66 Inspirational Audrey Hepburn Quotes

Audrey Hepburn was a British actress, born in 1929 and passed away in 1993. She was a huge icon in the film and fashion industry who became one of the most renowned and respected actresses of her generation.

It has been said by many that Audrey Hepburn was a person who inspired generations. Whether you are a diehard Hepburn fan or just like a little bit of her every now and then I strongly recommend reading her story.

Audrey Hepburn was a wonderful actress and was full of wisdom, kindness, and charm.

66 Audrey Hepburn Quotes

1. Nothing is impossible, because everything is possible!

Being an introvert is my favorite way to spend my days. I really like being outside. I love to take long walks with my dogs and watch the people and animals. I find that being able to relax in nature brings me great peace of mind. There is just something wonderful about the quiet and calmness it provides.

I love people who makes me laugh. I honest think it’s the thing I like most, to laugh. It cure a multitude of ill. It’s probably the most important thing in a person.

A woman needs to know if she should be friends with someone
or if she should be friends with someone.
If you need a hand, she’ll be there at the end of her arm.

You can’t judge or point fingers, but you can look for someone who appreciates you. It will make you happy and it could make you more creative.

No living is like tearing through a museum. Not until later do you really start absorbing what you saw, thinking about it, looking it up in a book, and remembering – because you can’t take it all at once.

We have no control over life, yet we try to control it and make it happen the way we want it. We think things have to be all about us and the things we want to do. We see life as a battle, a struggle to overcome obstacles and situations that we cannot control. So, we become upset and anxious when things or people do not go our way.

A friend is someone you can pick up and be with whenever you want.

I always liked to read books, whether it was a novel or some of the classics.

1. “It’s important to take the time to really think through a situation before acting, and then try and make the best choice.”


We will need to translate the bolded phrases into the language of the target culture, and then find an equivalent.

Enjoy your life no matter what. You deserve to enjoy your life. And, you can do that in ways other than by staying out late every weekend until you crash. Try not to care what anyone else thinks about you. You are on your own path, following your own internal guidance and enjoying your life.

No, there are not. Every single woman is not a shade of red.

13th of 66 Audrey Hepburn Quotes

To forgive quickly, to kiss slowly, to love truly, to laugh uncontrollably, and to never regret anything that makes you smile.

I agree. I would love to hold onto a great person, but that’s not always possible.

Great quotes never seem to come along easily so you have to really work for them. But, when they do, you have to grab them.

To be elegant is to be kind and polite. When someone is elegant, they never lose their manners even if they are in a situation that is not very friendly.

The older you get, the more you have to help yourself. You have to take care of yourself, and you have to take care of other people.

Audrey Hepburn’s quote is a simple reminder that we all need time and space to be with ourselves. No one else can fulfill our emotional needs, so we must be sure that we never forget who we are and what we want for ourselves.

It is nice to know that you have your own style. When you have found it, it will be nice to stick to it.

The movie is about a woman who wants to get on with her life, but she doesn’t feel that others are more important than she is and that’s what makes her a happy person, so get on with it!

The actress has stated that she’s remained a child and is not afraid of anything. That’s because at a young age she was aware of suffering and fear.

22nd of 66 Audrey Hepburn Quotes

I’m so grateful for the beautiful friends in my life, but I think I’ve become pretty spoiled. I like to do the majority of the “work” and they just show up and pick up the slack. It’s a nice arrangement, but I really shouldn’t be getting that much for free. If I could, I’d be more like my friend, Jess.

I’m glad that I have plenty of closet space, but I wouldn’t want a huge swimming pool.

The same applies to business and marketing. Every company wants to be loved to succeed in this age when customer relationships have become the ultimate currency. You can’t manage a relationship with a one-way street: if you don’t communicate with your end-customers and listen to them, you’ll never have the chance to have a relationship.

As you get older, you will discover that you have two hands – one to help others and the other to help yourself.

I think that life is all about family, and you should be happy you have a family because you’re lucky to be able to spend your life with people who really care about you, and who love you, and who will always be there for you.

కళళి ఉంది – The beauty of a woman begins with her heart and ends with her soul. It is not the mole on her face but the love and caring that she gives, the passion that she knows. The beauty of a woman grows with the passing years.

Life isn’t over. If you have no-one else to turn too, you can always pour yourself a cup of tea and take some time to yourself.

29th of 66 Audrey Hepburn Quotes

When we talk about a person, we can know more about them by listening, than by looking. We can gather more information about a person by asking them about their friends than we can by looking at them.
You can gain more insight into a person by listening and talking to them than by observing them.

I was born with an enormous need for affection and a terrible need to give it.

For those who want to do more exercise when you travel, it’s a good idea to add exercise in your travel day.

It will always help you to do exercises which you can do at home. For example, yoga is good practice for travelers.

I always do exercises, even if it’s a short walk during my travel day.

Audrey Hepburn said that happiness is the state of health and having a short memory. I wish I’d come up with that because it’s very true.

This quote is from the movie, Breakfast at Tiffany’s. In the movie, Holly Golightly, played by Audrey Hepburn, says this quote while explaining that she doesn’t take life in her own life, but her professional life seriously. She’s a high profile actress, and her career is an important part of her life.

