He was born in Columbus, Ohio, on August 19, 1984, but moved to Detroit, Michigan as a young child with his mother and step-father.
He’s first started bodybuilding in 1997 when he was about 18 years old.
You’ve also seen him fail on YouTube, and that was enough to make you question everything you’d ever heard about him.
Kai Greene, a comedian, has some famous sayings!
28 Kai Greene Quotes
I refuse to believe that today will be just another day in my life. All that I am. All that I will become will be written through my thoughts and my actions. I have conditioned my mind. Trained my body. Sacrificed my soul. There will be obstacles. Doubters. Mistakes. But nothing comes to those who wait. No championship. No promotion. No one will see what I see.
I felt like I needed something to do when I was going through therapy, so I started doing it. It was easier for me to write because I had something to put into the story. I started doing it and I realised how therapeutic it was. I had a lot of thoughts and in therapy, I could voice them in a way that was honest and clear and I could express them, and that was a nice thing.
If you are not happy with where you are right now in the world in your life, if you are not happy with what you are doing with your life, you can change it right now by making a decision to do what you don’t want and that is simply do the opposite of what you have always done.
Kai Greene is a motivational speaker, author, and podcaster. He speaks about his experiences in the world of entrepreneurship and he’s been featured on The Today Show, NBC Nightly News, ABC, NPR, Fox, CBS, CNBC, and The Wall Street Journal.
When we feel we don’t have a dream, a goal or a plan. We begin to feel like a leaf that is moving through a windless river. If you want to keep going, you must have something to work for. You must believe in something and find a way to start working with what you believe in.
6th of 28 Kai Greene Quotes
You must think before you can do it. The mind is what makes it all possible.
The mind is everything, and if you don’t believe that you can do something… You CAN’T. If you believe that your upbringing was substandard and therefore a refugee from that experience in your life for the rest of your life… that will be your life.
Everyone who is creative is striving to create their masterpiece.
Kai Greene has been playing tennis since he was a child, and he is in his 20s now, a good age for a professional athlete to be. Yet, that is exactly what he is doing, and it has had a major impact on his life.
Learn whatever you can and dream about whatever you want.
Kai Greene, that’s awesome. I hope that you have the same dreams and opportunities that I have. Keep dreaming, keep believing and keep pressing forward. All those warriors out there – be encouraged to dream, be encouraged to believe and be encouraged to press forward.
Don’t worry about how other people see you. You don’t need to be right to be powerful.
Champions are an example of what happens when you decide to leave the plane of average thinking, to push through a tough day or two, and to chase that dream. They make the best of it and they are an inspiration.
One of the greatest tools for a writer is the ability to write about anything and everything. It helps to focus on the specific thing you’re actually trying to hit. If you spend all your time hammering out stuff you never get anywhere, you’ll never get anywhere. You need to learn how to focus your energy on the right things.
15th of 28 Kai Greene Quotes
If you’re going to make your dreams a reality, you need to make every day count. Your job is to make one day at a time count.
 I like to believe there are no stupid questions, because in fact, asking them may help you learn things you never knew you needed to know.
Self-acceptance is the best teacher. We can only learn if we think, and we can only think if we are not busy judging.
Kai Greene thinks that the media and the way the media operates is the worst thing that can happen in sport and he thinks that the media is making sport an even more divided world.
I’ve always been pretty open and I have always gone for my dreams, but I think that being open to a relationship sometimes takes courage. I know for me, I’m not the girl that is like, “Oh, I have to be in a relationship.” I don’t want to be in a relationship and I’m not afraid of not having one.
I used my mind to do something I wanted to do, and it worked out.
21st of 28 Kai Greene Quotes
In case you are wondering. The weight of the world is not on my shoulders. The weight of the world is not on my soul. If I die tonight, if this weight is going to kill me tonight, then so be it. I am dying where I wanna be.
If someone like you, who is thinking is another action, a process of creating and thinking about something. Thinking is a mental process that is different from the body. I think that in thinking, the mind is more important than the action of the body. Those that you speak of are people who are visionaries, who have the idea and they apply the effort and the mind, and they follow through.
23. Get out.
Be ready for a different path.
Go for it.
In order to achieve great things we must first manage ourselves very well. Or at least well enough that we almost become compulsive about getting certain things done. We have to set a standard for ourselves that is very, very high and we must manage our thoughts to where they need to be.
This is the truth. As well be your absolute best. Never less than your absolute best. Never any worse than your absolute best.
There is a saying: “Whatever goes into our minds eventually comes out of our mouth.” The key phrase here is the word ‘eventually’. In other words, if you choose to think negative thoughts, then those become your reality, and you can’t change your reality until you change your thinking.
If you get all the things you need, even if you are not perfect, that is still enough. There are no winners or losers. The winners are those who are willing to put in their all.
Kai Greene says that’s never underestimate the heart of a champion. I think that’s a great idea to be a champion. If you have determination and you keep fighting, you’ll get to the top eventually.
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