Bear Grylls is a British adventurer and television personality. His most famous TV shows are “Man vs. Wild” and “Facing The Giants”.
The programme has a special emphasis on conservation and teaches how to be more sustainable in the modern world and how to maintain wild areas and animal habitats.
You might not know it, but there’s a whole world out there – you just have to know where to look.
You want to be prepared?
You need to be prepared.
And if you want to survive, you need to be prepared.
Do you want to be prepared?
Well, that’s the first thing you need.
33 Courageous Bear Grylls Quotes
I always thought that the only thing I’m good at is throwing myself off big things. Which is true, I’ve made good money throwing myself off big things. But it’s not the same as being good at anything.
If I’m being asked to pick out the best person in history, I’d be hard pressed to come up with anyone as inspirational as Bear Grylls.
The world of adventure is harsh, but you can never ever give up. If you keep trying you will always make it.
We should seek out help when we encounter a problem or a problem situation. It is a good idea to ask for help when we are not sure how to proceed, to learn from them and to let them know that we appreciate their advice.
I’ve got another chance to live out my dreams and do something great. I know that I’m still a work in progress, but I’m going to do better this time.
There are times when you hear about people who have their faith as a strong source of motivation and inspiration! Sometimes when we reach a certain stage in life and when we realise the value of religion, then we will start focusing on our God.
As soon as I got my degree, I just left to go climbing. I started by spending a year in India as a rock climbing ambassador. I did some filming which led to a television work, and then I did some more film work which led to a television show. This all helped me become financially independent in a short time – and I do mean right away. I’m not a millionaire yet but I’m close.
Fear is a natural state of being that everyone has at some point. But with practice and preparation, fear can become a tool rather than a hindrance.
Adventure, for me, isn’t limited to the exotic, but to the ordinary and mundane as well. I don’t need to go to the most isolated places in the world to find adventure. Adventure can be found in just about every day life, where you can create connections with people who you’ve just met and the only borders you need to cross are on your own mind!
When you’re out there facing the unknown
Make sure that you’re comfortable with the fact that it can go really wrong. You’ve gotta be ready for it to go wrong.
10th of 33 Bear Grylls Quotes
The line between life or death is determined by what you are willing to do.
A bear might make a lot of noise to scare away predators but might not be as lucky as he thinks.
He broke his back diving into the ocean when he was younger. He has nightmares about falling and flying. It makes him extremely afraid of flying, hence why he doesn’t like it when people ask him to jump out of a plane.
I’ve felt that sensation, but it’s not because of a flame – it’s the fact that you are so cold that you would do anything, if just for a moment, to be warm.
The most important thing is to do whatever it takes to survive, no matter what the conditions are. The person who really shows a lot of heart will ultimately win.
The truth is, I’m not very good at talking about myself and I’m not very good at telling stories. However, I do believe I like writing about things I’m good at. I like hearing about my life from someone who saw me in a different light.
16th of 33 Bear Grylls Quotes
In a new book “Unnatural Selection,” published by the BBC, author and survival expert Bear Grylls advocates the virtues of “survival for its own sake” as a philosophy that is “good for the soul.” He writes that it’s not enough to know that you could survive in a specific situation. As a matter of fact, Grylls argues that if you can’t survive, then it’s because you didn’t try hard enough.
As a young kid, Bear Grylls was able to find the confidence and camaraderie he needed in scouting.
The skills you need to survive in your own home will be the same skills you need to survive in a desert or in an arena.
Climbing has nothing to do with pride. Pride and ambition drive people to climb far more than the fear of avalanches, rockslides, or death really do.
A loner is a dangerous animal. A lone wolf, you have to be dominant towards them and be authoritative, because they are less intelligent than you and they will not listen to you.
22nd of 33 Bear Grylls Quotes
The best way to survive is to make a decision.
To be courageous is to decide to fight.
Being fearless is not about not making decisions.
Being fearless is about making the right decisions.
In 2013, Bear Grylls had to survive in freezing temperatures and snow for a week with a candle to keep himself warm.
My life was so different before and after I climbed Everest. When I was just a regular guy I just worked for a living and I had no idea what I wanted to do and the reason I wanted to do it was because I had no self-confidence. I knew that my life was going to be a lot different before I climbed the mountain. Climbing the mountain gave me the confidence and the self-believe to do many other things in life. After that, I have done a lot of different things such as making documentaries.
For the last time, I loved climbing because of freedom and having time and space. I remember coming down Everest for the last time, wishing Dad could have seen it, too. He’d have loved it.
26th of 33 Bear Grylls Quotes
If you’re afraid, keep going. Be brave because it’s the worst fear that’s the only one that can propel you into greatness.
I am sure everyone has heard about the tragic death of two British hikers who died in the Alps in an avalanche, or perhaps someone you know has already been affected by this type of tragedy. If you are living in a snow-filled area there is a very good chance that you are also exposed to avalanches.
It’s important to fight the dream-stealers and hold onto your dream. If you want it badly enough, the dream-stealers will try to steal it from you.
While some of the greatest survivors are men! These days we can count on our phones for the majority of our survival needs.
When we are in the woods we are better to have the skills that a woman has and with a phone we can always call for help if needed.
I love running. For me it is the best form of exercise. I start with 5 miles and build it up from there. During the winter months I am more of a cross-country runner and during the summer months I move to running on the road. I like to mix this training with walking/running when I can.
31st of 33 Bear Grylls Quotes
While the world has taught me that being cautious of an individual who has teetered on the edge of life is an unwise decision, I have learned that one who has a fire and recklessness inside is always welcome.
I have seen many families with the same characteristics in my life. I have even seen a few families with the same characteristics as mine.
I have fallen down crevasses, been bitten by snakes, been knocked unconscious, had various limbs broken and once, a heavy camera came plunging down which very nearly decapitated me.
The Top 10 Most Insane Bear Grylls Moments
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