A quality education has the power to transform the entire world into a single generation of children. Children who are taught to love and respect others, in addition to being taught how to read and write, can then make this world a better place, by helping to repair its many problems.

When I read this quote years ago, it really struck me with how lucky I am to be able to live in the world and not just sit back and watch it go by.

I think that in recent years, more and more people have understood that the world has become smaller because technology has allowed us to reach anyone and everywhere. I think that, more than anything else, we are obliged to give to other people, especially to people who are not so well off.

You’re not your job; you’re not a role model. You are not an icon. You are not a role model. You are. You do what you are. You do the work. You do the work.

I know some people say the opposite but if you eat a sweet first (especially before the meal) you tend to eat the rest of the meal much quicker.

I walk because I know no one else walks. I live in the moment. I am a wanderer. I am free.

40th of 66 Audrey Hepburn Quotes

“Success is like reaching an important birthday and finding that you’re exactly the same as you were before.”

I do a lot of paraphrasing, usually of the classics. I have a tendency to use the word “exactly” several times, even when it’s not really needed. I also like to insert my favorite aphorism, “it is better to be a dog than a cat” where it is useful or appropriate.

I would say that I would have been happy in every way. Happiness in itself is a source of great joy.

In the movie itself, the protagonist is not only trying to figure out what she truly wants but also wondering if she is even cut out to be a mother.

Audrey Hepburn says that a woman’s sex appeal is more than just her measurements. She can accomplish the same appeal, by picking apples off a tree or standing in the rain. She also adds that her beauty is not derived from her bed.

People should pick their own lives and follow their own purposes. They shouldn’t wait for anyone else to do it for them or drag them through the mud by tying them to a stake. People should just live and have fun.

A beautiful woman is not something that others have. It is simply the way she feels in her heart. She is truly beautiful when she is herself and her beauty is not a product of what she wears or does. When a man sees a woman who is confident with herself and has self-respect and dignity, she has a natural beauty that cannot be bought, and it is that kind of natural beauty that will never fade away no matter what.

45. Make-up can only make you look pretty on the outside, but it doesn’t help if your ugly on the inside. Unless you eat the make-up.

I like to pretend that my body’s an ice rink and my beauty comes from being free of all the worries and stress of my daily work.

She always worked diligently to improve her craft and stretch herself to improve and grow.

Audrey Hepburn used to say that the only things that interested her were things that were related to her heart and heartbreak. I think that her comment is one of the most important in this book and I felt that reading it helped me to understand more my own interests. I think that the quote below makes you think about what it means to have an interest.

There are certain kinds of attention that will make a girl’s face glow.

I can tell that you have a lot of experience to say things like this. But you shouldn’t call yourself a woman, it should be a woman.

Audrey Hepburn had no idea what she was getting herself into. She was never prepared for the role she was to play. Being a great actress, she made it work and was rewarded for her efforts.

52nd of 66 Audrey Hepburn Quotes

I feel like I’m still planting my garden but I’m pretty sure tomorrow is out of reach.

Don’t let anybody take away your happiness by making you believe the world is a bad place. Know that there are many people who are going through the same thing and you are not alone.

Audrey Hepburn felt like she needed to recharge. As a result, she often spent the weekend alone in her apartment – a space where she could relax and renew herself.

We all have to be restored, renewed, revived, redeemed and reclaimed. Don’t throw people away because they make errors; help them to make right choices.

I love Audrey because she is the greatest actress I know. As a young actress, I remember seeing her in Breakfast at Tiffany’s, and later as Holly Golightly, in The Nun’s Story. I also remember seeing her singing My Funny Valentine with James Mason in Two for the Road. Audrey Hepburn embodied gentleness, kindness and a certain kind of inner peace. I hope to emulate her.

I think about them a lot. I feel that they’re very important and they’re important to my personality. They’re what I grew up with and a lot of the time I feel like they have shaped me as a person.

I am not an alcoholic, I just like to be in a position where I can drink a lot of booze and not care if I do.
The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, and women have a lot of experience in this area.
We put hot sauce on everything, even salads.
We don’t use butter, or salt.
We have very little patience.

Sometimes you can tell what kind of person a man really is by the earrings he gives you.

Movies are often the best source for learning how people act and what they feel. I learned how to act by watching movies, and I think you can learn how to be a leader by watching movies.

61st of 66 Audrey Hepburn Quotes

I am a realist. I like to see what is actually before my eyes. I like the natural world. I like to see the way it is.

A lot of people think that success is all about achieving a goal or accomplishing a dream. I think that’s just one side of the picture. I think success is about being in a place where you are continually learning and growing, and in that process you are not the same person that you were yesterday.

There must be something wrong with those who think Audrey Hepburn is an icon, because for me she is a girl who always did what she wanted.
But the thing that makes her so special is not just her attitude but also her physical traits.
She is beautiful, she doesn’t have any of the usual problems that women have, such as wrinkles, or having double chins, or anything like that.
She’s healthy, her hair is always shiny, she has never aged, so it’s like she’s been around since the time of the dinosaurs.
But of course she has a secret of how to stay young and beautiful forever.

It is not about getting out of your problems and problems, but about getting out of yourself and problems. It is about getting out of yourself and problems instead of trying to hide them.

While you are alone and feeling terrible, you will need a friend, someone to go with you, just to hold your hand. Sometimes all we need to do is to laugh, have fun and remember.

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