25 Trustworthy John Seely Brown Quotes

John Seely Brown is an organizational studies expert with a special interest in the relationship between digital technology and organizations.

You are only as good as your last project. It’s the last project that determines your value. Value is determined by impact. And impact is determined by the people you are impacting.

25 John Seely Brown Quotes

The most basic part of trust is the ability to do business with other people without being cheated. This is the first step in understanding the process of trust.

I was told this would prevent the “giant ball of confusion.” I need something that is flexible and can be changed without too much work.

It is never enough to just give people information, you have to get them to experience this new knowledge in a way that shows it to be a useful thing to them.

We should keep a perspective that the most important thing is to have passion in our work. We should seek the passion in our work. If we can have passion in our work, we are more likely to be satisfied.

When you know things, you can use them, which makes you a better learner.

 I want to start with a different point. And Iâ€(tm)ll circle back to it when I get to it. I think that universities are the institution that will be shaped to provide platforms to help individuals achieve their full potential by connecting with others and better addressing challenging performance needs. If we are going to be shaped, I think we should go in a different direction.

The purpose of leadership is not only to make money, it’s to make meaning.

The success of creation spaces can be traced back to careful design when the initial space was created by a small group of people who were very thoughtful about the conditions necessary to support scalable collaboration, learning, and performance improvement.

A person who loves learning is always open to new possibilities of knowledge and is curious to know more; they are thirsty for knowledge and are open to new possibilities.

10th of 25 John Seely Brown Quotes

When companies are successful in tapping into more diverse flow of knowledge, they tend to focus on transfer of existing knowledge rather than creation of new knowledge.

When an organization is designed for push, the people working in it are used to making things happen. Push is a very common way of operating and it works well, but once you want to pull, the push methods won’t work anymore.

There will be no effective knowledge exchange without the ability to process and share knowledge among people.

If we want to create a better understanding we must start with the end. We must think more about the user. We must be more human in how we communicate by thinking about how to explain the ideas we believe.

Pull platforms help to assemble participants and resources on an ad hoc basis to problem-solve unforeseen issues or situations.

The challenge is to be able to get people in our organizations, in our companies and across our institutions to care about the things they care about, to be interested in the things they want to become interested in.

Corporate Research Labs in the future will create the corporations that will create the inventions that will help create and make a better world.

In today’s world, technology has changed everything. But no technology is more effective than the one that resonates with human behaviour. In fact, to solve the problems of delivering and assimilating new technology into the workplace, we must look to the way humans act and react.

18th of 25 John Seely Brown Quotes

Collaborative learning technologies are like an ecosystem and social environment. The best ones promote social interactions and interaction. To have the best technology, all three elements in the learning ecosystem must be considered and the goal of the learning technology is to facilitate communication and learning.

In the same quote, John Seely Brown calls for more collaboration between NASA and other big tech companies. He mentions Facebook and Amazon as examples of successful collaborations.

Researchers have identified three factors that set in motion the increasing returns dynamics that create successful creative spaces. The three factors are: participants, interactions, and environments.

People find out about each other when they want to take knowledge through their peers. It works best when people are not in competition. Otherwise, it tends to dry up as others realize they have little to gain from the connections.

While we are already experiencing many of the issues that come along with the high rate of change in today’s organizations, the challenges are getting bigger. It costs companies billions every year having to recruit new talent to fill the job vacancies, plus the costs incurred by having to replace staff that leave the company as they age, or retire.

It is easier for companies to outsource and access more world-class capability because of the digital infrastructure. They can get access to world-class capability and can leverage it’s value to respond more rapidly to unanticipated changes in markets.

It is important for companies and businesses to make their innovation process work effectively, and in order to do this innovative activities have to be carried out.

I am very optimistic about the potential for these emerging networked technologies to help us create a more healthy, efficient, and equitable society.


I enjoy sharing my favorite quotes with friends, family, peers and the general public.

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