50 Greatest Dan Rather Quotes Of All Time

I don’t know. I thought some of the questions he asked during the interviews were pretty interesting.

Dan Rather was famous for his work and career as a news anchor. He is best known for his position as a network news anchor for the huge American news media program, the ‘CBS Evening News’ which he held for notably over more than two decades.

Rather, was also well-known for being one of the ‘Big Three’ leaders of the most respected news anchors in the U.S.. along with ‘Peter Jennings’ and ‘Tom Brokaw’.

> He [Mr. Murdoch] has demonstrated very clearly that he is prepared to do anything he can to defeat the election of Barack Obama.

> My name is Dan Rather and I am a journalist.

> I have just returned from a meeting with the president where he has announced that he will not seek reelection. We had a very frank and honest discussion. I think we both reached the conclusion that he will not be running for office again.

50 Greatest Dan Rather Quotes of All Time

This article was published on March 7th, 2015 on the New York Times website. When I first heard the story about Dan Rather’s mother and father, I thought this was a heartwarming story of his childhood. I was wrong.

Don’t eat spinach or other leafy greens when you have to go on the air.

I’m not saying the press should be independent, it should have ethics. I’m saying the press should be free and truly independent. Anything else is just noise.

“An intellectual snob is someone who can listen to The Lone Ranger and not think of The Lone Ranger.”


Some of the suggestions in the question seem to suggest that the answer is to use the first person plural. I have some doubts about this, as I think that a few of the examples used in the question seem to be more a problem with the second person singular.

It’s the height of insanity to say that most of Russia thinks like the West despite being in a totalitarian country.

I believe this is a common American trait – we’re willing to put up with all kinds of crap as long as it doesn’t effect the quality of life.

Even at the risk of some bad health I want to be reporting somewhere as long as I have my health.

The press is an important part of society. It’s good because it keeps the people informed and keeps the public aware, while it’s bad when it becomes an opinionated bunch of people who refuse to accept facts. It’s dangerous when it becomes the ‘attack dog’ and starts attacking those who don’t follow its rules.

When large groups of people follow false ideas, they tend to become very dogmatic.

10th of 50 Dan Rather Quotes

The mainstream media is very anti-Trump. You can’t trust them. They’re trying to get him out.

According to the Wall Street Journal, social media was crucial in the Arab Spring. The internet was the driving force behind the uprising, and it was the first platform where the revolution was communicated to the people. The people used the internet to communicate and organize. Social media also was the most important tool in the movement.

Dan Rather said that he will not back down from the Republicans even if they create more pressure.

Those market researchers… are playing games with you and me and with this entire country. They’re using deceptive methods to deceive you and me and to deceive this entire country.

I’ve loved news since my elementary school days. I’ve loved it because a lot of it is important, there are so many issues in the world, and to be able to have people in the media talk about them is good. To have people willing to bring our problems to light is good.

When you started to do this assignment, you learned about various aspects of the Civil Rights Movement in America. You know about the events that occurred, which groups were involved and the various reasons why civil rights activists fought for equality in the society they lived in.

Courage is a willingness to act when action is required. It is a willingness to stand up for what is right even when it means facing disapproval and even danger. It is the will to try to make a difference even when you are afraid.

The other reporters who called in to cover the story were far from brave. They called in to ask for information, for access. Only Murrow went to Oklahoma to find out what was really happening.

Dan Rather was a television news anchor for CBS News for 22 years. He was at CBS News for over 14 years before leaving in 2003 to start a production company.

20th of 50 Dan Rather Quotes

First of all, polling is useful as a way of measuring public opinion.
I think it’s useful to measure public opinion and to know where you stand.
Then it’s important to check if the numbers are accurate.

I don’t pretend to be an all knowing sage or even a digital learning.

The former CBS News anchor was a guest on Tuesday’s “Late Late Show,” and when he was asked why his network is going after President Donald Trump, rather than focusing on the “real story” of the Russia investigation, Rather said he’s “tried to be fair,” and that his network’s coverage reflects that.

Always marry a woman from Texas, and if the marriage fails, you’re stuck with her.

