What is Considered Wealthy in the US: 20 Interesting Facts and Figures

Wealth is a topic that intrigues many people, yet it can be difficult to define. What one person considers wealthy may not be the same for someone else. In the US, wealthy is generally associated with high income and net worth. But how much is enough? In this blog post, we explore what is considered wealthy in the US by examining income and net worth thresholds. We also dive into 20 interesting facts and figures about wealth in the US.

20 Interesting Things About Wealth in the US

  1. High earners: In the US, those who earn an annual income of $500,000 or more are considered high earners. This group represents about 1% of the population.
  2. Millionaires: A millionaire is someone who has a net worth of $1 million or more, excluding the value of their primary residence. In the US, there are over 20 million millionaires, representing about 8% of the adult population.
  3. Top 10% earners: The top 10% earners in the US make an average salary of $120,000 or more per year.
  4. Ultra-high net worth individuals: Those with a net worth of $30 million or more are considered ultra-high net worth individuals (UHNWIs). In the US, there are over 90,000 UHNWIs, representing about 0.03% of the population.
  5. Wealth inequality: The top 1% of US households hold about 15 times more wealth than the bottom 50% combined.
  6. Gender wealth gap: Women in the US hold just 32 cents of wealth for every dollar held by men.
  7. Racial wealth gap: The median net worth for White households in the US is $171,000, while for Black households it is just $17,150.
  8. Education and wealth: Those with a college degree earn 66% more than those with just a high school diploma.
  9. Young millionaires: In the US, there are over 618,000 millionaires under the age of 40.
  10. Self-made millionaires: Nearly two-thirds of US millionaires are self-made.
  11. Billionaires: There are over 700 billionaires in the US, with a combined net worth of over $4 trillion.
  12. The Forbes 400: The 400 wealthiest Americans have a combined net worth of $3.2 trillion.
  13. Wealth and politics: The top 1% of campaign donors in the US contributed over $1 billion to political campaigns in the 2018 election cycle.
  14. Philanthropy: In 2019, US charitable giving reached a record high of $449.64 billion.
  15. Luxury spending: The luxury goods market in the US is valued at over $84 billion.
  16. Wealth management: The global wealth management industry is expected to grow to $121.2 trillion by 2025.
  17. US billionaires’ wealth during the pandemic: US billionaires’ wealth has increased by over $1 trillion since the start of the pandemic.
  18. Retirement savings: The median retirement savings for Americans aged 32-61 is just $25,000.
  19. Financial literacy: Only 17 states in the US require high school students to take a personal finance course.
  20. The American Dream: Despite the challenges of achieving wealth in the US, a survey found that 63% of Americans still believe in the American Dream.

More on Net Worth Wealth

Net worth is calculated by subtracting all debts and liabilities from all assets that you own outright or jointly with others. Assets include cash, real estate, investment accounts, vehicles, and any personal property. On the other hand, liabilities consist of mortgage payments, outstanding credit card debts, student loans, and any other financial obligations you may have. Your net worth can broadly be categorized as poor, middle class, upper class, wealthy, and ultra-wealthy.

Poor: A person with negative net worth, meaning their liabilities are more significant than their assets, is considered poor. Unfortunately, many Americans live below the poverty line, with low net worth and little to no resources to progress financially.

Middle Class: A person with a net worth of $50,000 to $499,999 is typically considered middle class. This category applies to individuals who may be homeowners, have some investments, and have a stable income.

Upper Class: People who fall within the upper class usually possess a net worth between $500,000 to $1,999,999. They have considerable assets, including investment portfolios, stocks, and real estate, and earn an impressive income. They can afford luxury items and high-end services.

Wealthy: This category includes individuals with a net worth of $2 million to $4,999,999. These individuals are known to have a significant amount of wealth, which is why they live a luxurious lifestyle and can afford all types of high-end experiences.

Very High Net Worth: These are people who have between $5 million and $29,999,999. People in this category of wealth have the freedom, within reason, to live a lavish lifestyle and to invest in things most others cannot.

Ultra-Wealthy: Ultra-wealthy individuals have a net worth of $30 million and above. They are considered the most affluent individuals in society, and they have various sources of wealth such as businesses, stocks, real estate, and much more.


Wealth is a complex and multifaceted topic, and what is considered wealthy varies from person to person. However, by examining income and net worth thresholds, we can gain a better understanding of wealth in the US. The facts and figures presented in this blog post offer a fascinating glimpse into the world of wealth, from high earners and millionaires to billionaires and philanthropy. While it’s clear that wealth inequality is a significant issue, it’s also worth noting that the US continues to be a land of opportunity, where the American Dream is still alive for many.

Determining your net worth is an essential step towards financial freedom. Net worth is a crucial calculation that measures the wealth you have accumulated over time, including assets and liabilities. Understanding different levels of wealth can help you set realistic financial goals to improve your net worth. You can get started by tracking your expenses, building an emergency fund, and seeking professional financial advice. Remember that wealth is not only about the amount of money you have but also how you manage it. Set your financial goals, be consistent, and be patient as you work towards a brighter and financially secure future! And avoid the things that can keep you from achieving some degree of financial freedom.

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