Top Tips For Successful Cross-Browser Testing

Web development is dynamic, so cross-browser testing is crucial. This crucial step ensures a web app or website’s cross-browser and device usability. In the digital age, cross-browser testing is essential when people use desktop browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Safari and mobile browsers like smartphones and tablets.

Besides aesthetic consistency, cross-browser testing considers accessibility, performance, and functionality. Because browsers interpret website code differently, a website may look or work differently.

A particular audience segment’s experience using the site may be negatively impacted, and they may even leave if their preferred browser is not supported. Developers can find and fix these issues by testing a website in multiple browsers, ensuring it works, is accessible, and looks good on any device.

Web product quality and reputation depend on cross-browser testing. In a competitive digital marketplace, first impressions often mean last. Efficient website operation on all platforms raises user satisfaction and establishes brand credibility. It shows an organization’s commitment to an excellent user experience regardless of technology.

What is Cross Browser Testing?

Web developers must test a website or application’s functionality across multiple browsers and versions. It ensures a website looks good in all popular browsers and devices.

Many browsers, including Safari, Edge, Firefox, and Chrome, have developed quickly. Web developers need help to create a universal solution because each browser has its rendering engine, JavaScript engine, and features. Browser updates complicate cross-browser compatibility because they introduce new features and alter rendering behavior.

Users visit websites from various platforms and devices, so a consistent browser experience is essential. Users might have a better experience if this is done, which could lead to agitated visitors, increased bounce rates, and possibly lost sales. Functional issues, security vulnerabilities, and reduced accessibility compliance can also be caused by inconsistent rendering.

Web developers must use cross-browser testing to keep up with browser changes and provide a consistent experience. It boosts success and usability.

Getting Ready For Cross-Browser Testing

First, prepare for cross-browser testing to ensure a seamless user experience across browsers and devices. Here are key considerations in this phase:

Identifying target browsers and devices

It is critical to determine which browsers and devices you wish to support first. To do this, research your target market to learn about their device usage and preferred browsers. Analytics tools can reveal your users’ preferred devices and browsers. Popular browsers include Safari, Edge, Firefox, and Chrome.

Understanding your audience and their preferred browsers

Because demographics may have different browser preferences, know your audience. Windows users prefer Chrome or Edge, while macOS users prefer Safari. Users of mobile devices may prefer specific mobile browsers. Prioritizing the most important browsers and devices is ensured when you design your cross-browser testing strategy to align with the habits of your audience.

Setting up a testing environment

A stable testing environment must be established for cross-browser testing to be effective. Getting access to the selected browsers and testing devices falls under this. There are various methods for handling this:

  • Local setup: To test your website locally, install various browsers and their respective versions on your development computer.
  • VMware or VirtualBox: These programs emulate operating systems and browsers.
  • Cloud-based testing services: BrowserStack, CrossBrowserTesting, and Sauce Labs support many browser and device combinations without physical setups.

Before cross-browser testing, you must set up a testing environment, know your audience’s preferences, and identify target browsers and devices. These preparations allow you to ensure a consistent user experience across browser and device combinations and focus testing on the most critical platforms.

Top Tips for Successful Cross-Browser Testing

Cross-browser testing ensures your website or app works across devices. Here are some great cross-browser testing tips:

Choose the Browsers and Devices Your Audience Uses Most

Choose the devices and browsers your audience uses most. Consider browser popularity, operating systems, and the relative use of desktop and mobile devices.  Google Analytics and other tools can reveal user preferences.

Prefer Browser Versions

Focus on testing the most popular and widely used browser versions. While discussing the latest iterations, it is essential to consider previous iterations, as some users may need to update their browsers. Setting priorities enables you to use your resources wisely.

Make use of the Browser Developer Tools

All modern browsers have developer tools for website inspection and debugging. Learn to use these tools to identify and fix browser-specific issues.

Responsive Design Testing

Websites should adjust to screen sizes: test tablets, smartphones, laptops, and desktops. For multiple screen sizes, use physical devices, emulators, or simulators.

Automate Testing When Possible

Use Cypress, Puppeteer, or Selenium to streamline cross-browser testing.  Automation testing saves time and ensures test consistency.

Regularly Update Your Testing Environment

Updates to browsers and their versions are routinely made. Keep your testing environment current to ensure you are testing against the most recent browser releases.

Cross-Browser Compatibility Tools

Test cross-browser compatibility with cloud platforms such as LambdaTest.  LambdaTest is an AI-powered test orchestration and execution platform that lets you run manual and automated tests at scale with over 3000+ real devices, browsers, and OS combinations. These platforms provide access to a wide range of cloud-based browsers and devices, which increases testing efficiency.

