31 Jim Rohn Quotes About Personal Development

He was an entrepreneur; he taught people to become rich.

In 1986, at the age of 29, Rohn received a call from a stranger who said he was a friend of Bob’s and would like a job with the company. He thought that he was being called to give him a job, but instead, Bob Rohn was being hired to work for his company.

When the old man died, Nutri-Bio went out of business, and Rohn entered the world of motivational speaking and his quotes of wisdom became some of the world’s finest. Sadly, Jim passed away in 2009, but we’re fortunate enough to be left with much of his great wisdom.

We are called to become people who influence culture. We are not called to become people who are influenced by culture.

When you develop yourself you’re developing what you do with the power of your character.

Our culture is what we are influenced by; but, our character is who we are.

31 Jim Rohn Quotes

1. The things that are most worth avoiding are those that are most expected
2. If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary
3. The things that are most worth avoiding are those that are most expected
4. If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary
5. You don’t need to do the usual to be successful.

You must know what you are teaching, the subject matter is important, but more than that is your character and attitude.

No one else “makes me angry.” I make myself angry when I surrender control of my attitude.

Learn to be happy within your life. We all desire more. So I advise you to use your time wisely. Use these words to live more and live better.

Effective communication is 80% what you know or what you feel about what you know and 20% how you feel about what you don’t know.

You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. This statement is true because there are five people that you spend the most time with. The average of the four people you spend the most time with is equal to the average of the five people you spend the most time with.

Be prepared! If you want to attract quality people, you must become a quality person by having quality yourself.

There are certain decisions that we must make that will bring improvement in our life.

If you want your life to be more positive and prosperous, your best strategy is to help someone else succeed.

The most important things you can do to improve your communication skills are to have a lot of practice and to know the importance of talking to people. In the days when you don’t have an opportunity to practice, then you just have to be smart enough to notice when there are opportunities to talk to people and to be clear when you talk to people.

11th of 31 Jim Rohn Quotes

If you want to change something, first you must change yourself to make it happen. You are not a tree, you are a human being.

Most people are not willing to invest their time, energy, and resources to be better. You must be willing to invest your time, energy, and resources to be better.

In order for someone to spend each day wisely, they should know when an ordinary day has been spent and when it has been earned.

I can’t keep up with the profits, I just keep doing what I’m doing, and I’ll pay you when I can.

A special gift to you is that your attention needs to be focused on you and the things in your life that are important. It is a precious, rare gift.

10) 10. You are a creator of your reality.

The key to motivation is motivation itself. By putting yourself in the right mindset and then taking action you can achieve your goals.

This quote says many things. One of them is to never wish that things are easier. When we wish that things are easier, we’re wishing for a situation that doesn’t exist. It’s like wishing for a car with no brakes. If you want to be happy. Do not wish for things to be easier. Just do them.

The challenge of leadership is not to be strong, but kind, friendly, helpful. Be strong in mind, body and strength to be kind. Be bold with strong character, but without the bully. Be thoughtful, but not lazy. Be humble, but without the timid. Be proud, but not arrogant. Have humor, but without foolishness.

Goals are the reason we even start on the path of leadership, discipline is the “road” or “bridge” that leads us there, and it is a constant process that we should work on as we follow our goals.

Learning is the beginning of wealth. It is the beginning of health. Learning is the beginning of spirituality. Searching and learning is where the miracle process all begins.

3. I am going to continue learning and applying what I see and hear around me to make more money.

21st of 31 Jim Rohn Quotes

If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.

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