36 Motivational Picture Quotes To Get Through Hard Times

The quote from the famous movie “Forrest Gump” is my favorite quote.

you should take care of yourself by putting some money into your bank account and to get your finances back on track.

Maybe you are going through a family issue, have relationship problems or are having some career challenges. Or maybe a combination thereof.

I’ve compiled a collection of motivational picture quotes to get you through these tough times and make you more self aware of your capabilities.

If you need some positive motivation just search for a picture quote and it shall surely help you to feel better!

Enjoy the list and do a damn good job at the next challenge.

36 Motivational Quotes for Tough Times

I can’t think of anything more powerful. It’s so important to have a vision of where you want to go, and even more important not to be afraid to walk away if there are people or obstacles in your way.

Make time to wash your body with water and shower daily. By doing this, you can help your body relax and improve your mood.

I have to work hard. The biggest problem I will face is the fact that my job is not going to be all that simple, and it’s not going to pay all that well. It will be hard to find good people who will join with me in my vision of the future.

You should wear a positive outfit because you are a positive person.

Don’t get discouraged if you don’t find success right now. It may take time for you to find your talent and realize how much you can accomplish. Don’t be discouraged. Instead, be inspired and persistent.

The extra mile is what you do or get done in addition to what others do or get done.

You can choose to be positive or negative, but you can not choose how you respond to the world around you. Your energy is what creates your reality.

You should always get out of the way if it looks like your team is going to take the easy way out. Don’t just stand there–start moving quickly. You’ll live longer, and you’ll be happier.

I don’t know why all the fuss over some dumbass who got beaten up. He’s not a champion, he’s just a loser.

If you want to be successful, you must desire to win.

When asked what three things he wanted to tell each of his children, Mark Zuckerberg said that he wanted his first son to learn one thing, his second son another, and his daughter a third.

Things worth having don’t just come to you. You have to fight for them.

The truth is that you don’t have to try, you just have to do. When you really do something, no matter how big or small, you are succeeding.

“Being on time. Working hard. Energy. Passion. Being coachable. Having fun. Being prepared. Doing extra. Being there for your teammates.

There are some people who will try to convince you to do less than what you’re doing in order to make their living. No thanks man!

A lot of people think that, but only a few people act on it.
If you think about yourself in a positive way, when something bad happens, it just makes you stronger.

We came this far to be here. You don’t leave here without a result.

Results are always an outcome of focusing on what we want in the first place. This is true whether we are talking about a new home or a new love.

When you find yourself on the side of “majority” it’s time to pause and reflect.

If I stopped, who would watch? I could not give up; I had to keep going.

Be an ambitious person. Get things done. Keep your priorities straight.

You have to make a decision about your life and what you want to do with it. There are so many options, so you need to focus on what you want to learn.

If people asked me what I want to do? I’d say whatever it takes.

Leaders don’t demand people to follow them. They invite them on a journey.

You could say that being penniless is very hard, but being a millionaire is hard as well. It is hard to always feel broke and to not be able to earn enough money to survive and it is hard to go bankrupt and not be able to pay your debts. It is hard to have to depend on others and to not be able to do certain things. It is hard to have to live on a budget and not to be able to have the luxuries we want.

When some person is not sorry and does not accept your apology, a person must learn how strong they are when they have to forgive such an evil thing.

I can lead a team from any position. I’m just a messenger with no power as of now.

This shows that people are very much like parachutes, you need to keep them open to make full use of what they have to offer.

If you want to change something in your life, you have 3 choices: Give in, give up, or give it all you’ve got.

You will tell the people that you have something important happening.

I don’t know why I put this one in my notes, but I do know that it has been proven to be true.

I feel like people will laugh at my dreams and then hate me when they come true.

No matter how many times you try to live your life by new habits, you will never be able to change your old habits because they are too ingrained in your personality.

Let no one walk their own dirty, stinking-feet into my mind.

It is true that a lot of times if I complain, I am going to have to complain about complaining, so I want to make sure it’s the most constructive complaining that I can do.

I’m going to make your life incredible.


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