Guide to Choose Professional Tax Relief Consultants

Tax relief consultants or service providers are persons or institutions that help you reduce or avoid liability. These professionals help you optimize your deductions, use credits you are qualified for, rectify errors in calculation, etc. They also solve IRS notice issues and penalty concerns and tackle existing or prospective liabilities.

They help you handle taxing concerns for income, property, sales, estate, gifts, etc. They allow you to take advantage of relief schemes, such as tax relief, that will help provide deductions on property taxes on individuals and businesses in selected regions. The state government monitors and operates this scheme to support individuals and businesses in economically weakened areas.   

One must choose their tax relief consultant carefully, as it is your most significant support in handling IRS concerns. However, vice versa can also happen if you need the right one. So, be cautious while selecting one for yourself; here are tips that can help you.

Services to Look For

Tax Settlement Service

It is an arrangement between the IRS and a person to repay the debt for less than the current amount. The deal is done in smaller payments over a period if the IRS establishes a taxpayer has a financial hardship. A professional agency analyzes the financial situation of an individual or entity to assess his qualification for this option. And, then it puts the individual’s case in front of the IRS for settlement, treating his financial hardship as the reason behind non-payment. 

Handling ‘CNC’ Status

There is a provision with the IRS that allows a person to stay safe from the aggressive collection process. This status is known as ‘Currency Not Collectible’ in the IRS records; however, achieving it requires a detailed strategy. Your tax relief consultant can provide valid proof to the IRS on your behalf to list your account as uncollectible.

Innocent Spouse Tax Relief

When the spouses file a joint tax return, sometimes, due to errors, liabilities arise after the audit. It may happen that a spouse is not aware of the error or discrepancy or the hidden amount. A professional service can help you qualify for innocent spouse relief and avoid troubles. 

Penalty Abatements

When taxpayers fail to file or pay taxes on time, the IRS imposes multiple penalties on them. However, there is a process through which you can get a waiver on some or all of your liabilities. After careful analysis of your qualification, a consultant can guide you to raise a request for the release. Then, the IRS will analyze your application and assess if there was any fair reason for the delay. Based on this, it will give the final verdict about your penalty amount according to the laws in the state.  


Choose professional support that has handled numerous past tax-related issues of several customers. Do online research to sort out consultants with years of experience. In-person queries and feedback are the next steps. Visit the shortlisted ones to confirm your findings about the consultant; go through the services and supports they provide. Look for a consultant who deals with all concerns, and rebate schemes like anchor tax relief, federal deductions, etc. 


A person has to pay some fees to a consultant for the service, but it should be reasonable. After undergoing your concern attentively, consultants often charge resolution fees for solving your problem. It might be in installments or one-time, depending on the resolution you get, but it should be justifiable. 


The tax relief consultants are professional and understand these matters deeply, so connect to them for issues you can’t understand. Their service might include lawyers, enrolled agents, CPAs, certified tax preparers, etc. Along with the visible benefits discussed above, they help you understand the taxation structure, which further benefits you.

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