My favorite positive thinking quotes are from the mind of the Buddha.
I think that is true for everyone because when bad things happen, we tend to remember them more than the good things that happen.
It’s sad really, that so many people are depressed with their lives; most of them because they can’t quite see how great their lives would actually be if they changed their attitude and the way that they think.
Let me give you a couple of examples.
I have compiled a list of 46 positive thinking quotes, which you can read to overcome negative thoughts and emotions. It actually works because you will be reading them out loud, therefore subconsciously reminding yourself of this new mindset.
46 Positive Thinking Quotes
You only need 1 positive thinking quote to change your life. But I can’t tell you which quote it could be, so I’m giving you all of them.
We have a few new members that have joined the group and I just want to share with them how much I look forward to working with all of you. I know I speak for all of us when I say we are excited to be here and very thankful that you have allowed us to be a part of this.
Hate has caused a lot of problems in the world but it has not solved any of them yet.
If we make a mistake, we need to try again. The only way we can succeed is to keep trying until we succeed.
There is a reason why you are here. A reason why you are on this earth, and it is not your parents’ or your friends’ fault or even your fault for not being able to be successful.
The greatest is the one who knows he is, the greatest is the one who will act and knows it.
There are differences between people, but the differences between them are not big. The differences are in their attitude. It is whether they are positive or negative.
This was one of the first quotes I remember learning in my teens. I think it was on my old MySpace page, but I can’t remember for sure. I’ve used it a lot over the years, but it’s been a while since I used it.
Do what you can to enjoy life while you can. There will be plenty of time to plan for tomorrow.
After the fire, I felt so sad and defeated. I was in a horrible place. I felt like my life was over. But, I have seen that everything that has happened to you is either a gift or an opportunity to grow. You are either able to see the positive side of things or you can remain in that depressed state. You get to choose.
There are a lot of people who are complaining about the thorny aspects of the system, and there are people like me who are enjoying the roses and enjoying the new opportunities.
10th of 46 Positive Thinking Quotes
“Your mind only works when it’s opened to the right kind of stuff.”
2) If your brain is working, the only question is whether you’re using it properly.
There will always be problems that the world cannot solve. There will also always be problems so big that they completely obscure the problems that society can solve. This means that every problem has a solution that not only makes it easier to solve, but also has the potential to make other problems easier to solve. This means that you can find opportunities in every problem. So, if you can recognize the opportunities in the problems you are working on, and you can make the most of those opportunities, you can find success in the problems you work on.
> A good way to start to give up power is by thinking you don’t have any. If you stop thinking you’re in control, you’ll start to give it away.
Most people don’t see the possibility of a different future, they see the way things are now as the inevitable future. But you’re changing your attitude, you’re creating your future, you’re creating your reality.
Don’t be afraid to try new things. Don’t let your fear of failure hold you back from pursuing your creative passions. If you are willing to fail, you will learn from that failure and your risk taking habits will grow.
When you feel less comfortable in your life, you need to know that you aren’t under pressure. You will eventually get to where you want to be.
All things are difficult to learn, no matter how easy they may seem at first.
People may always choose misery, but they will always be miserable. This may be the case. It is certainly the case for me.
I may not have gone where I wanted to go, but now I am stuck in the middle of nowhere, with no food and no fuel.
You’ve had a lot of worries in your life, most of which never happened.
21st of 46 Positive Thinking Quotes
When we realize that we are powerless to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.
When you are in a relationship, you should do everything in your power to be the best partner you can be. It is not always easy to stay in a relationship and put your best foot forward when things aren’t going well, but it’s important to do so if you truly love someone.
I hope everyone is loving this blog series on how to write better, and I would love to hear your thoughts on the series.
But the truth is that a lot of people, I think I’m going to be really honest, when they tell you you can’t or I can’t it’s because they want to. Sometimes I think it could also be because they don’t want to.
If you want to see your life changing, you need to be where the change is happening.
The past is so distant that it has no power over the present moment.
You cannot think about your past, because you never had a past. If you had a past, then you would be living in the past. In the present moment, we are no longer living in the past, we are living in the present.
It is like being blind – you see the world through the lens of what you think it is. You can change what you see, but it is hard to change what it is.
Your thinking might be preventing your dream from coming into existence.
I am thankful for everyone who told me that I can’t do it. You made me work harder and harder to be here. So I guess I owe you all.
Victoria Addino is a motivational speaker and author. She is a former competitive equestrian and is the owner of Victoria Addino Horsemanship.
30th of 46 Positive Thinking Quotes
If you think you can’t feel better, you’re wrong. You are stronger and more capable than you give yourself credit for.
I don’t know where the quote comes from but I enjoyed the sentiment. I can relate to it. Dreams take you to interesting places sometimes.
A person who spends time worrying about problems and difficulties that are not in their control will find that their energy levels will be low. It is important to do the things that you can control; things like practicing gratitude, meditating, and spending time with friends.
When the darkest night is over and the sun has risen, people will be happy and joyful in their new lives.
People are not always going to be on your side and you need to keep your dream in mind even when you are going through tough times.
35. Positive thinkers see the invisible, feel the intangible, and achieve the impossible.
All we are is the result of the thoughts that we have had. It doesn’t matter how much thought there was on both occasions.
Life is what you make of it. Whether you choose to be happy or not is 100% up to you.
People who are constantly trying to make money and make more money, can never really experience true happiness. The “wrong” things in Lolly’s life were never really important. Money is not the most important thing. The most important thing is to have the right priorities set in your life.
The author shared her advice about having a positive attitude to get the most out of life.
40th of 46 Positive Thinking Quotes
“We don’t have a choice. If we don’t choose it, others will choose for us. We don’t have to be like everyone else. We don’t have to act like them. We can be ourselves.” – William Boyland Jr.
I think this is a beautiful and encouraging statement. It’s easy to look at problems and think it’s too big of a task to even try to do anything about it. But in reality it’s true, and it’s so encouraging to see people who know they can’t do it, but still go out and do it anyway.
Every day can be good. If we keep doing good things daily, then we will build up our character.
If you know what your core values are, it’s much easier to make decisions.
You can’t be in better company than your mother. She’ll help you figure out why you were born.
When you look down at the world, you don’t see the beauty of a rainbow because it’s all about you.
A new way of seeing, doing and being is possible. A new way to imagine – to live and work – is possible.
We hope you enjoy these 30 positive thinking quotes in your life. Please don’t forget to share them with your friends and family by dropping them an email or sharing on Facebook, Twitter etc. Especially if you think today is a day that they will need to see these.
Keep a positive attitude!
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