Is Yogurt A Liquid? Read To Find Out

Dairy products are a crucial part of the recommended daily dietary intake. However, you have to choose them according to their level of fat and health benefits. You also can’t talk of dairy products with health benefits without mentioning yogurt.

Yogurts are fermented milk products. But even though you make them from milk, it can be hard to tell if they are liquid or not. The question usually arises because of the varying consistencies of yogurt available in a grocery store.

This post will explain all you need to know about yogurt. You’ll also understand if it’s a liquid.

So, is yogurt a liquid?

Yogurt can be liquid. And as such, it assumes the container’s form. It’s also firm sometimes, and thus appears as a solid. In general, yogurt is a colloid since it traps liquid within the solid. 

Yogurt is gotten when bacteria ferments milk. It starts as fresh milk before active bacteria known as yogurt culture or probiotics acts to ferment it. The culture produces lactic acid from the sugar that’s in the milk (lactose).

Yogurts generally consist of cow milk. However, you can make them using milk from sheep, goats, and even plants.

Some yogurt products are pasteurized (heat-treated) and lose the active bacteria. Unfortunately, that also minimizes their health benefits. So, it’s best to stick to plain yogurt because of its numerous health benefits and fewer added sugars.

Furthermore, some yogurt types usually have a yellowish liquid on top known as whey. It contains low fat, probiotics, and calcium, like yogurt. So, stir it back into the yogurt.

Types Of Yogurt

Whole milk yogurt:

It’s a type of plain yogurt and sometimes contains a layer of cream on top. In every 8-ounce serving, it consists of about 7 grams of milk fat.

Low-fat yogurt:

It contains a low amount of fat. It can consist of two to five grams of milk fat per cup or an 8-ounce serving of yogurt.

Non-fat yogurt:

You can use it in place of sour cream because it has less than 0.5% milkfat in an 8-ounce serving.


It’s a drinkable yogurt because it has a much thinner consistency. It comprises yeast, bacteria, and milk proteins. So, it doesn’t have a thick consistency. It contains a lot of fat and different probiotics. Also, it may consist of added sweeteners like corn syrup.

Greek yogurt:

It’s typically strained yogurt without whey and has a thick texture. It contains much protein but less carbohydrate than traditional yogurt. Also, it contains higher fat than regular yogurt.

Skyr or Icelandic yogurt:

It’s strained more times than Greek yogurt and is thicker. It also has high protein but low fat and sugar.

Non-dairy yogurt:

It consists of fermented plant milk. Also, it’s the best type of yogurt for lactose-intolerant people. It’s also a vegan option. Some non-dairy yogurt includes almond, soy, and coconut yogurts.

Almond yogurt is a non-dairy yogurt that you can make from almond milk. It has a thin consistency and high fiber. It also has a sweet flavor and low calories.

Soy yogurt is thin like other non-dairy yogurts. However, it can be unflavored, so you may have to add honey or fruit to improve its flavor. Also, it’s low in calories and helps to avoid too much sugar intake.

Coconut yogurt also has a thin consistency and a sour taste. So you may have to put in some additives to make it palatable.

Health Benefits Of Yogurts

Improve digestion:

Yogurt contains active bacteria that can help digestion. It also helps gut and gastrointestinal actions. The probiotics in yogurt aids relieve constipation, bloating, diarrhea and improve bowel movements.

However, pasteurized yogurt can’t do this work, as all the active bacteria are dead.

Boost immune system:

Taking yogurt often can boost your immune system. It also reduces the chances of getting sick. Also, it encourages proper absorption of nutrients during digestion which makes nutrients available for the immune system.

Prevent vaginal infections:

Yogurt lowers the PH level of the vagina and prevents infections. It also helps to stop the effects of candida and yeast infections.

Discourage osteoporosis:

It helps prevent osteoporosis, a bone disease that occurs due to a lack of calcium and vitamin D. Since yogurt is a source of vitamin D and calcium, it guarantees bone health. A healthy bone discourages osteoporosis.

Reduce high blood pressure:

Low-fat yogurt reduces heart diseases and high blood pressure. It also improves heart health. Also, it reduces the level of cholesterol that contributes to heart diseases.

