Future Trading In Europe

Trading is the most essential sphere on our planet. It is also one of the most ancient. It’s hard to imagine our world without trading laws. Science will be useless if there won’t be any trading as trading creates economics and controls the country’s development. Those who don’t want to obey the trading laws gamble.

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Stolper-Samuelson Theorem

       Trading is one of the hottest topics in the world. In the work, the authors proceed to trade the topic right after the innovations. They have also talked about different regulations and all the components that can influence the trading system.  They refer to the Stolper-Samuelson theorem, which states that under free trade. The rewards of a factor intensively used in the production of a good whose price is rising. Also, a decrease in the reward of a factor intensively used in the production of a good whose price is falling. Regardless of whether, what is the structure of consumption of these goods by the owners or factors of production, foreign trade divides society into two consumer types. As a result, remain in net gain, and those who suffer losses. 

      The result of this gain does not depend on what goods are purchased for personal consumption by the owners of the factors of production. The authors stipulate in advance that although the theorem is built on very specific assumptions. Nevertheless, its main conclusion is correct and reproduced in real life. The situation when, as a result of the removal of trade restrictions, someone loses very much is not unique. Many countries can suffer extremely badly if trade restrictions are lifted. 

Trading Around The World

       In the EU, due to its economic structure, the shocks from the lifting of trade restrictions were not as strong as in the United States. Yet it still had a political effect. It is expressed, in particular, in the rise of right-wing populism and in Brexit. All this is due to the economic shock caused by Chinese imports. 

       Studies have shown an increase in support for right-wing parties as these countries open up and Chinese imports enter their markets. At the same time, such an effect turned out to be unexpected, since the European labor market is much more protected than the American one. Nevertheless, the massive penetration of Chinese imports had an impact on both the local labor market and the political climate.

     Moreover, rising energy costs triggered a surge in the prices of food, basic necessities, and other goods, which further increased the cost of living for Europeans. The New York Times article argues that the rise in energy and commodity prices was triggered by sanctions against Russia. It has “punished European consumers, who have long struggled with inflation, much more severely.”

     The only thing that is well known is that this crisis might be able to change the whole economical system. 

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