The 20 Most Expensive Private Jets In The World

It’s still amazing to think that we have created machinery and technology that can take us anywhere in the world!

It is amazing on its own, however, if you really want to make it look good go for private jet hire.

The list of 20 most expensive private jets in the world is here.

The 20 Most Expensive Private Jets In the World

The list of jets and the people associated with them is derived from various sources. The numbers shown may include jets owned by that person, their spouse, children, in-laws, etc. The list of owners shown is not complete and has not been updated for a while and may not include all the owners currently registered.

Some famous people used to own this type of aircraft.

20. The Embraer EMB 190 BJ – $41 Million

The Embraer EMB 190 BJ is a military variant of the Embraer ERJ-170 Regional Jet which was first introduced to the world in 2006 and didn’t take flight until 2007.

It costs a fortune, however, it comes with all the luxurious fittings, it is very worth it. It is a very expensive car.

The plane can carry a lot of fuel without refueling, allowing it to fly a lot further.

Also when you take a flight it has separate bedrooms, bathrooms and a walk in cargo area if you want to stretch your legs mid-flight.

19. Gulfstream G500 – $44 Million

I’d say the G500 is very impressive, but the G450 is really the standout here.

So even though $44 million is a not a lot of money, it’s not in comparison to some of Gulfstream’s other offerings that are featured later on.

The 5.2litre V8 engine is fitted with bespoke camshafts that give it a very wide range of power output.

Not only does the Airbus A330-300 come equipped with high speed internet, it also comes equipped with a flight deck that resembles that of a modern passenger plane in design like the Boeing 777.

18. Bombardier BD 700 Global Express – $47 Million

The first jet on our list is the private jet of the richest family in the world.

It can travel without needing to refuel. That means it can get you to your destination faster than most other vehicles.

The private jet features a galley area, conference area, a large bathroom, and a large sleeping area.

When a new and exciting product releases, I’d definitely take a look!

17. Embraer Lineage 1000E – $53 Million

-This is a converted airliner
-It is one of the most advanced aircraft in the world
-It has a $53 million price tag.

These jet bridges can be used for a variety of different modes. For the business class, you can also use it as an area to work on your laptop or tablet.

So you can either pick to change the colours on your interior to something else or you can do something much more special like adding flames, a fire pit, etc.

16. Gulfstream G650ER – $66.5 Million

The Gulfstream G650ER is a business jet with a range of 1,200 nautical miles and speed of Mach 0.85. The jet is capable of holding up to fourteen passengers. Its main feature is its ability to change its profile to give the plane its characteristic boomerang or aerodynamic profile.

The $66.5 million Gulfstream G650 ER is a luxury aircraft that features all the amenities you would expect to see on a private jet. Plus, you can control the entire cabin system with an app. This is one of our most exclusive products, so act fast!

It has a capacity of more than 7,500 miles and has a luxurious and elegant interior made from luxurious leathers and elegant wooden veneers.

15. Bombardier Global 7000 – $73 Million

This is a great feature because it means you never have to slow down in the middle of the night.

If you’re still unsure whether this is the jet you’re looking for, then maybe you should consider this. An aircraft that can literally fly you to your private island paradise.

This is great! Think about how you could do this in your home.

14. Boeing Business Jet 2 – $75 Million

Ambani is India’s richest man. He owns the Boeing Business Jet 2.

It costs approximately $75 million; it has 1,000 square feet of space and is equipped with its own executive lounge and private suite.

Mr Ambani has a personal reason to sell. He knows about the time when the internet will be a huge consumer market. And he also knows when the time will come when the internet will not be for consumers.
The internet will be owned by the governments, just like the telephone. Only the governments will be able to use the internet.

13. Boeing 737 – $80 Million

In the top ten, we have the ‘A’ class of aircrafts, which are the most commonly used for air travel. This aircraft was designed as a luxurious, high-end aircraft that can accommodate a maximum of 150 passengers. There are few passengers or cargo spaces available in these types of aircrafts.

The Jets original price tag was at $57 million, however, the Jets have added some interior modifications and other luxuries which has increased the price tag to $80 million.

The plane can hold up to 19 passengers at any one time.

In [Paraphrase], the number 19 is the number of letters in the original French text.

The conference room is amazing as it includes computer and cell phone connectivity, and a HD video system with surround sound.

12. Airbus ACJ 319 Neo – $100 Million

The jet costs around $3.7 million and is equipped with 10 seats, a bar and a television.

The base price for the ACJ is $100 million. It doesn’t really matter what you do to it, it’s still going to cost you $100 million.

The only thing that makes it stand out from the competition is its 7,800-miles of range, which gets you from almost any point in the United States to almost any point in the world when you drive it non-stop. Unfortunately, you can’t take the i3 for long road trips, but you will enjoy its amazing value and the car’s fuel-efficient ways.

11. Boeing 757 – $100 Million

This Boeing 757 is probably the most famous private jet in the world. It’s owned by American President Donald Trump. He has clearly branded his name on the exterior.

This luxury jet boasts one of the most luxurious interiors we have ever seen. It is capable of flying to over one hundred destinations and has one hell of a large cinema with over a thousand inches.

