5 Reasons Why The 9-5 Job No Longer Makes Sense

There are several reasons for the growing number of people who work for themselves. The economy has been unstable since its 2008 collapse and recovery. Jobs for those with traditional employment positions have been scarce.

I dunno, maybe people are getting tired of being treated like second class citizens.

5 Reasons Why the 9-5 Job No Longer Makes Sense

There are two reasons why it is so difficult to find a job. First, many companies have moved to a less stable system of worker management, and second, many companies are using contingent workers.

Here are 5 reasons why the 9-5 job no longer makes sense, and I am glad that I am working at my passion.

1. It’s Misguided

While the idea of an 8-hour workday was originally meant to be a ceiling, many employers see it as a floor that limits the amount of work you can get done.

The 40-hour workweek is synonymous with the 8-hour day and this movement got its start in the organized labor movement.

There are two ways to think about the “Industrial Revolution”. It’s not an easy question to answer, and it will likely be debated for a long time, but for now, we’ll look at the two most prominent theories.

The demand was met with heated debate by politicians and industry leaders.

With this victory, the union workers had some hope to gain some ground to improve their working conditions. However, the 8-hour workday did not last long and was replaced with 10-hour workdays.

Then in 1898, the United Mine Workers made private-sector history, when they won the battle for an 8-hour day. Finally, in 1914, Henry Ford recognized the productivity gains to be made, and voluntarily instituted the 8-hour day for all workers in his company, and the rest of the world followed suit.

I’ve never understood why workers didn’t just quit a job that was so terrible they weren’t being paid enough to survive. So they could just find a better job without the company having to pay them too much, they just needed to be paid enough to live on.

It was a threshold, an agreed-upon threshold, that said if you cross this line, you’re exploitative.

The key point is that we should not have a job where more than one person does the same thing. So the key is to prevent the exploitation.

But this does not explain why there should be a job where more than one person does the same thing.

2. It’s Inefficient

You feel like you’re doing just enough to get by, and there’s no time to think and plan your work. Your manager is not a leader, and there is no culture of productivity that makes you want to be more efficient.

The article states that you should not work more than three to four hours with a 20-minute break in between.

People who spend a lot of time at the office are less likely to enjoy a good night’s sleep. Or to exercise or eat well.

3. It Punishes Workers for Sincere Effort

Even to this day, a full two-thirds of the work required to put food on our tables is still done by hand.
Most people still labor for their employer to make a living.

A large portion of America’s tech workers are now struggling for pay and benefits in order to provide for their families.

This is the best work ethic you can take in America today and you are wrong.

A company may have to pay more to a worker in order to get that worker to do more, but a company knows that it’s unlikely that that worker will do more than the absolute minimum. So, it may as well pay what it normally would and save itself the trouble of paying more.

Having a strict schedule may be detrimental to your business because it makes it difficult for you to earn money.

While it encourages smart and efficient efforts, it doesn’t allow for innovation. It doesn’t encourage doing the least amount of work. It punishes those who strive to do better. It rewards those who run out the clock.

4. It Treats All Work as Equal

I once knew someone who worked as a ride operator at an amusement park and was surprised to learn that park policy mandated he take a mandatory break every 2 hours and not work more than 8 hours in a day.

For the betterment of guests, the park’s management realized that employees who weren’t actually working but were standing around idly were less likely to notice and be able to react to a problem if it arose.
The park did not want their guests to get hurt because of their “idle” employees.

This is what employers are learning: that not all forms of work are created equal. Operating a rollercoaster is a much different exercise than sweating in a coal mine, flipping burgers or collating spreadsheets. Businesses are learning that they can improve employee engagement, productivity and performance in many other ways.

All of them are varied activities and require varying levels of physical and mental effort and they produce varying levels of fatigue over time.

That’s why more companies like “Best Buy” are exploring “goal-based scheduling.” That is for salaried employees to come and go whenever they like, so long as they get the job done.

These companies understand that a 9-to-5 does not make any sense. And, they operate on the idea that what they do is different every day.

5. It’s Not Flexible Enough

It is increasingly becoming a major point for many young professionals. However, it is important not to make this as far-fetched as it might seem, as the following cases, drawn from actual interviews, illustrate.

However, in the same page, it is also made clear that the job title “manager” is not always synonymous with “managerial position”.

Workplaces are increasing adopting reasonable flex-time policies every year because it improves the happiness and productivity of workers.

The rest of the article is a retelling of the story.

VRM, similar to other companies, places an emphasis on a well-balanced work-life balance. They also aim to make sure their employees are happy and fulfilled.

Volunteering for community organisations allows employees a way to connect with a different side of the community from that of the workplace.

It is becoming more and more difficult to find someone to fill the job that exists and to fulfill the tasks that are performed each day. This is a modern reality and is becoming a problem. If we do not have the ability to stay flexible, we will not be able to compete with the rest of the global community.

The Workday Isn’t Working Anymore

For these reasons and more, a growing number of employers and employees have simply realized that a monotonous, inflexible daytime slab of a schedule is detrimental to everyone involved.
As a result, the working day has become more flexible, and there are now increasing numbers of employees who work a ‘flexible’ day, i.e. a day that begins and ends at different times.

It’s no surprise, then, that the strict 9-to-5 schedule is on the way out — and frankly, good riddance.
But what about you, as a business owner? Are you looking forward to a more flexible work schedule? Do you already have a more flexible work arrangement in place?
Let’s look at what you need to know.

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