41 Motivational Jake Paul Quotes

He is a co-founder of the YouTube channel Team 10 (The name of his brother Logan’s channel).
This channel has had over a billion video views and has over 400 million YouTube subscribers.
His best friends are Logan Paul…

Jake Paul is actually a pretty smart guy, and is one of the best people in the YouTube world.

41 Jake Paul Quotes

I don’t know if it’s shyness or being reserved. I don’t consider myself to be shy. I’m a very calm person. When I’m going on a trip, I bring my pillow.

I’m going to try and forget all the negativity from this past year and work harder to be a bigger influence in the music community.

Jake Paul is known to be a very active person. He is even known to have a training center in Los Angeles. Not only that, he is also known for his workout routine. He is also known to be a gym rat. It is also known that he does not take long breaks when it comes to taking his work out. He takes it seriously and he likes to be prepared for anything.

Nobody’s life is perfect and everyone will have their struggles and stipulations.

If you feel like you are being tormented, bullied, or that people don’t like you, then you need to become your own best friend. And the best way to do that is to identify what you want out of life and to make goals for yourself.

‘I was not my own biggest fan. I worked hard, I put in the time, I became the best I could be and that was the only reason why people liked me’ -Jake Paul

In this one of my favorite videos of Jake Paul on this list, he explains to us how he’s made it through life and how to get people to notice your true self and not that side of you that thinks you’re a loser.

I didn’t think it was worth the effort to write an entire transcript so I just copied this one.


So, after some discussion, I think this is the best reading that I’ve come up with so far:

A large part of the story took place at the end of the last century, when the narrator was working for the U.S. government. On his first day on the job, he gets a call from his superior.

That is why we call him the King. He wants to do what the King does.

Jake Paul said he was bullied as a kid, and has learned that you can overcome those things with positive affirmations and setting goals. When he set goals he would not let anything get in the way of him breaking them. As he found success a lot of those things subsided and became less important.

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A video posted to YouTube by Jake Paul in which he smashed quarters together and then he popped up.

 I think that Jake Paul has never really understood the value of education. The kid just wants to do what he wants and has no real drive to succeed. The good news is that he can go back to school now and get a few years experience under his belt.

There is an official statement by the founder of the company.

Jake Paul and Co-Founder/Creator of the channel, Logan Paul, has long stated that he is extremely ambitious. He would often say that he wanted to create his own show, but it was not until he had the opportunity to co-found the channel that this became a reality and a reality that Logan would not have had without his younger brother, Jake Paul.

I am always going to be the best because I am the original. I am the best. So I will be the best at whatever I do.

Jake Paul says there are a lot of KSI fans, and he’s personally met a lot of the kids who support KSI. He also says that he gets a lot of people saying “my dad is this person” and “my dad is that person,” so he just kind of chats with them, and they’re nice and stuff.

Everyone says you can get famous by going on YouTube and posting videos. They’re all wrong but what’s interesting is that Jake Paul is right.

Jake Paul wants to be an action hero like a superhero. He also wants to play the Joker or something like that in a big action movie.

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YouTube is a search engine because that’s what Google wanted when it bought it.

The fact that Jake Paul didn’t have a following until social media can be attributed to his lack of real talent. He’s just a dumb brat who got lucky on YouTube. He’s also a terrible actor and just seems to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Jake Paul is a very well-known YouTuber, and when he talks about “back door” or “sniping” – he’s referring to the kind of YouTube content that is being produced these days, and how it’s a lot harder to find than the kind of content you’d typically find back in the day. Jake says he’s interested in the “back door”, because there’s a lot of people in the industry who are trying to get it. And to him, it seems like there are a lot of people who want to disrupt the industry, as there are many people that want to get into the industry.

The videos that I post every day are averaging 7 million views per day. And I post one of those a day. I spend an average of $200 a day to make that. The Disney show that I’m on, they spend $2 million over the course of five days to create one episode that gets 1.7 million views. Not bad considering they spend $8,000 a day to make a movie like Star Wars.