I am what my record is. Some of it good, some of it bad, some of it hard to tell. I’ve made some mistakes and I regret some of them. But in the grand scheme of things, it’s all a part of the same puzzle that we are trying to accomplish. I am what I am, and I will continue to be whatever I need to be in order to get where I want to be personally and professionally.

Rather was an early adopter of digital news distribution systems and was among the first to use digital video.

I can agree with this. What I say or do will not matter much, nor should it. At the same time, things I say or do will matter to me since they determine my relationship with others. I want to be known and to be known well.

I’m proud to say that I’ve never been anyone’s lapdog.

In the past, I would have told you that we cannot rely on the things that were made in the past to tell us about history. This quote by Dan Rather is so powerful because it puts a responsibility on all of us. When students ask me or teachers, “why should I care about history?” I am always glad when I can show them this quote as a reminder that without our collective memory we would have no history.

You can never predict what challenges will come your way. You also shouldn’t worry about the what ifs. You should focus on getting to the next milestone or accomplishment.

30th of 50 Dan Rather Quotes

The way journalism used to work changed. The way journalists work changed. The fact that journalists do work like crazy changed. And the fact that they are paid less for their work changed. So this is what happened.

I still follow and consider politics. I enjoy recommending important journalism I read or see from sources other than Dan Rather.

Well, I don’t want to debate with people who are trying to preserve the American tradition and the law that no one is above the law, but my definition isn’t the same as Dan Rather’s.

33. And now the sequence of events in no particular order.

I like how he uses “And a” as a noun, and that’s a pretty common trick.

Rather (Daniel Richard) was a reporter for the CBS Evening News and the anchor and managing editor of the CBS Evening News from its inaugural broadcast in 1952 until September 2004. He died on March 17, 2013.

Journalism will never be like what it was. It is what I would call the fourth estate, which is not a democracy, but a representative of democracy.

Dan Rather said that he is still saddened over the Imus comments, but was at peace with the decision to remove him.

UniversityNow is a network of low-cost online colleges. Students can choose a degree online through UniversityNow, and pay a little bit of money for a degree.

People are too scared to go on adventures, so I write, and tell them what they can and can’t do.

People who read this don’t know what to do with data, so they put it into the garbage.

40th of 50 Dan Rather Quotes

The man who helped launch the 24-hour news cycle and was the CBS anchor for more than two decades says he’s more concerned about the state of journalism than any politician.

This is a common assumption with the liberal press, that politicians and the media are always fighting for power. Of course, it’s just as true that both sides play hardball.

My mother’s uncle was a merchant seaman and my father’s father was in the Army. I was born on 5 May 1941, in the U.S. Naval Hospital, Seattle, Washington, and my parents were away when we got married at City Hall in New York on 22 October 1951.

I think some people (including myself) are too hard on Dan. He was a good reporter. He was certainly not as bad as some people seem to think. I don’t think he was trying to screw us over and I don’t think he was an egomaniac or a prima donna. I didn’t love his style either. It was probably more accurate and realistic than anything else that I saw on TV at the time.

You have to learn that not everybody you encounter wants to do you well.

“A certificate of completion is the key to realizing the American dream”, as well as financial sacrifice.

Your paraphrase of Rather’s statement is more plausible, but not particularly grammatical. In my opinion, it reads like a poorly-written statement produced from a script, rather than a paraphrase that was written with great care.

I know you weren’t expecting that, Dan Rather, but the truth is, I was the one who just kicked back in the rocking chair, fished a little bit, listened to Willie Nelson tapes, and watched old baseball games on the Classic Sports network and the truth is, I have done that for maybe about five total minutes.

This much we know: journalism is not a precise science. It’s, on its best day, is a crude art. I make mistakes; you make mistakes. We all make mistakes. With more than fifty years as a journalist, I have at least had the opportunity to blow more stories, make more mistakes than maybe anybody else in television.

Dan Rather said this race is hotter than Times Square.

There is a constant battle between the press and the government. The press tends to cover important news stories, but only if they are relevant, which is why it is important for the press to be independent.

In the beginning, our teacher was Mr. Rather, because he always believed in me and was always ready to push and prod me to the next plateau.


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