Top 20 Best Personal Development Authors Of All Time

I was looking for the most recommended personal development authors, but I didn’t know where I should start.

… because you can use the US visa waiver program.

This is a list of authors that I’ve found to be some of the very best authors to take a look at and to get your self-help book purchasing started.

Top 20 Best Personal Development Authors

There are a lot of different reasons to read, but the best ones are people who changed the world, people who can make you laugh, and writers who change the way you think and who tell unforgettable stories.

1. Jack Canfield

Jack Canfield has been an entrepreneur, counselor, author, and author of the Chicken soup for the soul series of books.

Since 2012, the company has published over 300 books, with a major focus on books about education and leadership.

2. Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill wrote ‘Think & Grow Rich’ in 1937 and it has been translated into 40 languages. It made Hill a multi-millionaire and made him a global celebrity.

This book is a great guide to learning how to get the riches you desire in life (from a millionaire). There’s a wealth of valuable information within this book, that’ll always be remembered.

3. Dale Carnegie

He created a book called “How to Win Friends and Influence People” which is all about how to be more influential in life especially with others, especially people in authority.

‘How to Win Friends and Influence People’ and ‘How to Stop Worrying and Start Living’ were both very famous books.

4. Robert B. Cialdini

You may have heard of Cialdini’s work as the author of “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion”. The best-sellers list for this book is long, and the psychology community is just now discovering how important these books really are when it comes to understanding human behavior and the way people think. You can find these books in your local bookstore or on Amazon.

5. Tim Ferriss

Four best sellers that changed the lives of millions. I love the Tim Ferriss books. In order of readability, The 4-Hour Workweek, The Four-Hour Body, Tools of Titans, and Tools of Titans 2.

1. The Story of the World
2. An Introduction to Probability, Statistics, and the Theory of Graphs
3. A First Course in Probability
4. Statistics
[Source]: The Story of the World (first edition) is not available on

6. Dr. Wayne Dyer

Sadly, Wayne Dyer passed away several years ago. He was an American philosopher, self-help author and motivational speaker. Dyer wrote over 40 books in the field of personal development, and they have sold in tens of millions. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1986. I am going to miss my friend here today.

7. John C. Maxwell

John Maxwell is a leader that trains other people to become wise and wonderful leaders. People like him are rare and should be followed.

He has written thousands of different books and these are some the most popular ones.

8. Tony Robbins

Tony Robbins has helped millions of people to transform their lives and the way they live. There is so much wisdom we can all learn from listening to Tony’s speeches and reading his content.

9. Paulo Coelho

The Alchemist is a book that tells us how Coelho was lost and how he eventually found out he is the son of God. It is also a story about the power of dreams and how this can influence our lives.

The Alchemist is a book you should read if you’re an ambitious individual trying to pursue your dreams and overcome any obstacles in your way and learn from your mistakes.

10. Deepak Chopra

Dr. Chopra is a well-known author, lecturer, and a prominent figure in the New Age movement.

11. Peter F. Drucker

He was a management consultant, author and teacher. He developed many theories to guide business organizations and business people. He also founded the Peter Drucker Foundation which seeks to promote good social and environmental practices.

You probably think that I’m talking about Mark Zuckerberg, but I’m not.

12. Martha Beck

Martha Nibley Beck was born in San Francisco, California and she received her masters degree in sociology from U.C. Berkeley.

 A Little Night Music, A Breathless Epilogue, and A Breathless Engagement.

13. Stephen R. Covey

I was looking for a book with which to enhance the management skills of my teams and found the book to be a great read. The ‘7 Habits of Highly Effective People’ changed my career as I learned more and more about leadership.

Covey was a great educator, speaker and author. He sadly passed away five years ago but his work has lived on to be some of the best reading material anybody could ever purchase.

14. Brian Tracy

With a passion for helping others become successful, Brian Tracy is one of the world’s most experienced self-development authors, motivational speakers, and business consultants. He shares his knowledge in more than 70 books that have been translated into dozens of languages.

The Bible, The Prince, and The Art of Power.

15. Les Brown

Because of his intellectual disability Les was unable to learn, and he was put in an institution at the age of five. However, he was able to communicate with others through sign language and by creating songs, and became a popular performer.

He has written many books on how you can live your dreams and achieve any goal you set for yourself.

16. Jim Rohn

Jim Rohn was once an insurance underwriter for the company American Home Assurance. He began to speak against the company, saying his job wasn’t to make the company big, but to make the employees and customers happy.

The highest paid people are those who are ready to sacrifice everything and still cannot find success.
How to get out of debt: live within your means and do not borrow from others.

17. Gary Keller

He has been the author of many books on business and other topics, including The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results.

Keller is famous for stating that we’re all about to die, we’re all on a journey, and that 99% of our time is lost in the past or wasted on things that never happened. And that most of what we have is unimportant.

18. Gabrielle Bernstein

The Course In Miracles teaches that one’s actions are expressions of their thinking.

She teaches that to change our thinking, we need to change our actions.

She teaches that we can not change our thinking, without first changing our behaviors.

19. Brendan Burchard

This is a guy from New York with an interesting take on digital marketing, but I didn’t find anything particularly compelling about his site or his writing.

Self-Esteem: How to Reclaim Your Identity, Achieve Real Success and Find Happiness.
Self-Discovery: Discover Your Passions, Strengths, and Purpose in Life.
Your Emotional Guide.
Living as an Adult: How to Win at Life.

20. Joel Osteen

Joel is the Senior Pastor of Lakewood church that is in Houston, Texas. Joel has a weekly television show that is seen by over seven million viewers weekly and over 20 million viewers on a monthly basis through television and the internet.

The Grapes of Wrath, Native Son, The Naked and the Dead, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Catch-22, Atlas Shrugged, and Animal Farm.


This concludes all time greatest personal developers, personal development authors, personal development books, personal development books of all time, personal development books of the future, personal development books of the people who make up our culture, greatest personal development authors of all time.

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