Will Bitcoin Remain The Dominant Cryptocurrency?

Over the last few months, we’ve seen a surge of interest in cryptocurrencies. This rapid growth has led many to wonder: Will Bitcoin remain the dominant cryptocurrency? We’ll explore here at Crypto Trader how the biggest factors at play could affect this question, including decentralization and regulation. Decentralization is important because it prevents any one entity from controlling the currency. It’s also important because it prevents one entity from controlling the network.

Bitcoin still has a comfortable lead in terms of market cap.

You might think that the cryptocurrency market is getting crowded, but it’s still very much dominated by Bitcoin. The second-largest digital currency is Ethereum, with a market valuation of $32 billion. Compare that to Bitcoin’s $122 billion, That’s more than half of the entire crypto market cap. Combining all of the other cryptocurrencies on CoinMarketCap into one big thing called “Other” only accounts for about $43 billion.

Bitcoin has the largest market cap of any cryptocurrency, about $77 billion. This means there is more liquidity in Bitcoin than in any other coin. If you want to buy or sell any amount of bitcoin, you will find a buyer or seller almost instantly. If a similar amount were available for purchase in another coin at nearly the same price point, your transaction would take significantly longer because it would need to be matched with many others before selling out completely.

Mining power

Bitcoin has more mining power than any other token, miners contribute computing power to keep the blockchain secure from attack attempts. Developers contribute new features and code changes that improve upon existing ones. This allows users worldwide to access these improvements simply by updating their software through their wallets or exchanges when necessary, provided they are still supported. 

Users tend to support newer technologies that improve security through network effects and provide better tools like multi-sig wallets. It requires multiple parties before making large transactions, so even if one person loses their private key, someone else can step in without disrupting business operations too much. There are currently over nine million active addresses with 6 million unique.

Initial coin offerings (ICOs) may have harmed Bitcoin’s reputation.

One of the biggest threats to Bitcoin’s future is the ICO craze. As an unregulated means of fundraising, ICOs have been used to fund scams and Ponzi schemes. They’ve also been used to fund projects that are not viable, while others don’t have open-source code available for review. In short, they’ve become a breeding ground for bad actors who would be unlikely to get their hands on investors’ money if forced to abide by more stringent rules and regulations like those in traditional stock exchanges.

As regulation evolves, we may see smaller cryptocurrencies become more viable. For example, regulations could allow blockchain-based securities to be traded on cryptocurrency exchanges in a way that complies with security laws. If this happens, it will likely lead to an increase in the number of investors using cryptocurrency as a store of value; these investors are not currently able to participate because their countries don’t have advanced financial markets like those found in the U.S. or Europe.

Additionally, regulatory clarity will help protect consumers from fraud and other scams that prey upon unsuspecting victims through false promises of high returns or poor management practices.

Many of Bitcoin’s competitors are open source.

The majority of cryptocurrencies on the market today are open source. This means that the code used to create them is freely available and can be examined by anyone, from developers to government officials. Because open-source technologies are more secure, transparent, and flexible than closed-source ones, they’re likely to be adopted at a greater rate and widely used.

Open-source code is also often easier for developers to work with because they can get started immediately without having to retool their personal development skill sets or learn new ones. For instance, if you’re building an application on top of Ethereum’s platform, which uses Solidity as its programming language. You don’t need any special training before getting started. And since so many people are exposed through this process, there’s frequently more opportunity for collaboration between different organizations and communities.


Bitcoin is still the dominant cryptocurrency. But there are many factors at play that could change this in the future. We’ve discussed how decentralization and market cap can affect Bitcoin’s position, but we haven’t yet discussed regulation or open-source platforms like Ethereum.

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