Tips On How To Use Liquid Albuterol Without Nebulizer

Albuterol is also called salbutamol. The medicine is used to treat wheezing and shortness of breath caused by breathing issues such as asthma. In addition, this medicine works as a quick relief for people with respiratory issues.

Albuterol works by relaxing the muscles around the airways to allow them to open up and so that you can breathe more easily. As a result, you can reduce the time you lose from work or school by controlling the symptoms of breathing issues.

You cannot swallow albuterol liquid. So instead, use it with a nebulizer. But what happens when you have lost your nebulizer, and you need to use your medicine? Is there an alternative to a nebulizer?

This article will guide you on all you need to know about using Albuterol without nebulizers, using Albuterol with nebulizer alternatives, and using it with a nebulizer. 

How To Use liquid Albuterol Without Nebulizers 

While Albuterol is usually used with a nebulizer, all hope is not lost if you don’t have a nebulizer. You can use your medicine with an inhaler.

Using Albuterol with an inhaler:

If you need to use Albuterol with a nebulizer, try a hand-held, metered-dose inhaler. Inhalers are designed to send a specific dose of aerosolized medicine to the user’s lungs.

These devices come with a bronchodilator, a corticosteroid, or both. Not all inhalers need a chemical propellant to push out the medicine. Therefore, the use of inhalers varies between emergency relief and daily use.

What Is The Difference Between Nebulizer And Inhaler?

Inhalers and nebulizers are used to get asthma medicine into your lungs. Your doctor will provide or tell you which one is best for you. How are these two devices different, and which one is best for you?

Nebulizers are either battery-powered or electric-powered. These machines turn liquid asthma medicine into a fine mist that comes out through a tube attached to a facemask or a mouthpiece

These devices are very easy to use because you don’t have to do much. All you have to do is place the mouthpiece in your mouth or place the facemask over your nose and mouth and then breathe in your medicine. 

One downside of a nebulizer is that it takes 5 to 10 minutes to get the medicine into your lungs. They can also be big and too noisy. The device is not very easy to carry around. 

On the other hand, inhalers are small and easy to carry around. So you can put them in your backpack, pocket, or purse. These devices come in two different types. 

Metered-dose inhalers:

These are the most common types of inhalers. They work like little aerosol cans to release a spray of the medication. Metered-dose inhalers are best used with a spacer.

Dry powder inhalers:

These inhalers are designed to deliver medicine in powder form, but they don’t spray out, unlike metered-dose inhalers. The user will have to do more work by inhaling the powder quickly and deeply.

How To Use A Nebulizer

You have COPD, asthma, or another lung problem, and your physician has prescribed the medicine you will need to take with a nebulizer. First, you sit with the nebulizer and then breathe through a mouthpiece. 

The medicine travels into your lungs as you slowly breathe deeply for 5 to 10 minutes or more. You find out that taking your medicine into your lungs is easy and pleasant this way.

If you are using an asthma medicine, you can use an inhaler instead of a nebulizer. An inhaler can be used in place of a nebulizer. However, a nebulizer can deliver medicine more effortlessly than an inhaler.

Your healthcare provider will decide if you need a nebulizer or an inhaler for your medicine. Their choice of device will probably be based on which one you find easier to use and what type of medicine you are taking. 

We mentioned earlier that most nebulizers are small, which makes them easy to carry around. They also work with air compressors. Ultrasonic nebulizers make use of sound vibrations. It makes less noise but costs more.

Always make sure you keep your nebulizer clean to allow it to work properly. Of course, it would be best if you also used it according to your physician or the manufacturer’s instructions.

Follow these steps to set up and use your device;

  • Wash your hands thoroughly
  • Take your nebulizer and connect its hose to an air compressor.
  • Take your medicine cup and fill it with your prescription. First, close the cup tightly to avoid spills, and then hold the mouthpiece straight.
  • Now, attach the mouthpiece and the hose to the cup.
  • Put the mouthpiece in your mouth and make sure your lips are firm around it to allow all the medicine to go into your lungs.
  • You will have to breathe through the mouth until you have used all the medicine. This process will take 10 to 15 minutes. You may have to deploy a nose clip to help you breathe only through your mouth. 
  • Kids usually do better with masks on.
  • Turn off your device when you are done.
  • Rinse your medicine cup and mouthpiece with water and leave it to air dry. Keep in a dry place until your next treatment.

