10 Lessons Learned From The Magic Of Thinking Big

I could easily spend all day thinking about how and why your post is so right on.

‘5 Game Changing Books for Success in Life’, has really opened my eyes to the various kinds of books out there. There is only one book which has truly captivated me.

The majority of books in this field treat these topics as a batch of quick fixes.

The “Magic of Thinking Big” is a book by David J. Schwartz. It is a motivational book, which encourages you to think bigger than what you think currently.

Since David is a skilled writer he takes his advice based on his experience and the research of psychology.

The reader of the book may also feel like they have to do all the work themselves rather than just reading something and applying it.

A book about writing your own tests.

10 Lessons From The Magic of Thinking Big

The book is called The Power of Focus because the goal is to change how we think. The goal is to change the way we process our thoughts. The goal is to change the way we interact with the world.

I think it is wrong to think that circumstances, talent and intelligence are necessary in being successful.
You can’t say that a person was successful because of circumstances, nor can you say that his talent was good or that he was smart.

The following is an excerpt from a discussion with the participants of a debate on the topic “How to make a good impression?”.

1. Never get discouraged by your past failures.
2. Never take criticism personally.
3. Never assume that your future accomplishments will be less than your past accomplishments.

1. Believe You Can Succeed And You Will

Successful people are those who have an “I can do it” attitude. They are full of confidence and believe in their ability to succeed.

It is good to admire and respect a leader. One should study and observe them. One should not worship them. One should try to outdo them.

How you want to be seen is how others will see you.

Success is determined by the size of the belief you have in yourself, your potential and in your abilities. Belief is a belief and it doesn’t matter whether it is positive or negative. If you have a negative belief in something they will never happen. If you believe in something then you will bring that about. Belief is the biggest generator of success.

2. Stop Making Excuses

We don’t want to live there
We don’t want to live there because of the language.
We don’t want to live there because there is no jobs.
We don’t want to live there because we don’t want to live there.
We don’t want to live there because it is not the right country for us.

Even while you are sick, be grateful that you are sick. It is better to have a cold for a month than to get old.

We often underestimate our own brain power, and overestimate that of others. Don’t. The ability to think is much greater than the ability to memorize facts.

Always be the person who gets the job done with no excuses. When in doubt, do the right thing, then the right thing will get you the job done even more.

3. Build Confidence & Destroy Fear

Action is the antidote to fear. Indecision is a factor that feeds fear. You should only put positive thoughts into your memory.

4. Think & Dream Creatively

People with small hands are better listeners than people with big hands. People with big mouths are better speakers than people with small mouths. Big-handed people tend to be better advisers and speakers than people with small hands.

5. You Are What You Think You Are

In leadership, the way you think about your job in turn determines how others think about their job. You must appear important.

I can’t take any more time away from work to write my novel. I’m just going to write my novel as fast as possible so that I can get it published. I’m going to finish the first draft of my novel before I put the computer down and put the next chapter of my novel on my to-do list.

6. Manage Your Environments

If you surround yourself with people who are negative, who bring you down, whose presence calls forth your worst, then you are not going to be successful.

You need to start thinking about how you can do something about being a better coworker so that you and your team can be successful at work. The people who tell you that it cannot be done are usually unsuccessful people.

7. Make Your Attitudes Your Allies

Positive attitudes can lead to improvement in all areas of our life. When our attitude is right, our abilities reach a maximum of effectiveness and good results inevitably follow.

Let the government do what it wants and
don’t worry about whether or not it is right.

Results come in proportion to enthusiasm invested. Dig in deeper when you find yourself disinterested in something, learn more about it. You may find it so fascinating that you’ll get excited.

Do your best not to be sad. Always keep a positive attitude; your smile, your handshake, talk and walk. Always broadcast good news. No one will ever accomplish anything positive if they tell bad news to you.

When you’re nice to people they are nicer to you. Because of this fact you will be receiving kindness from people and because of this you will become more important to people.

Start with what people want and let the money come later. Make sure that you give people more than they expect to get because if you don’t they will be unsatisfied and you don’t want that.

8. Think Right Towards People

Success depends on the support of other people. The only hurdle between you and what you want to be is the support from others; your own actions. A person is not pulled up to a higher level job, they are rather lifted up.

It is a mark of leadership to know people. The person who knows people and talks to them the most and gets to know them the best are rarely the same person.

9. Turn Defeat Into Victory

10. Think Like A Leader

To be a leader you have to be a good manager and a good leader. You have to know how to get what you want in the organization by making others more efficient.


If you want to live your best life, you’ll have to have the courage to dream, and you’ll have to be willing to follow those dreams with a boldness that doesn’t fear failure and risk.

Failure is a stepping stone to success, a stepping stone to the next dream.

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