How to Apply for USPS Jobs

For short, the United States Postal Service or USPS is known by other names such as Post Office or U.S. Mail. It is an independent agency within the Executive Branch of the United States government. USPS is distinctly known as one of the federal agencies sanctioned or authorised by the U.S. government. The USPS agency allows for interstate travel, authorised by The Postal Clause.

USPS has been in existence for years. Over time, many of its employees have enjoyed many benefits that come with an office job and employment, such as; competitive salaries, insurance for both life and health, paid leave, and pension or retirement plans. This is no wonder many people seek jobs with the postal service. 

There are several positions post office workers can apply to. This is, both in the office and in the field, some see that the delivery of mails to businesses and individuals is done successfully. If you apply for a job, you are likely to fill for any of these positions; delivery, sorting and handling, sales and service, or a driver’s role.

When seeking jobs, especially postal ones, many people need answers on how to successfully go through the process of finding, applying and securing a job with the post office. There are many career opportunities in the States, and this article provides insight on how to apply and get access to an office job with the postal agency. Here are the steps on how to apply:

Create a USPS Account

This is the first step, and it is critical to the process. You need an account with your recent or updated personal information filled so they can contact you if, at any point, the recruitment team is interested in your application for a position. Asides from that, you need an account because all post office jobs go through the USPS, and your application to any position will have to go through their website. 

To create an account and profile login, you’ll have to go to the USPS careers page, where you will be required to fill in your name, both first and last, as well as your username and password for the account. The password must be 15 characters long with at least one character in caps lock and one number, and lastly, the first three characters should not be the same. This will provide a strong password to prevent hackers from gaining access.

Browse and Research Open Positions

After the first step is completed, you will need to search for the jobs on your internet explorer. Thankfully, all of these are on the website and are opportunities to work. All you need is to search using Keywords that help sieve out options based on the location, functional area etc. Many of the job postings are usually for Delivery and Customer Service, Mail Carriers or Postal service clerks for the post office. With intent, you should be able to find a role of your preference. To be sure, check the job descriptions, and Once this is done, click on the Apply profile.

Apply to Positions You’re Interested in

You must get a resume template according to the position you’re applying for. A resume maker can help you create a professional-looking resume as per your requirements. While using a resume builder, you can quickly amend any template and resonate it with your work history to capture the attention of hiring managers.

After clicking “Apply,” you can then start the actual application process where you input your resume and fill out a form for the job with your information. This step is crucial because it ultimately decides whether the recruitment team will be interested in calling you for an interview. 

It is important that your resume is up to date and is tailored to the role or job you are applying for. However, it is also important to evaluate the company’s core values and see that they align with yours.

Highlight your achievements and shed more light on your qualifications in the space that says “summary of accomplishments”. Everything in this step will show your skills, why you are the right candidate for the job, and why they should consider hiring you.

Take and Pass the Exams

When your application is sent, you will need to take an exam, which is usually for most positions. If you apply for any of these roles; processors, handlers, sales/ customer service, then you will write the Postal Exam 473. It is required that you pass this exam with a score greater than 70. Passing the exams does not guarantee that you will get the job, but it gives you a shot at the job opportunities. 

To pass this exam, you’ll need a few tips to guide you. Like Jay Willis, a writer at PapersOwl specialising in students employment, said, “using a study guide or any other education help to prepare for the Postal Exam 473 can help you brush up on the various tasks that you’ll need to know when taking the exam. Other helpful tips are: prepare ahead of time, rest well before the exam, practice before the test, and breathe if you’re nervous.”

Interview for the Postal Jobs you Applied For

If all the above steps are done, and you get called for an interview, then that’s a good one because you’d be just one step closer to your dream job. It is important that when you’re called, you prepare adequately. Many people get nervous over interviews, but the key is in the preparation because a little lack of confidence can jeopardize your interview. One thing to do is show up in time. Late coming automatically creates a wrong impression for you and may influence the hiring decision.

Generally, your interviewers will be looking out for a few things as they assess you for the job or position at the post office. These are; your communication skills, values and work ethic, ability to work in a team, and dependability and cooperation. 


The USPS application is easy, but to qualify and gain employment, you have to meet certain requirements and run a background check. One of them is age, certain physical requirements that must be met, you have to write the exams, have no criminal background, have a driving record that shows safe driving. All applicants must pass a drug test as well as have a high school diploma.

The broken-down steps above are all united and should guide you through the application process, and this should be enjoyable, especially if it is a passion of yours. The USPS is an excellent place to work, and if you get in, you should have a delightful experience. 

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