24 Tom Cruise Quotes About Acting, Life & Hard Work

He is an American entertainer, producer and director, and is known for his starring roles in the Mission: Impossible series and the Mission: Impossible franchise.

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Tom Cruise has said a lot about acting. One of his best quotes is “I’ve always been drawn to roles where it’s the challenge of the character.” This was spoken in 2001 to Moviefone.com, in which he talked about working hard on his acting skills.

24 Tom Cruise Quotes

You’ve been late to set, but you’ve been late to set because you believe in the film, so you shouldn’t complain.

I am a strong believer that you learn lessons from getting beaten up that you wouldn’t learn from winning.

Being an actor should be a very difficult thing. Nobody should take acting for granted. This is the reason why I love working on the set. When something goes wrong, it can be really hard. But, when it goes right, it’s really awesome.

Tom Cruise recently said he had been chased by the paparazzi for years. The paparazzi try to push the limits. Tom Cruise was recently photographed on the boat he used to take his daughter Suri to school. The paparazzi tried to hide on the boat and photograph him.

The secret to learning more than one language is to not focus on the language; to focus on living.

Cruise is well known for working really hard on his movies, but not only that he has the drive to do his best every time he sets foot in the set. He just puts his best foot forward and you can feel it!

Whenever I become successful in a certain way, people I don’t even know or don’t even see will make it a point to comment how they don’t like it or that they’re not supporting it.

Tom Cruise’s comments on his success came after he became a star, he says, and in the past was never a star but an A-lister. He says it’s the power of the industry which has granted him the opportunities he has today.

Tom Cruise is a good person who loves children.

10th of 24 Tom Cruise Quotes

No matter what you do, be 100% fully present. Stay in the moment and do not worry about outcomes. Focus only on what you are doing in this moment.

I guess it’s important that you use your time wisely. Because you only have so much of it. Also, it’s difficult when you have such a heavy work schedule. I have to say that the hours go so fast. I don’t think that anyone can keep up with it.

Cruise has never been afraid to put himself on the line and stand up for what he believes in, his beliefs and morals as a person. He is willing to risk everything on his belief that the world, is not the way he sees it, and he lives his truth.

I think acting is the only job where you get to pretend anything you want.
[Tom]: Yeah, it’s kind of like a little time machine. You can go back and change the way you live because you can change your circumstances or your state of mind or your environment. That’s what acting is.

You might be surprised that actors are afraid to live their lives and that they are so afraid of using their own life in a performance… or… maybe you wouldn’t be surprised after all.

Tom Cruise is currently a very famous and attractive man. He can afford to do things his way, and I believe he’s successful because he’s just like that. He could care less about what people think, and he’s able to do what he wants.

In the interview with The Guardian newspaper – which was published on February 2nd 2017 – Tom Cruise revealed he’s worked on his own movies for “40 years.”
But at one point, Cruise was asked about working with directors like Christopher Nolan and Ridley Scott.

While Tom Cruise may believe that he has a certain balance in his life, it can be said that Tom has been able to work through his problems and is able to remain stable. He has the help and support of the religious beliefs of Scientology that he has found useful in his daily life.

18th of 24 Tom Cruise Quotes

Tom Cruise said in an interview that he has always worked for the love of the work. If your choices are based on the success of a film and the film is not successful, what does that mean? It leaves you with nothing.

“I got to where I am by being able to schedule the scene, making sure I have all the energy and knowing when to go for it and having the available reserves to be able to do that.”

I think it’s safe to assume that he’s referring to endurance exercise training, given what he says next.

The movie tells story of a Samurai who is forced to leave his home after being falsely accused of a crime he didn’t commit. The movie is about a man trying to find peace and happiness in a new country. This is the same story that inspired Bushido and has been inspiring people around the world, and it is the basis and the meaning behind the movie.

The actor was asked if he enjoys the challenge of trying new things. He answered that he only looks for the challenging things in life.

In order to have a world without war, there must be peace. I want a world where everyone gets a happy and peaceful life. It is more important to have a happy and peaceful life than to have anything else.

I learn from every experience, which is why I never stop learning. My love for life drives everything I do.

You can never know how something will end if you try to take steps to avoid it ending badly. If you think that you can’t make a mistake, sooner or later you’re going to make one and it will end badly.


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