42 Vanilla Ice Quotes That Inspire People To Succeed

Vanilla Ice is an American rapper that became famous due to an ice skating performance that was televised on the ‘Superstars’ game show.

The passion and enthusiasm of the music has not only inspired many people, but also affected many by his music.

If you’ve been reading up on the story, you might already know that Vanilla Ice was arrested and charged in 1998 with possession of cocaine and driving with a suspended license.

42 Vanilla Ice Quotes

The best way to approach a new skill or activity is to have the mindset of a pro.
Take on it with the mindset that you can be the best, so you work hard and you don’t settle for anything less than the best.

The original version of the track was released on the “Gangsta’s Paradise” album as “Under Pressure.” The first words of the song were actually sung by the singer but he did not know that the song was being called “Under Pressure.” He originally believed that the song was being called “Criminal Records” and so the record company changed the name of the song for the first time.

Ice’s comments on drug use have been highly scrutinized over the years. He claims he left drugs in the ’90s, but many people question this claim.

I don’t know all the words to describe how I am feeling.

The Ice was the only rapper from this group to have a hit song. He’s the only one I actually remember from the group. He had a very successful solo career, but I always thought he was miscast in this group. The guy who was their biggest star was their drummer. His name was Vanilla Ice.

Once his new album started selling over a million records a day, Vanilla Ice was busy buying the mansion next to Michael J Fox in Los Angeles, the mansion in Miami, the mountain cabin and two palaces. But his properties were looking a little bit worn after so many years, so he decided to sell them and wait until he had enough to buy more. He made a big profit, and – to his surprise – he had more money than he wanted.

I’d go to the mall and squat a piece of cardboard there; we’d have our jam box and I’d spin on my head and make about forty bucks a day which was pretty good back then. I’d chase the girls around the mall and eat some pizza and had some change left over.

In addition to being a big fan of the music, and in his own words, “therapy session”, Ice also had a deeper insight about the state of the music industry in 2017 which he shared.

I like Hip Hop, Rap and R&B, like Jay-Z, 50 Cent and Common and I also like underground Hip Hop, Rap and R&B like Young Jeezy, Black Rob, and Shine. I also love heavy metal like Slipknot and Pantera.

10th of 42 Vanilla Ice Quotes

The idea that your mistakes only apply to things you do is very common.

Ice doesn’t really feel like he needs to hate anyone; he thinks that good things happen to good people.

Vanilla Ice says he uses music to vent and a lot of the stuff he writes about contains a lot of anger, anxiety, stress, and depression, so this is how the album came out.

The album has many explicit lines but they are all meant to be heard and not left on the cutting room floor. It was never made to be played on the radio. It’s not designed for any age group. It’s just meant to be listened to.

Lucky for me, while my house was being torn down, I found the perfect spot for my new house. And by perfect, I mean the most peaceful and secluded spot, far away from the prying eyes of everyone else.

[…] a real DJ would have no clue about this music. [Laughs] I would imagine there are many, many, many people who think that because you can make music with a drum machine or with a loop or whatever, that you can be a real DJ too. You can’t.

In 1994 when Vanilla Ice was touring, he saw how hip-hop was growing. He said that when he got home to North Carolina, he wanted to share his love of hip hop and rap. He thought that would be the key to being accepted by the locals.

My motto is “yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery” and I have “goals and agendas” and wherever I am tomorrow that’s where I will be.

Vanilla Ice is a pioneer in the field of freestyle jumping. He broke his bones and lost some teeth in the sport. Ice even made a movie about his personal experience with the sport. He’s a professional at this.

When he first started out, Ice was very private. He thought that if too many people knew about his personal life, they wouldn’t look up to him. It wasn’t until later in his career that he opened up to the public and started allowing fans to see more of him and what he was like.

20th of 42 Vanilla Ice Quotes

You’re always in the public eye. You’re always on the cover of magazines.
You can’t ever really get away from that. That’s why you’re not going to be successful in this industry unless you’re comfortable with the fact that you’re a celebrity.
You’re a celebrity. We’re all celebrities. It’s just a matter of how famous you are.

As long as music is my main thing, I will do it and make it better every time.

I bring people on stage with me, and people love to join in on the party. Show me a smile, and I’ll show you one back.

Vanilla Ice’s “Ice Ice Baby” is one of the most popular songs in the world. “Ice Ice Baby” is one of the most popular songs of all time. Vanilla Ice’s “Ice Ice Baby” is arguably the most famous song in the world. “Ice Ice Baby” is arguably one of the most popular songs in the world. “Ice Ice Baby” is arguably one of the most famous songs in the world.

Vanilla Ice had success with his single, “Ice Ice Baby.” But he’d struggle to have success in other genres, such as rap, before his death in 2014.

I love you, and I want you to be free.
I want you to fly.
I want you to take your dreams and run with them,
and run as fast as you can.
You have everything to be a hero.

When you talk about being confident and believing in yourself, you have to talk about believing in a certain way where you think big, you work hard, you’re willing to go the extra mile, you have to be a fighter, and you aren’t afraid to fail. I’ve seen a lot of people that had the same mindset as I had and couldn’t be stopped.

This is the response that you’d expect from Vanilla Ice in response to the question about his hometown.

He says he is a party animal and did not want to spend a weekend in prison. In fact, he’s been known to hang-out and party for a weekend. While it’s unclear exactly what Vanilla Ice means by “hanging out and partying”, we can assume it has to do with partying.

30th of 42 Vanilla Ice Quotes

30. Jay-Z would not have the same quantity of records sold today if it weren’t for the white people buying his records.

I was born in Dallas, Texas, but I was raised in south Florida. “Ice Ice Baby” is about that area.

I’m not going to give him any information about my family. I’m not going to say anything about my family.

In a bad market, even with a discount location will not be enough to sell your home.

Vanilli Ice was a rapper, singer, actor, entrepreneur and businessman. His given name was Robert Van Winkle, but he went by Vanilla Ice because the owner of his label didn’t like his last name. He was the founding member for the rap group N.W.A and he’s one of the best-selling rap artists of all time.

In a world where everything seems to be a sell-off, people have to be mindful about the money they spend and invest. It might seem as a waste if you are still young but it is better to be on the safe side and not have to regret later on.

I run a mortgage company and a real estate company, funded by the music; Florida is kinda gold to me.

People have come together to make the world a better place. They should be proud of who they are. And they should be proud of this country they live in. It’s not a perfect place; it’s an imperfect place.

In this quote, Mr. V told us that in life, the most valuable thing we can learn is to be happy, and to find true happiness in family and friends, not money or fame or success. As we all know, he certainly achieved great success, but he still lived a happy and peaceful life, with his wife and his kids.

39. More than 50% of all the hip-hop sales are white people. That might be a result of my hip-hop album helping people accept hip-hop.

40th of 42 Vanilla Ice Quotes

Negative feelings can spread faster than any Justin Bieber song.


I’d love to hear your thoughts on this.
I think I’ve got a correct answer for each of the original questions, with the changes from the paraphrase.

Vanilla Ice said he loves doing television, but he also loves doing other things.

The rapper Vanilla Ice says that he would be changing a lot of stuff if he could go back and change things in his past.


For more inspirational quotes, we have many other great sources, including books, blogs, and websites. Visit these pages for more great reading.

When it comes to Hip-hop, quotes from rap artists are awesome, so if you’re looking for some more to read, make sure to check out the other articles we’ve published.

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