Nowadays people are using various apps to analyze their performance.
A very popular one of these is Runtastic, which has a free and an app version.
If you’re looking for a system to increase your focus, take control of your stress, and become one with your life, then the Grind is the ultimate system for you.
A Grinder works diligently and relentlessly until they see their work at a distance. Hard times will come, and obstacles are inevitable, but the toughest of workers know that pushing through these obstacles is the only way to reach the top.
6 Powerful Tips to Grinding Harder This Year
Get your game board ready because the year is officially in the works. Your goals are ready to be checked off of the list. Use your board to keep track of your dreams and goals. You can also use your board to keep track of your time.
1. Write Yourself A ‘Perfect You’ Scenario
For you to get better in life, you need to know exactly what to do in your life.
Write a poem about your perfect YOU, take out all of the words that have a negative connotation. Use the description in the exercise to describe your perfect YOU.
___________ is a profession that you don’t feel like you fit into. Write it down and make sure the prompt gets your blood running. When you’re done, put this prompt somewhere you can see it and read it every morning!
2. Break up Your Perfect You Into Smaller Achievable Goals
I recommend breaking down every goal into the smallest goal you can do and then going a little further than that. It helps break down those large goals into smaller, more manageable goals and makes the process of conquering a goal easier.
No, thanks. I got it.
Write a bit every day, or a few times a week. Don’t worry about being concise or perfect, just doing your best will help you get closer to your goal. Don’t forget, writing is important, but your Grind needs to be taking you closer to that goal.
3. Find the MAIN Reason Why You Want to be that Perfect You
No, it’s because I never wanted to be a lawyer or anything that required a degree.
Find that reason for Grind, that reason that will fire you up when the going gets tough. Not just during your on days, not just when you’re grinding, but when you feel like quitting. That reason is the ember that will keep you going when the going gets tough.
There are times in your life, when you want to keep a distance between yourself and a person, or even a group.
Just a distance is enough to keep you focused.
This is another of those times.
4. Keep a Role Model in Sight
I make sure to keep a running list of everyone I want to work with in the future on a piece of paper in front of me, no matter how big or famous they are. Why does this work? Because you’ll meet them every day in the hallway.
When you’re out of luck and you’re thinking about life. You’ve got to keep thinking about success and how to improve yourself and how to better yourself.
It is easier to feel satisfied with your work when there’s someone in front of you or behind you who you look up to. If you have someone to look up to at work, you’ll feel more content about everything.
5. Become Aware of the Company You Keep
I don’t care how rich and famous other people are. I just want to know that I’m surrounded by positive role models. I don’t need to know their profession, their net worth, or their reputation. But I will say this. You’ve got to be able to stand alone.
When you have low self-esteem issues, don’t you find yourself with the same people that have the same feelings about themselves as you do? This is why you start making bad choices and associating with others that reflect that same low self-esteem. But, it doesn’t have to be that way! You can change it by surrounding yourself with people that are uplifting.
Write down the traits that your role models have. They are charismatic, intelligent, driven, or focused. They are fit, healthy and exercise regularly. Note: Be careful about overdoing it since this can be tedious.
You can use tools such as LinkedIn to create an extensive search of people with traits that are of interest to you. Once you do this, you can start to search for individuals with traits that are similar to your own. You’ll find that once you become aware of what you want you can find it in abundance.
6. ASK for What You Want
I learned that I can always get what I want by asking for it.
If you’ve got an opportunity to get closer to your goals, make it happen. Don’t wait for someone to give it to you or it to fall in your lap. When you’re working for your goals, take what is offered and make it happen.
If I get up every day with the intention of working hard, studying hard and becoming successful, nothing can stop me. And if I set the bar as high as I can, I will be successful at everything I set out to do and that is where you should start.
For me, personal development and self-improvement comes from dedication, focus, and persistence. What you put in, you tend to get out. My goal is to help you develop and improve, so you can do what you love more, like me.
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