35 Kylie Jenner Quotes You Must Read Now

Kylie Jenner is a reality television personality, model, entrepreneur, socialite, and social media personality. She has been dubbed as the richest of the Kardashian/Jenner family and is now the most famous person in the world.

This is a collection of the best Kylie Jenner quotes.

35 Kylie Jenner Quotes

This is something said by Kylie Jenner a lot because, honestly, she’s just a teenager and she wants to be liked. She doesn’t want to be the bad girl. She just wants to be liked.

2. Kylie Jenner said she didn’t like people being a trend setter. That’s why she wears her own unique style.

She’s probably not the most popular person in her house because she likes to stay to herself.

Kylie isn’t materialistic. As any successful human being, she already has a house and a car. She’s just not greedy.

You always try to make the best choices, to be a good person. It’s your goal to inspire others to be good!

In order to learn, people have to explore.

She says her style changes and styles every month.

Kylie Jenner’s new album is on sale now!

I don’t know if I’d call Kylie Jenner’s marriage of convenience an “open relationship.” She’s been on one failed date with Scott Disick for years. I guess it could be defined as a “convenient open relationship” since they’re all just in it for the money.

10th of 35 Kylie Jenner Quotes

Kylie Jenner is not the only one who is influencing the trend of long and curly hair. Kylie is an inspiration that made other celebrities want to follow her style.

A lot of people have no idea what she does in her spare time.

Kylie Jenner wants to be in the spotlight by having a closed social network.

13. I just learned normal is very boring.

Kylie Jenner loves her fame and said she wouldn’t be “here” if she didn’t believe she had something to say. She knows her reality show “Being Kylie” helped her fame, which she credits to her father Kris Jenner.

I like having fun, and I like to play silly games. I also like to keep a light mood around.

Jenner, who has had a whirlwind year since becoming one of the most powerful celebrities in America, tells Vogue magazine that she’s learned to “not care” about what others think of her. While her mother, Kris Jenner, has been a source of inspiration for years, Kylie is now following in her footsteps by becoming an entrepreneur, designer, entrepreneur, and actress.

The quote was originally used in a different context. It’s not just about people who are accepting of other people, it’s about people who are accepting of all people.

I edited it to better fit the context you requested, and also removed a word that was unnecessary.

Jenner says she still feels insecure about her success because it is ‘something that’s just a part of being a human being’.

20th of 35 Kylie Jenner Quotes

If you take a picture of yourself, you’re not being responsible for the content of it.

Kylie is a role model because she is smart, funny, and her family is good. She is in no way a bad role model because she is the youngest Kardashian sister and I am sure she is one of the best role models to all young girls out there.

People with severe bullying issues often grow up to be some of the most successful people in the world. So, it’s important to know that you can still strive to be in a good position even if you’ve experienced severe bullying.

You won the right at birth. Now get down to the business of it!

 Kylie Jenner said that she only needs what she needs and not more.

In order to achieve her goal, Kylie Jenner is focusing on entrepreneurship.

Kylie’s mom Kris Jenner, is very protective of her daughter and wants her to embrace her sexuality.

30th of 35 Kylie Jenner Quotes

I am not a bad person, I just happen to work hard in order to live a good life, and if you’re not going to support me in this, then I’ll support myself.

I’m so fucking tired of all the same shit that’s been on TV for years. I just don’t understand why people are so fucking boring. Oh, these are just regular people who are just living. If that’s what you wanna do, more power to you!

When I say that there will be bad things said about you, I mean that you will be the target of negative criticism from a lot of people, as you may have already noticed. The more people who love you, the more attention and focus will be on you and the more criticism you will receive.

Kylie Jenner believes that you should always believe in yourself and to never follow someone else’s footsteps.

She seems to be happy with her relationship with Travis Scott and her new baby.
She is in her happy moments and she thinks that she doesn’t need anything else to be happy.
I think that she is wrong because if she thinks so, she won’t be able to be happy all the time.


(Source: Twitter, Instagram)
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