27 Tyrese Gibson Quotes That’ll Force You To Grow

Tyrese Gibson, who just released his book ‘How to Get Out of Your Own Way’ has done a great job of keeping busy. He has continued making appearances on TV and in movies.

The book was great. There are many other books that are awesome. Go buy them, too!

I have read it but I am not sure whether I understood all of it.

Tyrese has inspired me to be a better person and to also get in the best shape of my life. He’s a source of motivation for me as a father and as an actor/entertainer.

In terms of someone who’s not a motivational speaker as his main source of income, Tyrese’s words are incredibly inspirational and it’s definitely worth giving his YouTube videos a look.

Tyrese Gibson is the king of quotes. Everyone who has met him feels like they know him. He is one of the few people you can just talk to. He says things that make you think. He is a man who will make every day of your life the best day ever.

27 Tyrese Gibson Quotes

The fact that we’re always talking about giving hope inspires me to help people. Helping people inspires me because it gives me hope that what I’m doing today will impact people’s life tomorrow.

A lot of people seem to really want to believe that they can do it on their own. They think that if they can just try harder, or go to more meetings, or change all their habits, that they’ll magically transform. They’re wrong.

The next time I get out of the shower is the day when I’m going to the gym. I’m eating everything in sight, and I’m never going to be unemployed. And I’m going to make the most of my surroundings, so you see what your negative and dis-functional attitudes are doing to your life and your future.

Do you ever feel discouraged with your appearance? Do you have a hard time convincing yourself that you are beautiful, that the way you look and what you wear are all that matters? If you feel this way, you need to reassess how little you value yourself as an individual. You should not settle for being less than you deserve to be. If you do, you will never be happy. Accept your flaws and flaws and flaws, but be satisfied with yourself.

You can’t live a life like that.

Life is a menu. You can order any life you want, wherever you want, with whomever you want!

Losing your dad, or mother, or your father in a car crash, or your father is so drunk he’s on the street, or you’re a poor kid and you can’t afford to eat, all these things are things that can make you depressed, but those are not the same things that make you successful.

So, if you grew up in a poor family and you know you’re gonna have to struggle your whole life, you’re not going to be successful.

The reason why some people are successful in life is because they found their path to success. It may not be yours yet, but the fact that someone else is successful will inspire you and motivate you to find your path to success.

If you have a dream, go for it. If you’re a hustler, you better be ready to pay for it.

Tyrese Gibson says: “I am the ultimate workaholic”.

If you change your mind you will change your life. If you don’t change your mind, you’ll continue in the same way.

You don’t have to go out to a restaurant and say to the waiter, “Hey, I love myself.” You look like you care for yourself. You can be walking around with your hands in your pockets just looking like you care for yourself.

One of the hardest things in life is to accept that your mind is your mind and no one else’s. Once you accept that and embrace it, you have to learn how to control your environment and figure out what works for you.

He says the intelligence never goes anywhere, and it doesn’t matter whether it comes in one specific department, such as “the brain, the feet, or the tongue” (as the book of Proverbs explains).

There is a certain belief in life that says that each of us should have all the answers. But, the truth is that faith is climbing those stairs without having all the answers.

When your relationships end, you have to realize when the right time comes for you to move on. The reason people are in your life is for a season and when that season is over, people move on.

Yes, you should never ever assume others think of you the way you think of yourself. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Tyrese gave a speech at the American Urban League’s 2015 national conference in which he talked about his successful career in the music industry.

16th of 27 Tyrese Gibson Quotes

One of the things that you can do is get rid of all the stuff and people that have stopped you from smiling with your soul.

I am the fly. I am the bee that is swatted. I am the bee that can’t be swatted. I am the fly that does not hear the bee’s wings. I am the fly that will never stop breathing. I am the fly that is swatted.

Sometimes the best way to deal with haters is to go in the studio and work on your music.

I just read that there was another incident with that woman. She might have been an escort. I’ll have to remember that one.

Tyrese had been engaged, but broke up with his girlfriend when she cheated on him. He was angry at her and decided to test how mad she was by doing something behind her back.

Validation is an ugly monster. It stalks people silently, striking out at those it considers worthless. One day, sooner or later, someone you care about will be its next target.

Always grow through the experiences you go through.

23rd of 27 Tyrese Gibson Quotes

People are dream killers and you have to be careful who you give emotional access to.

I used to try to surround myself with people that didn’t live my reality, that aren’t black people who didn’t want to be around me, didn’t want to support what I was doing. I’ve changed that.

We should be less concerned with the outcomes of our lives and more concerned with the fact that we have the ability to control them.

I think that was said by someone else, but I can’t remember who.

I know many people who want to be bold but are too frightened to act on their dreams. I want to be bold to the point that I become a success in life and become the person that I really want to be.


Tyrese Gibson is an American actor who is very famous for the role of Romeo in Romeo & Juliet. The quotations below are from different people like, famous or infamous.

If you have read the book I mentioned in the beginning of the post, feel free to share the quotes with all your friends and loved ones by clicking the buttons below!

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