70 T.d. Jakes Quotes On Fear, Destiny & Letting Go

I like to take everything seriously. I like to study everything. I love watching movies and I like to read books. I think you should always be positive and always be happy.

He is an author, Pastor, film maker, pastor, and motivational speaker.

Thomas D. Jakes is a Bishop of the Nondenominational American church, The Potter’s House. His televised sermons are broadcast on various networks.

2. How is the word that is being modified a proper name, and what does that tell you about the subject of this sentence (or paragraph).

He loves to work in the gym and is always talking about how he’s going to get bigger and stronger this year.
[Mikael]: He’s only 25 years old but already has one of the biggest YouTube channels out there.

I’ve put together a huge collection of T.D. Jakes quotes!

70 T.D. Jakes Quotes

I don’t know how to put this delicately, but the “back from the dead” thing is kind of ridiculous. I mean, I can see that it’s probably good for morale and all, but if you really want to get a comeback going you should be talking more about how this is the opportunity to make history. Make a case against history.

You need to face your fears and conquer them. Find your potential and move on.

The last thing you want to do in your life is put on a big show for people. Don’t try to be something you are not. If it’s not who you are, then it’s not what you are.

The bible says that forgiveness is the greatest of all virtues. We have chosen to show favor for those who chose to forgive us.

Hardship and challenges will humble you but nothing will break you unless you let it. You have to be in tune with your instinct for survival.

If you succeed in loving those who are imperfect, you will also be able to accept yourself for who you are. Those who are imperfect, do not have to be perfect for you.

7. “You don’t make decisions about problems, you solve them.

Money is a tool of poverty. Sometimes poverty becomes so extreme in places, that people lose the ability to create, or to create money at the pace that it should be created.

If you surround yourself with people you want to be like, you will become that person.

10th of 70 T.D. Jakes Quotes

There is nothing I am more passionate about than empowering the next generation.

There is nothing that you can do to change the world. You can only change your world. And the first step is to do something that needs to be done.

Whatever you give yourself to, it will come back to you.

What I’m going to teach you, you can’t teach your kids, you can only reproduce yourself.

I am gifted. I get the gift of life. It is not mine to validate. I give my energy through service.

Marriage is meant for those who are whole. To be whole, you must be the one for the one and the one for you. But when you are the one for the one and the one for you, you will fuse to create a whole family. Ultimately, when the time is right, you will produce whole children.

Destiny is not for you if you don’t know what it is. Destiny is for the bold, not for those who need comfort. Destiny is for the brave. You don’t know what your fate will be.

If something takes longer than you plan it will still happen, and you can have patience for it.

It’s a difficult task to forgive someone who is constantly wrong. It’s also a difficult task to be able to forgive someone who’s constantly wrong.

Being a Christian is about building a relationship with God. It’s not about building an relationship with every individual person. It’s about building strong relationships with God and one another.

20th of 70 T.D. Jakes Quotes

In the season of your life, when you’re feeling overwhelmed by the demands of your current life, you’re called to step to the edge of the edge, which is a word I’ve coined to represent the boundary of your comfort zone. It’s that point at which you feel like you can’t take it anymore, but the opposite side of that edge is when you step beyond your comfort zone into the unknown and find there’s something that can’t be explained that requires your attention.

Let’s not settle for less than God’s best for our lives.

“T.D. Jakes said.” Sometimes something that makes us insecure and vulnerable can be just the fuel we need to be overachievers.

If you feel like you are always jumping to extremes then you are probably doing too much. Take a step back and do a better job of looking at your life and not the world around you.

You got so much inside of you I bet you’ve got a little monster under your bed.

No matter what happens this year we are the people we’ve been waiting for.

Sometimes when you’re a giraffe and you experience criticism from turtles, they’re simply reporting the view from the level they’re on.

If you want to become an adult, you have to stop living in the past.

Closet is also a location in your closet where you keep your miracles. Miracle is your greatest obstacle and opportunity.

I’ve noticed I’m so good at chasing people’s attention through my blog and social media that it’s starting to feel like a chore. And I’m not talking about the likes. I’m talking about the comments, shares, and shares. I’ve become so good at it that I’m starting to feel bad when I’m not getting any comments, likes, or shares.

30th of 70 T.D. Jakes Quotes

I’m not sure what you are saying. I didn’t understand your sentences. It would help to re-phrase them.


It seems to me you have got a wrong impression about the difference between the two.

Each day is God’s gift to me. I am supposed to make the most of it and give it back to Him.


Your body is meant to work for you. The way of a Christian is a life of service.


The pseudo-paraphrase works by taking a single phrase out of context and presenting it as an idea for the reader to learn.

God has invested entirely too much in us for us to be comfortable in anything less than He created us to be.

It is okay to have a passion, even if you are not sure where it will lead you. Just keep at it because you will find your purpose – whatever that may be.

