I loved the Nancy Drew Mystery Series. I wanted to be like Nancy Drew, the smart girl who never got caught, who never looked like she was going to be caught. I was going to be a private eye. I was going to have a car with a big white detective-style light on top. I was going to wear a beret. I was going to carry a mini-cassette recorder. I was going to solve mysteries.
The characters weren’t the only thing that fascinated me. I also enjoyed the stories themselves. I felt that they were engaging, witty and they were very fun to read. The writing style is very unique, the main characters, most especially, are very interesting. They are not only fun to read about but are very real, relatable and human.
The classics are still great reads today. But in addition to classic literature, our students also read a lot of fiction and non-fiction text including science fiction, fantasy, sports, pop psychology, history, adventure, and more. Students also write all types of texts for all types of audiences.
Why Reading Enhances Personal Development
When we were younger, we would go to the library and look for books we wanted to read. As we were growing up, we would hear about books that were important and worth reading. As it got into adulthood, we have been exposed to non-fiction as well, although mostly the “important” non-fiction books.
But fiction is the great teacher because it can contribute to your personal development in 10 different ways.
1) Insight into Human Nature
We can understand their personality well through reading, and we understand what motivates their behaviors.
We can learn how each of the characters handles conflict. We can learn that we don’t always react to things according to how they should be. We can learn how to look beyond our own perceptions and reactions, and view things from another perspective.
Through analyzing these characters in literature, I have developed better methods of dealing with people in my world. Through analyzing these characters in literature, I have developed better methods of dealing with people in my world. With literature, I can analyze characters more effectively, which can lead to better decision-making in my life.
2) Problem-Solving
I think people in the real world often have problems but don’t make it into a story because people are afraid to be judged or criticized.
The real power of this approach is that we are learning a great process with which we will be able to solve problems as we go through life. It is a wonderful way to help us with the real world.
I have had a lot of success with this approach. However, I don’t think it is necessarily the best approach to learning. The following is my thoughts on the matter.
What is an impulsive decision? Shakespeare’s characters often make impulsive decisions for the wrong reasons (mostly because of peer pressure, or being influenced by others). This causes many problems for them in the end, and these problems can often be avoided if teenagers take the time to think things through before acting – or if they can ask for advice.
3) Imagination
At first, a bit of imagination can be beneficial. But, when imagination becomes a barrier and an impediment, it can become a problem.
When people are in the mood for some light reading, this would be perfect. The only thing I would change is the setting. It seems that the story should take place on an island or a desert, or in a ship.
The novel can be like a journey. You can journey through the world with the characters in the story, or you can journey with them in imagination to discover new and unexpected places.
4) Vocabulary and Language Skills
Good books provide models of good language and writing that foster language and writing development. Research shows that the development of both oral and written language that is fostered from reading books results in increased learning all around.
Adults who have the habit of reading are able to grasp complex written material far easier, and they are better writers overall than adults who are not readers.
5) Relief from Stress/Escape
When a person needs to relax, they do all sorts of things. It can be physical exercise, meditation, or reading a good book. Studies have shown that blood pressure is reduced while reading a good book.
Reading opens our minds to other people and experiences, especially fiction. It helps us look at our lives and our problems from a different perspective.
6) Readers Develop Empathy and Tolerance
Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize and understand your own feelings before you can put yourself “into the shoes” of someone else.
In terms of the third, I think we could say that that one is an example of “cognitive dissonance”, where a person is not willing to change something that they like. It’s like a person who is really into their job, but they hate their boss.
7) Readers are More Interesting People
We learn from history because it is our past. We learn from politics because it is our present. And, we learn from the law because it is our future.
There is a knowledge base about how to use the internet and how to use social media. People who know the most about social media and how people use it are at the top of the web page.
8) Readers Gain a larger Perspective
We must study all cultures for we can learn from all and then build up a culture based on the foundations of the ones that work. Knowledge leads to understanding and understanding leads to acceptance and acceptance leads to tolerance and tolerance leads to love.
In our own country, we have had this problem for many years among our different races, and that is why we have many people like Martin Luther King Jr., who have worked to bring us the truth of racial equality and harmony.
9) Readers See Cause/Effect Relationships
Through fiction, we are able to see how choices that people make have an impact not only on themselves but on others around them and sometimes on society as a whole. If, as writer, we are able to explore the world of fictional characters through the eyes of a first-person narrator, we can make those choices a reality in our readers’ lives too.
People who read this article come to understand the need to consider all the possible effects of their decisions on others.
10) Readers Have Important “Alone Time”
Life is busy. It has its ups and downs and in order to get balance back, we have to stop so we can recharge. Sometimes that means we have to slow down, to just chill and be.
Reading is a very simple pleasure. If you want to enjoy reading, all you need to do is to close your eyes, find a good book, and begin. Your world will start to get quieter and quieter and eventually you will start to daydream about what is going to be on the other side of the page.
You can’t read, you can’t go to the park.
Reading is very helpful for your intellectual development. If a person studies for a year, he will read a dozen books in that time. And reading more books will increase his knowledge, which can lead to improved understanding of different subjects.
By reading books and magazines, a person can also learn more about the world and what is happening around him.
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