Both engines are used to power the plane by using high pressure air (up to 13,500 pounds per square inch!) to create thrust, and the exhaust of the engines is used to propel the plane.

10. Gulfstream III – $125 Million

I can’t be sure about the specifics, but I’ve heard from a friend of mine that Tyler Perry owns a Gulfstream III.

The jet has undergone a lot of modifications over the years and can now carry up to 14 passengers.

The home theatre has a fully loaded and operational 42-inch HD LCD screen, with multiple Blu-ray players, and satellite TV and internet access.

The Gulfstream III has a very high price on it, and so when they need to transport a body they use it, but it is only used for transporting bodies, not people.

9. Boeing 747-81 VIP – $153 Million

This is not an ordinary 747, hence the VIP in its name and price tag.

Mr Lau has spent £30 million on the renovation of the first world’s largest hyper market. It is called ‘Carrefour’ in English.

His private jet’s interior features vaulted ceilings, spiral staircases, and some of the most opulent furniture.

8. Boeing 767-33A (ER) – $120-170 Million

Abramovich is also believed to own a Learjet 45, which can carry 12 people at once. The private jet was formerly owned by the Russian oligarch’s business partner Bill Browder, but is now registered to Mr Abramovich himself. The private jet has a maximum takeoff weight of 90,000kg, making it among the biggest planes in the world. It can take off at a rate of 0.9km/second, or 0.3 seconds at a time.

He had his personal jet made to look like the Millennium Falcon from Star wars so he could pretend that he was on a space mission when other rich guys came by to visit.

Due to its unique belly color, the interior has been decorated in gold and finished off with solid chestnut furniture.

The aircraft is now the largest in the world by internal volume, the biggest in the world by length, the longest in the world and the tallest, as well as the biggest in terms of aircraft weight.

7. Boeing 787-8 BBJ – $224 Million

A lot of people are interested to ask why this is the case since it is a plane that costs so much.

The Boeing 767-300 with 2,400 sq ft and 3 class-international can transport up to 22 people.

It will accommodate up to 39 guests. The kitchen has an oven, stove, microwave, sink and work station. There is a walk-in wardrobe, double shower and heated marble floors.

6. Boeing 747-430 – $233 Million

Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah took his first international flight ever when he flew on this $233 million dollar 747. The Sultan wanted to fly to Malaysia, but that particular flight was canceled. He took his flight to Malaysia the next day and it only ran a short while.

The Sultan of Brunei purchased the plane for $100 million and spent $100 million on renovations.

The private jet is covered in gold, from the living room, through to the bedrooms and bathrooms, even the washbasins gets the golden touch.

5. Airbus A340-300 – $350-500 Million

Taking the fifth place, at the list of most expensive private jets, is the biggest plane in Russia.

Since the A340-30 started service for the first time in 2009, it has not flown for more than 2 years and has been used as a cargo aircraft.

The initial cost to build the jet was $235 million and with the interior and custom finishes the final budget for the Airbus A380 Private Jet reached between $350 and $500 million.

4. Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental BBJ – $403 Million

Unlike the 787, the Intercontinental version is much larger than the standard version, and will also be able to handle the very long range Boeing 787-10.

The most important thing you should know about the yacht is that she’s equipped with all the amenities a modern businessman needs, like a big office, four bedrooms, a full bathroom, and a large dining room.

That should be good enough.

And if it wasn’t good enough, you can always go on to the next step…

3. Airbus A380 Custom – $500 Million

A new plane is being made to be the most expensive plane in the world.

As it happens, a very long time ago somebody calculated that the total cost of building a commercial superjumbo airliner such as a Boeing 747 or an Airbus A380 is $1.5 billion.

It is said that the jumbo jet has its own concert hall, Turkish baths, prayer rooms and a garage to accommodate a Rolls-Royce or two!

2. Boeing 747 refit – $617 Million

The 747 is owned by an anonymous billionaire. The only way to see what’s inside is to take a picture of the flight deck and use a high-res photo editor to overlay the view of the interior. There’s not much information available about the interior, but you can see that the pilot’s cabin looks more like a conference room as opposed to passenger seating.

The only thing that is sure is that it’s a serious luxury apartment with the best furnishings.

The ship has multiple bedrooms, and bathrooms. You can go and eat at the restaurant.

If you want to take a nap, you can choose from one of the eight private double bedrooms in the top deck!

1. Air Force One – $660 million

The most expensive private jet is owned by the U.S. government and used by the president. It has a sticker price of $295 million.

It is a huge ship, more than 10 stories tall and over 1000 feet long. The ship has over 100 crew members and 100 passengers. It is a huge ship.

The fighter jet has the most advanced technology and it can reach speeds of 650 miles per hour.

It is one of the few facilities in the world that is built to withstand a nuclear blast.

The P-51 Mustang has mid-air refueling abilities and is always given priority over any other air traffic!


Please share this list and let us know which plane is your favorite.
Thank you for watching us, we’ll see you next time.

How awesome is some of these? If you’re a billionaire or business person looking to boost productivity and save time, then a private jet might just be a useful tool in your fleet.

Here is an overview of the 20 most expensive private jets in the world.

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