It is important to remember that for every person, there will be a problem. Even more importantly, for every problem, there will be a solution.

Women don’t want a man who is in submission to God. And they definitely don’t want a man who isn’t in submission to God.

Don’t expect to get paid for your vision; your vision is probably bigger than your paycheck.

You will need to feel this truth and know how beautiful it is when you read through this book.

Too many people want to win the appearance of winning and the process of being a true champion can be elusive.

Forgiveness is not a license to return to a relationship. It is a way to bring yourself to a relationship where you are able to forgive fully. You are being forgiven as you forgive.

40th of 70 T.D. Jakes Quotes

When we begin to know that our past does not necessarily dictate the outcome of our future, then we can breathe new air. It is impossible to inhale new air until we exhale the old.

The word “T.D.” is an abbreviation of “Theodore” and is a Christian name. Therefore, Jakes is saying that people don’t need to know what you are doing, how you are working, how you make money, what kind of car you drive, what kind of house you live in, etc. We are supposed to be completely unknown to each other.

The world we live in is not fair. It is a place of great extremes. The world is made up of victims and perpetrators, and the victim has the choice of whether to accept their circumstances or flee from them. The person who chooses flight from their circumstances may end up on the receiving end of another’s flight; but the person who chooses to accept their circumstances will be the one who ends up helping the perpetrator.

Don’t think you’ve lost your anger. Remember the saying “There’s a time to be mad and a time to be happy”.

In order to create personal growth and freedom, one must not remain stuck in a place where nobody is comfortable around you. If you want to be a person, you need to move beyond the boundaries of those who despise your growth and desire to be the same as the person you once were in order to reach the person you want to be.

Forgetting to work out, skipping breakfast, playing video games are symptoms. The real disease is indifference and laziness.

God knows what’s best for people and He has a plan to get them to work and enjoy life.

The way to get through life is not by spending too much time thinking, but by spending too much time being.

There is no passion in being a person. That passion is in doing what you were meant to do.

The only thing that enables you to accomplish something is your inner strength and what lies within your heart and your spirit.

50th of 70 T.D. Jakes Quotes

If someone has an unhealthy love relationship with themselves, there will be no true development in their life and they will be the exact same person, who they were last year, next year, and the year after that. Watering what is dead and unhealthy will not bring anything to life. We are all different, and we are all created to be our own unique person. We need to allow that into our lives.

I am not going to waste my dream or my family’s money if I can’t pay my bills.

Forgiveness is not something that we should force others to do, rather it should be an expression of our love for someone.
[Para]: And as we said earlier, we should forgive our enemies and not harbor hatred in our hearts.

I tend to want the other person to be a finished product and I give myself the grace to evolve.

If you don’t pursue what makes you happy it’s impossible to find the fulfillment that comes from being a slave to your own choices. Don’t just pursue winning just don’t live by instincts.

If you are not a big guy with a big heart you are missing something.

Most people try to be something that they’re not. So, if you try to be something that you’re not, you never end up being what you’re supposed to be. So, just be true to you.

The more you put your faith in Christ, the more opportunity you have to experience miraculous things in your life.

A lot of people, what they think of you stops you from being a person. They hold you back. You have to know that you are more than what they think about you. If you don’t have that confidence, you will not be able to reach out and change the world. If you don’t do it for yourself, nobody else will. Nobody that you care about and trust.

59. Face your giants, slay them and move on. Do not be daunted by the mistakes and failures in your life.

60th of 70 T.D. Jakes Quotes

How can you get a sense of the difference between the two?


I’m going to answer in terms of how the sentence is written, rather than how the words sound.

If you ignore things that you can control, you cannot blame others when things that you can control don’t go right.

We are too busy trying to accomplish what we want, we ignore what we have already achieved. Let’s be happy for the things that we have already achieved.

I have a lot of fears, but I am trying to overcome the fear of my fears and focus on the things I am sure of – my love for Jesus, my family, and my faith. Fear leads to negative outcomes, so I am choosing faith over fear.

The people who know me the best are the people who’ve known me the longest. Those who are best at knowing me are the same ones I should be listening to the most.

Having a purpose is the most important thing in the world.

When you are doing you thing to do, you should not be concerned about the future nor the past nor other people. When you are focused on what you need to do, you are doing it on purpose. You are living on purpose.

I am excited about making progress and growing through our struggles and the pain of what has happened. We did not allow what we had yesterday to fill the vacancies of what we lost today.

Noam Chomsky once said that when you hold on to your history, you stop looking towards the future.

The key to life is to let go of the past and to embrace what God wants to do in your future.

In your words and in your actions, others will be able to see what you think and what you believe. So, if you say you are a Christian, others are watching you!


Thanks for viewing these T.D Jakes quotes. And please share them on social media.

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