Faster exercise recovery:

When you exercise a lot, yogurt can be a great snack to revitalize your body. Its carbohydrate and protein balance can help increase glycogen in muscle cells and build them up. That will make workout recovery a lot faster.

Effective when taking antibiotics:

When you’re taking antibiotics, yogurt can reverse its side effect. It’s so because antibiotics kill both good and bad bacteria in the body. But when you take yogurt, it will bring back good bacteria where they should be.

Improve weight management:

It’s able to aid weight management due to the presence of protein. Proteins help you feel full so that you won’t overeat. Also, it increases the calories your body burns each day. That way, you can easily manage your weight and reduce belly fat.


It contains many nutrients like riboflavin, vitamin B6 and B12, potassium, calcium, zinc, and magnesium. However, the amount of the nutrient depends on the type of yogurt. Therefore, you can check the nutrition label of the yogurt to be sure of its content.

Repairs and moisturizes hair:

It’s best for moisturizing and hair repairs. It also contains vitamin B5, which is suitable for hair moisturizing and reduces hair loss. Also, you can use it as anti-dandruff due to its antifungal property.

Source of omega-3:

Yogurt from cow milk is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids. It’s a better option to meet omega-3 requirements for vegetarians who don’t eat meat. Omega-3 helps to prevent cancers, reduce weight and inflammation.

Improve complexion:

You can use natural yogurt for your face mask to enhance your complexion. It hydrates your face if it’s dry or normal by using it once a week. It also stops wrinkles and serves as an exfoliating agent because of the presence of lactic acid.

Yogurt can also treat acne and skin rashes because it contains zinc and lactic acid. Also, it can soothe sunburn and remove blemishes.

Can Yogurt Be Bad?

Even though yogurt has many health benefits, it can become bad for you for several reasons.

  • Some yogurt products can contain sugar, artificial sweeteners, and ingredients that have no health benefits. Taking lots of sugar and sweeteners from yogurts can lead to weight gain and adverse health effects.
  • Pasteurized and heated-treated products have no health or nutritional value.
  • It’s best to eat yogurt in moderation, as excess intake may lead to allergies in some people.
  • If you prefer homemade yogurt, ensure you sterilize the container you’re using for the preparation. Also, scald the milk; else, you may add other harmful bacteria into the culture.

Tips For Buying Yogurt

Choose the type of yogurt:

When buying yogurt from a grocery store, choose the type of yogurt that’s best for you. Decide if you want a low-fat, no-fat or regular fat one. Also, ensure you check for its sugar content on the label.

Decide if you want sweetener: 

Most yogurts with thin textures contain artificial sweeteners. So, if you are sensitive to their tastes, avoid such yogurts. But if you don’t mind the extra calories, then you can choose from lots of options. Examples are acesulfame potassium, aspartame, and neotame.

Check for probiotics and active bacteria:

Check the label to be sure your yogurt contains active bacteria. You may see an inscription on the container that states there are live and active cultures in the yogurt. Also, you’ll know the type of active bacteria in it.

Some active bacteria include S. Thermophilus, L. Bulgaricus, Bifidobacterium, and Lactobacillus.

Check for vitamin D:

It’s best if your yogurt also contains vitamin D. That way, you can reach your daily requirement for vitamin D.

Check for calcium:

Choose yogurt options that contain calcium. It should have at least 30% of your daily calcium requirement.

Don’t substitute yogurt for fruit:

Don’t replace fruit with yogurt, even if the yogurt contains fruit. Yogurts can only consist of small quantities of fruit. It may also be fruit juice concentrate that is in the yogurt.

Avoid heat-treated yogurt:

Yogurts that are heat-treated undergo pasteurization. It reduces the health benefits of the yogurt and kills the probiotics and active cultures. Pasteurization increases the shelf-life of yogurts but destroys their health and nutritional value.


Yogurt is a colloid, which means it traps liquid within the solid. When it can no longer hold the liquid part, it remains on top of the mixture. That explains why there’s liquid (whey) on top of yogurt bought from a grocery store.

Now that you know that yogurt is full of many beneficial nutrients, you should choose the proper type. So the next time you buy yogurt, check the label before you decide on it.

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