The Top 10 Smartphone Apps For Entrepreneurs

Since more and more smartphones are being released, an increasing number of apps are being released every day in every possible category. Fortunately for entrepreneurs, there is one particularly popular category of apps for businesses: productivity apps.

Every business owner needs to take advantage of these apps to ensure that they are going to be more organised, and to make sure that they have everything that they need.

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Top 10 Smartphone Apps For Entrepreneurs

I have to disagree with you there, the reality of the matter is that if I want to use these, I need to know what they are and how much I will need to use them.

1. DropBox

DropBox is essential for entrepreneurs looking to store all their files on the go. Rather than having to take a USB or hard drive around with them, the DropBox app allows you to just log in and then download the file that you need.

You may have seen that I use git as a version control system for all my personal files. That’s because it works great this way. It makes it very easy to store your files in different locations, and work on them from wherever you please.

2. Evernote

Evernote is a note taking app that is used for your smartphone, desktop and tablet. Evernote syncs notes across all platforms, letting you easily access, read, edit and add your notes, from anywhere.

Evernote is an app that will give you the opportunity to write down notes whenever you get a blast of inspiration or just need to remember an appointment or ‘to do’ list.

But you can use this without paying for it. It’s free, but you have to be located in the countries that it’s for.

3. HootSuite

HootSuite isn’t one of those simple little software programs. It has all the social networking features necessary, and you won’t waste time trying to figure out which one you’re using.

In addition to being capable of scheduling messages, it also allows you to add a photo or link to the social network, so a message that would normally be one line long can be broken up into several.

You will be able to schedule broadcasts as many days as you like from one dashboard without having to keep copying and pasting onto different websites several times a day.

Also, if you’re not using it or a similar app, you should be! It’s quite cheap to get an ‘Pro’ subscription.

4. Google+

However, there are still many people that use Google+ because they are still confused with how to use it.

You can use this with your clients, businesses, and for social purposes. You can be able to connect with other people on the platform using video or messages.

To start video calling with your customers or clients, go to the **Video Calling** section. For further information, read on.

If you’re doing business online, there’s no better social network than Google+.

If you’re thinking about integrating it into your online marketing strategy, then you’re making a wise investment.

If you’re already using it, then you need to be integrating it more.

5. Mint

Mint is a really great app to track all your expenses. They offer a pretty intuitive design on how you should be able to organize your finances.

As an example, when you buy a mortgage, you set a budget and you can identify goals for the future such as holidaying.

With Mint, you can get a snapshot of all your finances on-hand, from your checking to the different categories of how you spend your money. You can track your spending and see how much money you have coming in and going out. The software will ask you to categorize your goals, and then show you how far off you are to achieving those goals.

6. Free Wi-Fi Finder

Of course it is, the problem is the ‘no-brainer’ mentality is what is crippling us.

To be able to connect with people while travelling, entrepreneurs who are going to be travelling often need their internet connection to be fast and easily accessible.

I’m just glad to see that this app has a rating of 4.5 stars on Google Play, and 4.2 stars on iTunes.
But the best thing about this is the fact it’s completely free.

It is perfect for those who like to write blog posts, or businesses who like to do some work outside the office. This way they know exactly where they can get their hands on free WiFi.

7. Full

This app has been extremely well received. It has already been featured in an article on Mashable about 15 under rated apps that every entrepreneur should start using. It has also been one of the top apps available in the productivity category.

This app helps you track your progress or measure your progress. It lets you set the number of times you want to complete the goal. You can add unlimited goals.

A goal to exercise is also a goal to exercise 15 times in a month.

  An app that tracks your workouts and also lets you know how much you’re progressing towards your goals. It will also provide a little encouragement when the exercise bar gets to the end of a segment, so you can keep going!

8. Lift

‘Lift’ is very similar to ‘Full’, because both are apps that allow users to set goals, analyse and track their progress. Lift is currently the only app in the Apple App Store that allows users to set multiple goals.

“Lift” on the other hand, lets you build your own goals, it lets you see what goals are already out there, and you can set your own goals based on inspiration you found there or what’s in your own interests.

The app is not free in the iTunes store, but you can try the demo free version.

9. CloudMagic

CloudMagic combines your email accounts with popular business tools, such as Evernote. One of these is the top smartphone app for entrepreneurs.

It is best when searching for all your files across all the different tools you’re using.
It has one of the most powerful features out there right now. It’s called “File Preview” and it allows you to see the contents of the file you are working with before saving it.
So, we’re going to start the process of downloading and installing the new “Mail” app from the App Store.
Now we can see inside the PDF file and start saving changes to it. And, once you’re finished with the changes you decide to save the file, you can do so directly from Mail.

10. Audible

At the start of the year, I had no idea what I was doing in terms of self help
and I was looking for a program that would not only allow me to record audio
podcasts that I could put on my website, but that would also allow me to earn money
from these.

Now that you know the basics, I’m sure you’ll be keen to learn more about audiobooks, and to find new ones to listen to. There’s a lot of great information about audiobooks online. For example, you can find a list of the best audiobooks for every age and subject matter.

It’s an excellent way to learn new information, while on the go, in a place that you may otherwise be fairly bored in.

Plus, it’s a company that sells things so it means that you know you’re going to have some really good books.

It’s a great app to keep you up to date with your personal news, and it does all the usual things like checking your mail, sending and receiving text messages, and playing games. You’re able to add your own favorite newspapers and magazines to your home screen and the app will keep you up-to-date with all their content.

I am glad you are interested and that you found this blog, which is all about entrepreneurship. I am not very good in using technology or mobile devices so I can only use my computer for my work.

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