How To Use An Inhaler

To use Albuterol with an inhaler, follow the easy steps below.

  • Check the end of the mouthpiece for the dust cap and remove it. Unfortunately, the manufacturer may not put the dust cap on the mouthpiece, which means you have to check the mouthpiece for dust.
  • Make sure you fully and firmly insert the canister of the inhaler into the mouthpiece.
  • You will need to prime your inhaler if you are using it for the first time or haven’t used it for over two weeks. 
  • If the inhaler has been dropped, you also need to prime it. Ask your health care provider or read the manufacturer’s manual if this happens.
  • If you want to prime the device, shake it well and press the canister four times to release four sprays into the air. Again, keep your eyes away, so you don’t get the content in your eyes.
  • Shake properly.
  • Breathe out through your mouth.
  • Now, hold the canister with the mouthpiece at the base. Let it face you, and let the canister point upward. 
  • Locate the open end of the mouthpiece I=and place it into your mouth.
  • Put your lips firmly around the mouthpiece.
  • Now, take slow and deep breaths through the mouthpiece and press down on the container as you breathe to spray your medicine into your mouth.
  • Hold your breath for about 10 seconds. Now, remove the device and slowly breathe out.
  • If your physician told you to use two puffs, wait for a minute and repeat steps 3-7.
  • Put the protective cap back on your device.
  • Make sure you clean your device. You can follow the manual or ask your physicians to tell you the best way to clean it.

How Do I Maintain And Clean My Nebulizer?

Talk to your health care provider. They will show you how to clean and maintain your device. Then, you can follow the tips below.

  • Wash your hands and find a clean surface.
  • Disconnect the device and wash every part thoroughly with warm water and soap.
  • After washing, allow them to air dry.
  • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to disinfect your nebulizer.

You will need to replace some pieces of your device between three to five times every year. Check the devices’ manual for how and how often you should do this. Do not share your nebulizer or inhaler with another person.

Make sure you follow your physician or the manual’s instructions for cleaning, replacement, and disinfecting. For example, your nebulizer or inhaler can become contaminated by bacteria if you don’t take care of it. Bacteria can lead to an infection.

Do I Need A Nebulizer Without A Prescription?

Generally, a nebulizer and the medication you use it for require a prescription from a physician or any other healthcare provider. You can get a nebulizer online without a prescription, but you need a doctor for the medicine.

Some medicines also require a specific type of nebulizer, which means you have to double-check with your physician before you buy the device. Below are several types of medication that you need to use with a nebulizer or inhaler.

Several types of medication one can use with a nebulizer exist. Let’s go through them below. 


Bronchodilators help the user open their airways and make it easier for them to breathe. Health care providers often prescribe this medicine to people with COPD, asthma, or other respiratory disorders.


You can use a nebulizer to deliver some types of antibiotics into your lungs or respiratory tract. 

Sterile saline solution:

You can also use the device to deliver sterile saline to open up the airways and thin secretions. The purpose is to loosen and make coughing up mucus in your lungs easier.

What’s The Right Dosage For Liquid Albuterol?

Webmd says that you should take your medicine as directed by your physician, usually three or four times daily. Your medical condition, including how you respond to treatment, determines your dosage.

Can You Drink Liquid Albuterol?

You can only use Albuterol through a nebulizer or an inhaler. Do not drink or inject the medicine.

Do I Need To Refrigerate My Liquid Albuterol?

No. You do not need to freeze or refrigerate your liquid Albuterol. Check the instructions for the best way to store your medicine or ask your physician. Do not keep your medicine in the bathroom.


This article explains how to use liquid albuterol without nebulizer. We hope you now understand how to use it properly. You’ll also find a detailed explanation of the use of inhalers and nebulizers in this post. 

There’s a difference between a nebulizer and an inhaler. You’ll also learn about that in this post. So, if you’re seeking knowledge on how to use liquid albuterol without a nebulizer, this post is for you.

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