30 Barbara Corcoran Quotes On Life, Business & Success

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Barbara Corcoran is an American businesswoman, investor, consultant, author, and television personality. She is currently a financial commentator on Fox News.

Her husband, Michael, is a successful businessman and has co-founded several companies. They have two children and live in Connecticut.

In the 1980s she was one of the first to teach herself how to create images using software, making the transition from print to digital. She also used her experience in real estate to help her sell a property online.

We’ve put together this collection of the best Barbara Corcoran quotes – it’s so funny, they really are the best.

30 Barbara Corcoran Quotes On Life, Business & Success

You will never be successful until you have faced failure. Failure only makes you stronger.

If you have a theory, and you really believe it, and you think that other people will agree with what you are saying, then you might be onto something.

Barbara Corcoran said entrepreneurs like her are the most different kids.

   It is not necessary to do something right the first time. Success comes through learning and improvement.

If you want to be successful, then it might be time to be less sensitive to how you feel about each situation. If you’re a business owner, it might also be time to treat each setback as a learning experience.

Barbara Corcoran said that entrepreneurs are always thinking of the next big thing. In this case, that “big thing” is a new idea for a business.

7th of 30 Barbara Corcoran Quotes 

I was reminded of this quote a few days ago when I wrote about the new Apple Watch Series 4. The Apple Watch is a great device, but what do you do when you don’t have a phone nearby? With the new Watch Series 4, the answer is simple: You can make calls right from the Watch.

Barbara Corcoran says that she was looking for something that could help her to be self-employed, and something that would allow her to work from home.

It’s so important to keep going when times get tough. It’s easy to get discouraged when you’re trying hard to succeed, but it’s even easier if you set your sights lower.

Letting your inner critic run the show can be a big problem. It can become your voice in you head when you are trying to pick the perfect outfit. It can also be your voice that gets in the way of you achieving your dreams. Let’s see if we can take our inner critic one step at a time.

The biggest challenge in business is not the competition, it’s in ourselves. We need to overcome the negative self-talk in order to achieve success.

Have good faith in your product idea and believe in yourself and the product; don’t think that everyone else will understand your product idea.

There’s nothing better than the gut instinct that you get when something is right or wrong. If your gut instinct is that something is right or wrong, then it is.

If you are rejected on your application, your next job may be waiting for you!

There are many ways to increase demand for your business. The best way is to constantly be promoting your business on the web. You can also start a local club but you have to be proactive.

Fun is the most important thing in life if you don’t like it, you’re the problem.

17th of 30 Barbara Corcoran Quotes 

We tend to procrastinate because we want to avoid the unpleasant feelings associated with failure.

The people that I admire and look up to for guidance in life are the ones I can get a good attitude from.

Barbara Corcoran says that you should always choose attitude over experience.

She began by offering real estate advice to women who she found attractive. With her signature humor and enthusiasm, she brought together buyers, sellers, brokers, and lenders to close a lot of deals. She made a lot of money and is now worth a reported $80 million.

“If you’re not helping someone out, no one is helping you”

The difference is that the first phrase is something that applies to you.
However, the second phrase is more generally applicable to people.

People in the real estate industry love authenticity. They love people with a history and roots. That’s why they get excited when they see people that make great real estate agents and brokers out of real estate people. They want people to be true to themselves and feel comfortable and authentic doing what they do.

Be the person that you want to be. Focus on the person you want to be, not on the person you are now. Don’t be a comparer.

Business owners need to realize that their business isn’t always a passion, it’s a business. They need to do what they would do if it was a job. They may have to change jobs if they fail, but they should always be building another business or a better business.

It seems like Barbara Corcoran has a thing because she has always been rejected. After she got rejected for real estate, she found her own business and it was successful.

Finding opportunities is a matter of believing that they’re there.

27th of 30 Barbara Corcoran Quotes 

Barbara Corcoran has stated that she would like to set a world record in helping people. She wants to be the entrepreneur that can help others to become a billionaire.

The Corcoran money machine learned to become successful by failing.

A lot of people think that just because they’re a little better dressed than you are, that they’re smarter or that they’ve had better grades in school that it automatically makes them experts in a certain field. They’re pretty funny, but they can be pretty dangerous.

Barbara Corcoran said that if you want to see things through someone else’s eyes, you need to walk in their shoes and see things from their perspective.


It’s very important that you share her quotes on social media with your friends and family for the day they may become great investors.

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