Burning Crypto Explained

Even the most well-informed crypto investors sometimes find themselves confused about token burning: what does token burning mean? What tokens have been burned already? How can we tell whether a specific token has been burned?

The truth is that token burning is a complicated process—so complicated, in fact, that it’s pretty difficult to answer these questions without getting lost in the technical details. We’ve broken down the basics of what token burning is and how it works, so you can get on with your life and leave the technical stuff to us.

What is token burning?

Token burning is the process of destroying a digital token by sending it to an unreachable address, or burning them in a fire. The idea is to reduce the supply, which will increase the value of your remaining tokens.

The most common form of token burning is called “token destruction,” where you send your coins to an address that doesn’t have any private keys associated with it–the address essentially becomes unusable and can’t be accessed by anyone ever again. You can also destroy them by sending them through an invalid transaction fee or just tossing them into an old computer case filled with liquid nitrogen and letting it freeze.

Token destruction has been used by many companies as a way to raise money for development projects or other initiatives that require funding from their communities (like Ethereum).

Why burn crypto?

Token burn, or token “burns”, are a way to decrease the supply of a cryptocurrency while increasing its value. Token burns can be done for several reasons:

  • To reduce supply and increase value. This is the most common reason for burning tokens. If you have too much of something in circulation (for example, if you’ve raised money for your project through an ICO), then reducing the supply will help boost demand and thus increase the price per coin/token. To put it simply: if there are fewer coins available on crypto exchanges than before, each individual one will be more valuable because fewer people can buy them–and this means more money for everyone involved.

  • To remove unwanted tokens from circulation. This might seem like an odd reason at first glance but think about it this way: what happens if someone loses their private key? Their funds would become inaccessible forever unless someone else found them.

What happens after a token Burn?

Token burning is the process of destroying tokens in a smart contract. After a token burn, the total supply of that token decreases and its price may rise.

Token burning decreases the circulating supply of tokens by permanently removing them from circulation and destroying them forever. It’s important to note that burned tokens are not recoverable or tradable again; they’re destroyed forever! This means that after a burn occurs, there will still be exactly as many total coins available for use as there were before: no more or less than 100% of all issued coins were “burned” during this process.

How does token burning work?

Token burning can be done by the developers and users of a cryptocurrency. It’s also possible for an exchange to burn tokens on behalf of its clients, but this is less common because it requires that exchanges have access to private keys and other sensitive information about their users’ holdings.

The most straightforward way to burn a token is through an exchange that supports the coin in question including crypto pairs such as SHIB/USDT. You can send them some Ether or Bitcoin (or whatever currency you want), and they’ll send you back an equivalent amount of new coins minus whatever fee they charge for doing so. 

Why is burning tokens in crypto important?

  • Burning tokens is a way to reduce the supply of a cryptocurrency and thereby increase its value.
  • If you burn your tokens, you can buy more at a lower price because there are fewer in circulation. But if everyone does this, eventually there won’t be any left.
  • Token burning is also known as “token destruction” or simply “destroying coins.”

Where does burnt crypto go? 

Burning crypto is a process that sends your tokens to a special address. This address is called a “black hole,” because it can’t be accessed by anyone. The funds are not lost forever, but they can’t be accessed by anyone who might try to hack into the system or recover them otherwise. If you want to recover your burned coins, you’ll have to contact the company directly (or whoever created the blockchain).

Is crypto burning good? 

Burning has long been an alternative to bitcoin cloud mining, which is the most common way to get crypto. Mining is when you solve math problems for crypto, which gives you more crypto in exchange for your time and electricity used. 

Burning is different in that instead of mining crypto, you’re actually sending crypto up in smoke (which makes sense because this is going on the blockchain and all). Instead of getting money in exchange for solving math problems, you’re getting money in exchange for losing access to that same amount of money forever.

This isn’t too different from traditional ways to destroy money like shredding it or throwing it into a volcano. The idea behind burning is that either the value of the currency being burned will go down or the value of the currency being kept will go up. The hope is that by destroying some currency, you’ll be helping your investment grow faster than it would have otherwise.


The concept of burning crypto has already proven to be an important tool in the fight against inflation and a way for investors to make money. The process of burning tokens can be complicated at times, but it’s important to remember that this is a new technology and there will always be kinks that need ironing out before we fully understand how things work.

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