Yes, I can. I am the only guy that went from being a nobody to a world champion and still managed to retain his humility.
In the first round of an important fight, an important fighter has an important fight.
The young man with the big dreams of making it big in the business world has had a few problems in his life, like many people may likely have, but he’s by all means been a terrific boxer and his ideas and views are very beneficial to those who are trying to succeed.
Mike Tyson’s Success Lessons
1) Be yourself- This is a good one to remember because the only person you need to impress is yourself. Everyone else is just there to support your dreams and get them off your back.
1. It Starts With Your Mindset
1. It doesn’t matter if the skill is not perfect.
2. You are able to overcome any obstacles that might stand in your way.
3. You can achieve your goals if you have the right mindset.
Everything takes patience, and if you really want to achieve something you have to believe that it will happen, you have to set up a routine for yourself and stick to it.
If you don’t have a positive mental state, you can’t possibly perform to your absolute best. Practice and live to perform.
“Cus D’Amato was a brilliant psychologist and he taught me how to think. He made me understand that my mind was more important than my body. That every fight is a battle of wills between you and your opponent.” – Floyd Mayweather
Quotes from Floyd Mayweather, Jr.
2. Be Willing to Work Hard
It’s easy to get distracted at work and the temptation to skip something one day is really present.
Tyson would not stop from the amount of training he did. He was out of the spotlight so to speak and doing everything he could for the fans and himself. He was willing to work hard to make himself better.
You may think it’s not important, you may think that is just a few days here and there and that is fine. But that small difference in your effort may determine whether you become the best, or not.
“In my relationship with Mary, we would always go against the grain and we would always do things that went against social convention”. – Mike Tyson
Funny quotes about the word “No”
Some quotes about the word No.
3. Don’t Just Dream, Commit to your Dream
Even if you’re not a fan of the end goal, you must still work towards it. You can make your own success and you can set your own dream, but you have to make the effort.
So in that sense it becomes a question of being able to make an impact, for example, at a local level, at the municipal level. The more people who are involved in that, the greater the likelihood that something will be achieved.
Your plan of life should consist of a series of plans in different stages, each one building upon the last and the next. But in all of these different plans, there should always be a sense of purpose, and a real goal. Achieving one goal is too easy, because there are many things in life that could distract you from that very goal. So always keep your dream in the forefront of your mind, and it will help guide you from success to success.
Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.
4. Take Advantage of Every Opportunity
Lots of opportunities are given away for free and then disappear after a month or two. It may not be possible to take them at that time due to the nature of the job.
Your success in life is directly linked to your willingness to go after anything that seems to be out of your reach.
This is something that the old men told me as I was leaving, and I’ve been taking it to heart ever since.
People should not be afraid to talk about money. If anything, we should be able to talk about money, and we should be able to be honest about the decisions that have been made with our money. It’s not that we’re being dishonest about it or trying to hide it, it’s that we have learned how to be more honest, and we’re going to continue to be more honest about it – and as we’re more honest, it will have a trickle-down effect, I believe.
5. Be in it for Greatness and Peace of Mind
When Mike Tyson became the undisputed heavyweight champion of the world, it was a time of peace and prosperity. All the rumors of his financial troubles were quickly squashed, and it became apparent to the world that Mike Tyson was a success story on every level.
No matter how much you learn, no matter how much you know, it will always be missing.
When it comes to me as a woman, I can be strong in a lot of other ways other than physically. I love being a mom, a wife, a teacher, a coach, a friend, a sister. I’m very competitive to win, just like Coach Saban. Wherever I am in my life, I always strive to be the best I can be.
I am not going to say that Tyson was the greatest champion in the history of the sport. I am going to call him the greatest fighter in the history of the sport.
I’ve had a successful career in professional boxing but when you’re as famous as a fighter as I’ve been, it’s easy to get trapped by all those things that surround you.
6. Don’t Worry About What Others Think
It’s important that people respect you and your decisions. Remember that you are the only one qualified to decide what you want.
When you have a problem, you should try to fix the problem. It’s not a reason to go ahead and create a problem to fix it.
I think that’s a testament to his character. You’re not supposed to be liked. You’re not supposed to be wanted. You’re not supposed to be loved. You’re supposed to be feared. You’re supposed to be respected, and you’re gonna do what’s right.
“Mike Tyson said he was going to dominate every fight, and he said he would crush every opponent. He said he couldn’t be stopped, and that he would be so much better than Michael Spinks at this time of his career.
7. You Are the One in Control of the Outcome
There’s a beginning to your life, and it makes sense that there’s a middle and end. You should spend more time on your life than on food, and less time on the things that seem important but aren’t.
And they always say you should work less.
– The world is a game designed by someone else just for us.
– The things that we do in our life, are done with a purpose. And no matter how big or small, it’s worth it for a good reason.
8. Believe that You Are the Best
The same is true of most of the people I know whose lives weren’t in their own hands. They always thought they were great, but when success came to them, they realized they were no better than everyone else. And they also came to see that the success of others was no justification for their having made the best of their lives.
This is what your best is only a matter of thinking you are the best, and acting as if you are the best. The more you think you are the best, the worse you will become.
 If you’re struggling in life, no one can help you. No one but you.
If you can find the strength, you can achieve anything.
9. Learn to the Love the Pain
On the long road to success, you’re going to endure pain, and you’re going to get a thrill from it. So, instead of complaining about the pain (as you make the wrong decisions), learn to love it, because the pain will help you make better decisions.
When you eventually grow too old to enjoy your food, your pain will become an ultimate pleasure for you.
The moment you start to feel the pain of it, you start to feel this urge to get stronger. You know it’s building you up, it’s making you stronger, and it’s going to count towards your greatness.
That’s a little cliche, but I think it’s true. If you have a passion, and you really want it, then you will find a way to make it happen. For instance, I really wanted to play professional Football, and I did – it was just a matter of finding the right opportunity and the right opportunity for me to make it happen.
You need to have a positive mental attitude. You need to believe in yourself. You need to be hungry, you need the energy, you need the intensity, and you need to believe in your own abilities.
I have a great article on Mike Tyson, in the new issue of Forbes – out this Thursday. He’s an amazing story & some of the advice he shares with young athletes is incredible.