasis pod, and with the aid of a nearby terminal, you can sterilize the pod to kill House. You can also open the statis pod and destroy Mr. House.

What You Should Know About Fallout: New Vegas

Fallout: Las Vegas was announced in 2009 for PlayStation 3, Microsoft Xbox 360, and Microsoft Windows general platforms.

This is a Spin-off of the Fallout series, and it was designed in different locations in Nevada, California, and Arizona. It was set in an atomic age that led to a global nuclear apocalypse in 2077 and was named; The Great War. The war was triggered when there was an altercation between China and American officials over natural resources.

Fallout: Las Vegas happened some 204 years after Fallout 3 after the nuclear bombs fell. Though it is not a direct sequel, it comes with the return of many elements of Fallout 2.

The Setting of Fallout: New Vegas

Fallout is a game that multiple players can play. Players have to control a character by the name: Courier. The Courier is the one who transports some packages across the Mojave Desert into New Vegas city. The New Vegas used to be old Las Vegas until after the bombs were dropped, which caused severe devastation.

The Courrier will be robbed and shot while the transported package is stolen. Upon his recovery from the attack, Courrier had to find his attackers and also recover the package. In the process of recovering his package, the Courrier makes friends and enemies among the different warring factions.

The purpose of the conflict is to eventually have someone who will control New Vegas and the Mojave Desert.

Fallout: New Vegas Successes and Awards

New Vegas video game has received many accolades even among critics. Critics have praised the game’s writeup, quests, and improved design and experience.

Upon launching, the game was criticized for its glitches and bug. The game became a commercial success, selling 5 million copies within the first year and more than 12 million after a few years.

Fallout: New Vegas received the Golden Joystick Award for the RPG year in 2011. The game was also nominated twice for the BAFTA awards. The game has won the N.A.V.G.T.R. awards for supporting performance in any Drama. Today, Fallout: New Vegas has a cult following.

The Game Play

While most Fallout 3 was retained in Fallow: New Vegas, there were significant improvements upon the existing elements in Fallout 3. There were several new features added to the new game. For instance, the combat features had been significantly improved. Many recent V.A.T.S. specific attacks and numerous killing animations have been added to the melee weapons.

The improved response and accuracy have been significantly improved. Players can now use the newly-added Iron sights on their firearms, but this feature is unavailable for energy weapons and larger firearms.

There is a re-designing of the third-party perspective, which is an improvement over Fallout 3. In the new development, players can skip the tutorial and go directly to the Wasteland once their characters are set up.

You can make adjustments to your character when you step beyond the boundaries of the starting position, known as “Goodsprings.” Lots of new perks were added to the game to provide even more options, and many of these will improve the characters as they move to new levels.

A perk is allowed at every other level instead of the usual “every level” development. This will prevent a player from having an overly powerful character at any level. A lot of weapons were added to the game, including dynamite, powder changes, single shotgun, trail carbine, and grenade launcher.

Each newly introduced weapon is designed for tactical roles within the game. The small and big guns were merged to serve as a single skill in the new game. Survival, which is a skill, was also introduced to this new game. Survival is a skill impacted by how your health improves or decreases by the type of food and drink you consume.

Players can also gamble in this game, and players can also boost their skills by reading content in the magazine. Players can spend three major currencies to visit casinos and gamble.

Crafting and Weapon Customization in Fallout: New Vegas

It is possible to customize your weapon in this game based on your preferences and available options. Though Players could craft their weapons in Fallout 3, such feature was limited to a very few weapons. Crafting can be done in several ways, including reloading benches, workbenches, campfires, and hot plates. Crafting will require certain skill levels and components needed to perfect the weapon to the required level.

For instance, cooking food at a campfire requires a player to have a specific skill level, which must be sufficient to support such activity. Certain items cannot be created during crafting until all their recipes or schematics are found incomplete mode.

In addition to crafting, it is also possible to modify your weapon as a player in this game. You can use a particular weapon modification feature to achieve this. Weapon modification can enhance your weapon in different ways; it can improve the weapon’s rate of fire or the size of the magazine, for example.

You can add a mounted telescope sight on a weapon, for instance, to increase your range. To modify your firearm, you need to scavenge for necessary materials in the Mojave desert or buy them from vendors.

What Are The Endings And Major Characters In Fallout; New Vegas?

The principal characters and endings are highlighted below;

The Independent “Yes Man”

Siding with the Yes man will eventually lead the Courier to go solo, but the Courier will help yes man take over New Vegas and Hoover dam for themselves. The Courier is expected to convince General Oliver or Legate to withdraw, or both may be killed instead. The Courrier is also likely to take over the Hoover dam and maintain the independence of Mojave Desert from the N.C.R. controlled by Caesar’s legion and Mr. House.

Mr. House

When you take side with Mr. House, you will lead the Courrier to enter the control room inside the Hoover dam and then install an override chip to activate the Securitron army.

The Courier must also convince general Olivier and the Legate to stand down or get killed instead. Mr. House’s purpose is to drive out the N.C.R. and Securitron out of the Hoover dam and still run New Vegas according to Mr. House’s vision.

Caesar’s Legion

Taking side with the legion and help the Courier attack the Hoover dam. In this case, the Courier must successfully enter Olivier’s compound and convince him to retreat or get killed. The legion will eventually seize the Hoover dam and force the N.C.R. to retreat. They will also cause the N.C.R. to retreat, thus allowing them to seize the New Vegas and remaining part of Mojave Wasteland.

The New California Republic

When you take side the N.C.R., the Courier will fight to defend the Hoover dam from the legion. This will force the Courier to lead an attack against Legate and give him a chance to either withdraw or be murdered. The N.C.R. will likely emerge from this battle victorious, and then annex the New Vegas along the Mojave Desert.


There are So many factions that were created for the game Fallout: New Vegas, and developers had decided to introduce the “Reputation” that was first used in Fallout 2. Though the reputation got missing in Fallout 3, the re-introduction in New Vegas will surely bring even more excitement to the game. The Reputation is more like Karma, where a player’s standing with a faction or team can change, that is, the player’s reputation will improve among the team they stand with. This means you will get discounts for any business deals and gifts. A bad reputation on the other hand may lead to unexpected attacks from the faction you stand with or from the enemy camps.

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