33 Truly Humbling Manny Pacquiao Quotes

He is an outstanding athlete. He is also a politician and a senator for a country that he has no connection with…

Pacquiao is one of the best boxers of all time, he has the same skills as Floyd Mayweather, Mike Tyson and so on.

Manny Pacquiao is the only athlete in the history of the sport to win the Super Bantamweight championship 11 times. He’s currently the world champion in four weight classes.

33 Manny Pacquiao Quotes

The successful, successful, successful person is the bridge between me and my goals.

If you have a training program that you follow without thinking, you are going to get average results. A training guru knows what to put in a training program so that the athlete follows it, and it works. Training programs should be difficult. This helps to push the athletes hard, and it helps them to become better.

I wanted to tell you that you put in more work than anyone else on the team. You were the main reason why we won the fight.

“It has inspired me to stay strong in the face of adversity, to never give up, to never give in and to never forget the great people of my country who are struggling to break from the misery and despair of a dictatorship.

Manny Pacquiao has never been known to be someone who is always having fun. He has always been known to be serious, hardworking, and serious about his boxing. This quote is clearly him showing his feelings towards boxing, and that he loves it.

Don’t give in, keep going in that direction. You don’t want to live regretting something.

I think that everything is a game, and that’s the reason why we should enjoy it and live life to the fullest.

In his personal life, the boxer Manny Pacquiao is a man who is a member of the Catholic faith. He is seen as a role model to young people all over the world. His life can teach us to have a strong faith, which is the most important thing in life.

Manolo is doing his job, and he doesn’t care if he makes us mad.

10th of 33 Manny Pacquiao Quotes

I understand that some folks think I’m arrogant. But I think that my attitude is respectful and professional. I have respect for others and their opinions and I believe that others should have respect for me and my work as an artist and as a boxer.

On the second anniversary of the historic Marawi siege, Philippine National Police chief Ronald dela Rosa claimed that the Abu Sayyaf is involved in the fighting. A day after, he said that “The military does not want it to drag on”, when President Rodrigo Duterte is already considering declaring a state of emergency.

The world best boxer Manny Pacquiao will never quit in a tough road. The boxing world champion is not afraid of the critics and the competition. Pacquiao says that even if he’s boxing in a tough fight, he won’t give up.

“My faith is my motivation to win the fights.” – Manny Pacquiao
And the winner is…

To be a champion and a public servant is not that difficult. It’s just a matter of time and determination.

I believe in God’s power and authority to raise someone from nothing to something. When people don’t believe in him, he can take that away. The thing is, he wants you to have everything you’ve earned, all of it. God also forgives. God also forgives you. That’s what I like to tell people.

16. I’m doing this to help my family and my country.
I have to do this for my country, for the people, and my family.

Manny Pacquiao has always been a fighter and that is why he is able to stand up for his country. People may think that he couldn’t fight well because he used to be a street brawler but they are wrong because he is always fighting for his country.

I do not like what Trump’s doing. He has become a dictator. I believe the American public will see the truth, and I will do everything I can to expose Donald Trump’s corruption.

“There were a lot of notes. I had to search hard to find that one” – Floyd Mayweather.

20th of 33 Manny Pacquiao Quotes

Success is sweeter and sweeter if long delayed and got through many struggles and defeats.

Many people look up to Pacman as a strong leader. He is a very good example of a healthy Christian man. Manny has a strong relationship with God and he is a strong positive role model for all.

God made me strong and gave me focus. I have a long way to go.

Boxing is about your feelings. It is the art of using your hands to inflict physical pain on your opponent to see which one gets up from the mat.

We all face fear. We might think we have conquered our fear, only to be hit by an even more difficult obstacle, but with the support of positive thinking, we make it.

This is the most important reason for Manny Pacquiao’s success. It is in his heart to show generosity towards people on a regular basis. This is why he is not arrogant to others.

On how he got into boxing, ‘Pacman’ said his mother was always playing the games. He wanted to be a world champion.

And I’m a regular person who loves simple things in simple ways. I like living a simple, low-stress life.

I am confident that if you practice hard, you’ll win every battle.

I think I’ve grown as a person. I’ve learned to adapt. I’ve learned not to hold a grudge. I’ve learned to be a positive influence in my family and friends. I have been working as hard as I can. The time is now!

30th of 33 Manny Pacquiao Quotes

When asked about the rumors that Manny Pacquiao was lazy, he said nobody can say he’s lazy in training. I heard that he’s lazy in everything but training.

This is the main theme of the movie. Manny Pacquiao (played by Lucas) is an undefeated boxing champion. His only problem is his family doesn’t support him anymore after he became a champion.

Just like three important keys to a successful life, you should work hard, work harder, and work hardest.

Manny Pacquiao said there is no life without God.


Manny Pacquiao is known the world over for his awesome quotes. Here is a list of some of his famous quotes.

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