Use Browser Polyfills

Use JavaScript libraries or polyfills to make older browsers compatible. It can help bridge the gap between the capabilities of older browsers and current web standards.

Test for Performance and Speed

Analyze how well your website works with various browsers. Keep an eye on rendering speed and load times. Slow-loading websites can lead to high bounce rates.

Accessibility Testing

Ensure everyone, including those with disabilities, can access your website. Use Axe or the browser’s built-in accessibility auditing features to verify compliance with accessibility standards.

Document and Report Bugs Thoroughly

If you run into cross-browser problems, make sure you thoroughly record them. Provide details about the operating system, browser version, how to replicate the situation, and screenshots. It will assist your development team in effectively addressing and resolving the issues.

Regression Testing

To ensure that updates and modifications to your website do not create new cross-browser compatibility problems, do regression testing regularly.

Collaborate with a Diverse Team

Promote cooperation amongst testers, designers, and developers to obtain a variety of viewpoints on cross-browser testing.  Certain team members may identify problems or offer solutions that others might miss.

These guidelines and best practices can help you pass cross-browser testing and provide a consistent and enjoyable user experience across browsers and devices.

Case Studies and Real-World Examples

A vital component of web development is cross-browser testing, and many top organizations have put effective plans in place to ensure their websites work perfectly on various browsers and devices. Let us examine some actual cases and the insights they provide:


Google’s dedication to cross-browser compatibility is well known. They frequently release their web apps with strict compatibility standards and invest heavily in thorough testing across widely used browsers.

This methodology guarantees the seamless operation of products such as Google Search, Gmail, and Google Docs for users across various platforms and browsers. Setting high compatibility standards and investing in thorough testing are key takeaways.


Airbnb’s website is usable and accessible from a variety of browsers.  User experience is given top priority, and their testing approach combines automated testing with manual testing carried out by specialized QA teams.

The takeaway from Airbnb is that problems can be found and fixed more successfully when automated technologies and human testing are used together.


With its Edge browser, which is made to function well with contemporary web standards, Microsoft has embraced cross-browser compatibility. Microsoft actively contributes to developing web standards, having learned from previous browser iterations.

The takeaway is that a more compatible and intuitive browser can result from continued involvement in developing web standards.


Netflix is well known for its dedication to providing a consistent viewing experience on various devices and web browsers.  To find problems early, they combine automated testing with human observation.

This example teaches us to monitor user experiences and respond to comments to improve cross-browser compatibility.


Cross-browser testing is prioritized on GitHub’s code hosting and collaboration platform to support its developer community. They keep up a robust testing infrastructure and actively work to resolve browser-specific problems that users report. GitHub teaches us that proactive problem-solving and being receptive to user feedback are essential.

Top organizations prioritize cross-browser testing to ensure cross-platform web applications, as shown in these case studies. These examples teach us to enforce compatibility, use automated and manual testing, contribute to web standards, monitor user experiences, and welcome user feedback.

By implementing these best practices, organizations can provide their users with a dependable and consistent experience regardless of the browser or device they select. Web development requires cross-browser testing to ensure your website or app works on multiple devices and browsers.

It involves testing how your website works and looks in different browsers to provide a consistent and seamless user experience for all visitors. As web browsers evolve, rendering engines, JavaScript implementations, and unique features complicate compatibility for developers.

LambdaTest makes finding and fixing compatibility problems across different browser versions simple so that every visitor to your website has a consistent experience. The cloud-based platform lets you access Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, and more from one place.

Real-time interactive testing, automated screenshot taking, visual user interface testing, and even a responsive testing tool for evaluating how well your website adjusts to various screen sizes are some of LambdaTest’s key features. Additionally, parallel testing capabilities allow you to expedite your testing process and save significant time.

With LambdaTest, you can improve your testing tactics, increase productivity, and provide your users with flawless online experiences. Take advantage of this revolutionary platform for successful testing and web development. Its features can help you improve cross-browser testing!


Before cross-browser testing, identify your audience’s preferred browsers and devices. You can efficiently manage your resources by prioritizing testing according to user preferences and usage patterns.

Furthermore, whether you use cloud-based testing services, virtual machines, or your computer, creating a reliable testing environment is essential. These setups enable cross-browser and device testing.

To succeed in cross-browser testing, use browser developer tools, prioritize popular browser versions, automate testing, and update your testing environment. Real-world examples from Google, Airbnb, Microsoft, Netflix, and GitHub emphasize the importance of cross-browser testing, high compatibility standards, a mix of automated and manual testing, active participation in web standards development, and continuous user experience monitoring.

Cross-browser testing is essential for a great web experience. It ensures your website works properly on all browsers and devices, improving user satisfaction, bounce rates, and web project success.  Regularly following best practices and testing can achieve cross-browser compatibility and give your audience a consistent and enjoyable experience.

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