Jake Paul has a lot of haters. Even though he just got signed to YG’s Label, Team 10. He even made a song called, “Fuck You”, that’s a song he made to send a message to his fanbase. He also says that he’s not really sure if he wants to be more famous or not.

Jake Paul will become the next Dr. Dre in terms of influencing the music industry, helping to launch artists’ careers and building an empire. He wants to become the Dr. Dre of social media, he would like to help launch the careers of upcoming artists in the music industry like Eminem.

Jake says that furniture fires are a big thing in West Hills because everyone is afraid they’ll get out of control. He adds that he doesn’t really like to talk about them because they’re just annoying.

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Not everything that Paul does is funny or good. He says he’s a jack of all trades but he’s not a master.

Jake Paul overcame a lot through his life and got where he wanted to be by himself, and didn’t need to get support from anyone else for anything.

Jake Paul started his Vine career because it was a platform that was highly engaged with people that was also very similar to his personality to start off with. Jake understood that his content needed to be entertaining and fun to make people want to share his videos.

Jake Paul has always been in front of the camera and has made himself a name for filming and sharing it. He filmed his brother, Jake Paul, Jr.’s birthday party. He filmed the other members of his family playing football and basketball. He filmed his dance battles on YouTube. He filmed just about everything that came, and went, his way.

Jake Paul says that YouTube is his vlogs, and his life, and that Instagram is comedy skits and pictures that he took. Twitter’s text, and Instagram Stories is even more behind-the-scenes vlog stuff. He’s always posting.

Jake “The Jake” Paul has been having a lot of legal and police issues. In July, the 22-year-old was arrested for driving without a permit. After the July arrest, Jake was kicked out of a house party and found himself in a dispute with the police. A few months later, Jake was arrested for domestic violence in a different state.

He was born in the mid-1990s and he’s just going to continue growing his massive fan base. He’s super smart and he’s going to make sure that his brand doesn’t die. He’ll continue to promote his music and his videos. He’s got a good business sense. He’s a smart kid.

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We don’t know if this is actually true but it’s pretty obvious that Jake Paul is on track to become the Next Big YouTube Star. In his first video, “I want people talking about me when I’m gone”, he makes a powerful statement saying he wants to be remembered when he’s gone.

Jake said that when he got his fame, it was a great thing for his life. He was able to take his career and multiply it and create a bigger fan base, so he could be bigger than himself.

The biggest success for Jake Paul is the way that his brand has helped him to get to the most elite level of the entertainment industry. Jake Paul’s success, has also been due to the fact that he has been able to have the best of both worlds; social media and traditional media.

I think that Jake Paul has an unrealistic view of what it takes to monetize a YouTube channel. It actually doesn’t take “millions of fans” to reach seven figures in earnings. With that said, though, I think he’s right about how to monetize a video channel, specifically if that channel has a large number of “fans” or subscribers.

Social media is kind of like a chicken and egg type thing. You can’t really ‘create’ a platform, but you can create content that people will seek. I feel like anyone can do it, but it’s really about knowing how to communicate with your audience and knowing how to give value in the content you create.

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There’s a lot of new technology out there and I’m always ready to adapt and embrace it.

Jake Paul says that he doesn’t have to be the best or prettiest or most charming person to reach a certain level in the entertainment industry. He just has to work his hardest and be one of the top social media stars at the time.

Jake Paul is a 23 year-old YouTuber and YouTube host of “The Jake Paul Network.” He is an influencer who is known for his signature “LIKE A BOSS” style.

Jake Paul suggests that the problem isn’t too much video content, it’s that it’s not funny enough.

Jake Paul got to do what he wanted. And he gets paid millions of dollars to do it.


Thanks for watching this collection of the best Jake Paul quotes! Remember to follow us on social media for more Jake Paul content.

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