30 Popular Pharrell Williams Quotes About Success

Pharrell William’s songs are among the most popular on the market today. He has several successful singles, including the song ‘Happy’.

Williams released his debut album “In My Mind” in 2006. After the release, his debut single, “Frontin’” was a hit. In 2016, he released “Say Something” which charted at number 1 in over 20 different countries.

In addition, the ‘Billionaire Boys Club’ project is only one of many projects that Pharrell Williams and his ‘I Am Other’ creative collective has in the works.

The artist Pharrell Williams is well known for his hilarious, interesting and even sometimes inspiring quotes. Here are some of the best from the famed R&B singer’s career.

30 Popular Pharrell Williams About Success

Fashion represents how we feel, it reflects who we are at any given moment, it shows us what we’re going to do.

I’ve got an all-Japanese design team, and none of them speak fluent English. So for a while my ideas were just disappearing in translation.

To make the world a better place I must be brave and go after what I love. I can’t do that holding on to the glorious past.

When I was a student, I’d listen to music that made me angry and feel really emotional. When I listened to music that I loved, I felt completely indifferent, but music that I didn’t like, I felt nothing.

I was going to wait until they read the results before I really reacted. I figured I’d do it right after they read off the nominees, and I just kind of froze on my face. I was like, “Oh, shit.” But then I thought about it and decided just to let it go and not get so worked up about it.

Let The Music Be Yours, is a project by the musician and composer, Pharrell Williams, who is also the Chief Creative Officer of his production company, The Neptunes.

The project is designed to provide creative guidance to schools, organizations, and communities in the areas of arts, education, and music.

He has also launched a new label, 1/1/1 Music.

7th of 30 Pharrell Williams Quotes 

To become more clear, one needs to understand the real source of your actions. You can do these actions more clearly and effectively.

“I want my work to last.” said Pharrell. He also said that his own music was a way to make people happy, and that a lot of his music was meant to have a positive impact on people.

Pharrell Williams is like a lot of other people. We just concentrate on the present. I live right where the film is going through the film projector and it hits the light. And then we don’t think about the past or the future. We just live in the moment when the film is being projected on the screen.

We can see people from different walks of life – from all different races and cultures – express themselves in their own unique ways. It’s important to be able to understand and appreciate each of those different ways of expression. And it’s also important to remember that there’s no one right way to express yourself.

When we can accept and respect all different ways of expressing themselves, and see that what makes each person unique is what’s beautiful, then we will have a truly beautiful world.

When we look at Tokyo, we find that it’s a city that has a multitude of cultures and traditions coming together. It’s a city that embraces diversity.

I learned that, as humans, we are not perfect and have a lot of good qualities, but we also have a lot of bad qualities, and we can work on our behaviors and mistakes to become better people.

Thirteen is a great number and the song feels like it could be part of a medley. It’s a party track.

Happiness is not about the trophy or the finish line, but it is about enjoying the journey. If you enjoy your journey, then you can enjoy your life.

I’m very thankful and when I say that a lot is because that’s the most important message in the world today.

Pharrell Williams shares some words of wisdom to help you find your own “zen”. If you want to know how Pharrell really feels about style, this snippet is for you.

17th of 30 Pharrell Williams Quotes 

Pharrell said he was motivated by having people telling him what he couldn’t be.

We all have to go inward to experience the outer space that was built for us.

I’ve always had a vivid imagination I want to make songs on how to make songs with the best sounds and best music. I love the process of making music, and it’s important to me to learn from my mistakes. I’ve always been an artist, so I can always play any instrument I want. I want to learn how to make music from scratch, and not just play songs by other people.

I’m about to say something very unpopular, but I’m convinced that if we don’t start saying it, our children will never know what love and freedom are. We need to tell them that those are wonderful concepts, and we should fight for their rights to live in freedom and with love. But to do that we need to first understand what love and freedom means. For those who don’t agree with me, I understand. We’ll get to a better place. But I say it only because it’s the truth.

I think I’m pretty much a fan of everything. I do things from the perspective of a fan.

The world needs more people who will just stay on. Stay on your path. Make no plans for the future. If tomorrow doesn’t feel like your day, don’t get in the way of your day. Don’t let the world stop you. Stay on.

Have a high-quality way of thinking about how something works and how to do it.

I’m just a normal dude, I can tell you that I aspire to make music that’s super colorful and something you’ve never heard before. When you hear the whole album, it’s a good feeling.

25. And when say equality, I mean equality for everyone. Who are you that you can tell who they can marry and who they can’t? What is this? This is 2014.

Fashions are more about how they make you feel than they are about science.

27th of 30 Pharrell Williams Quotes 

My love for transparency goes deep. I don’t lie, I don’t hold any secrets, and I don’t hold myself back from speaking my mind. I live with transparency and love knowing things.

The reason why Pharrell is so successful is that he continues to be a humble person and that he is always learning. This mindset is what made him successful in his career. You can see this kind of mindset in his music as well.

A lot of great artists like to write songs about oppression, and how they can help people to feel better about themselves. Artists can teach these lessons by using their mediums to express themselves.

I find most people in the western world to be very materialistic. With their obsession for materialistic objects, all that they know is money. They have no regard for other people’s feelings or any compassion and the things they own are pointless and useless.


If you liked the quotes from Pharrell Williams, be sure to check out the quotes from other musicians you may know, or other musicians you may not know, and share them with your friends and family.

Now, let’s look at some more quotes from musicians.

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