60 Truly Motivational Joyce Meyer Quotes

I love Joyce Meyer’s quotes because she talks about the little ones and they make me think and be inspired.

The main reason she wrote a book is to help Christians who are struggling with life, and help them to find joy in their lives.

Joyce writes many self-help books, such as books on self-development.

60 Joyce Meyer Quotes

Any time we step out firmly to make changes, we take a chance that we might fail, but the only way to get better is to try.

Peace will be released into your soul and into your spirit, if you believe in God.

Remember the important people in your life who hurt you long ago and also the strangers who hurt you in the grocery store.

God can’t be anything else, because he is good.

In the end, hope does not disappoint us, because God has been good to us in every way, so we can confidently expect great things from God.

One thing about the application of Scripture is that it is meant to be done personally.
This is how God designed it, and the end result of our own personal application should be that we grow and become more like Christ. If we apply Scripture to us personally, then God can then use that person in His service.

There are certain things that we should not tolerate, but we shouldn’t let them turn into emotions. We should let go of anger completely. The Bible says that we “are allowed,” not required, to be angry.

When you fail to see the truth of something, you end up being misled.

The greatest gift God has promised us is peace. I know this, because a long time ago my life was not peaceful and I was miserable.

10th of 60 Joyce Meyer Quotes

The most important thing about attitude is that it’s yours and you can change it.

There might be many reasons why you should watch out for these joy stealers and keep them away from you. These are the worst types of people. You may even become a negative person and keep complaining about a lot of things day after day.

When you forgive, you must cancel any debt owed to you. Don’t spend your life paying and collecting debts.

We are to stand firm and let the Lord do the work (Jas 5:11) and that means we are not in control of the work. God will do what he wills and he will do it. We have to allow him to do it and we have to believe that it is going to all go well.

When I feel disheartened I go back to the dictionary and find the word discouragement. It means to discourage or depress. When someone discourages me, I feel depressed.

Forgiveness is not only a feeling, but also a decision. We make the decision to forgive others because we want to do what’s right before God.

The Bible says ‘God is our helper’ and ‘God encourages us to keep on.’ There are many things in the Bible that I cannot write about because I have some people reading it so how can I explain everything in the Bible in just a few paragraphs? But this one I felt it worthy to include.

If you are feeling like you aren’t doing enough and you are looking for your purpose, then you should start by getting clear on what matters most to you. Focus on what you want in your life, and set a goal to get there.

My heart cries out for you. I know how it feels when you look back at your past and feel like no matter how hard you worked or how much you tried, you just couldn’t keep up. I’ve been there. I even made some of the same mistakes. I still struggle with anger and jealousy toward women. I’m working on it, but it’s going to take effort every day to get rid of the bad fruit of anger and jealousy.

I love the idea that God created us to be emotional creatures. It gives us a lot to think about when we are feeling good about ourselves and experiencing positive emotions.

20th of 60 Joyce Meyer Quotes

Motives reveal what we do, what we’re doing in our lives, is always more important to God than what we’re doing.

The Lord is not surprised by your inabilities, your imperfections, or your faults. He has always known everything about you that you are just now finding out, and He chose you on purpose for Himself.

[English]: 21. Remember God is not surprised by your inabilities, your imperfections, or your faults. He has always known everything about you that you are just now finding out, and He chose you on purpose for Himself.

The more you trust Jesus, the more life you’ll live. The more you trust God, the more rest you’ll find. Therefore, stop trying to figure it out on your own, and let God be God in your life.

The way we can improve relationships with others is becoming encouragers instead of critical.

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. We could not face a tempest without a sturdy ship and a skilled captain. When the storms of life threaten to drown us, we can’t face them on our own. In his tender mercy, God sends his Spirit to lead us through the storm to calmer seas.

God wants us to be different and unique. All of us are different and unique. No two people are alike. No one can be like Jesus.

26. “Do anything you can do to keep your mind off yourself.” Courage is fear that has said its prayers and decided to go forward anyway.

For a long time, the French government has been trying to improve the education of its young people. For now, it seems they have succeeded in making this happen.

When we feel angry we are in control, but when we are being mistreated we have no control. We may not be angry for long, but we should recognize when we are being mistreated and should not try to express our anger in an impulsive way.

No matter how much money you make, it is not yours. Even if you were born a queen, it is not your place to be the king. You are the queen of your own throne. You are the king of your own kingdom. Never forget who you are.

30th of 60 Joyce Meyer Quotes

When you get discouraged, think about Jesus. He is always ready to pick you up. He is always able to pick you up. Why? Because He loves you. So when you get discouraged, think about God.

Learn how to enjoy where you are on your way to where you’re going.

This statement helps us solve the problem by recognizing that there is a problem. I know that there is a problem because I have to be willing to admit that there is a problem. If I don’t recognize that there is a problem, it won’t help me solve it.

I love your book. As for your book, it’s simple to understand. I have read a lot of books. Most of the books are complicated. They aren’t simple. As for your book, it’s not complicated. It’s simple.

Forgiveness is a way of releasing energy. It is letting go of thoughts and feelings. It works like a wave, where the tide comes in and then goes out. It is part of the healing process.

I am not a very secure person in my relationships and especially in my marriage.

I can always suffer being the way I am, but I can’t always suffer change. I’m learning how to change, but I’m not that far yet.

Joyce reminds us to avoid living life stuck in one mindset.
If we can view life as constant change, we’re less likely to be stuck in a rut of inaction and more able to be agents of change.

There are so many things that we can learn from just being with and enjoying God. If we learn to focus on the Giver and enjoy the gift of His presence and love, there’s so much more to life.

If your day goes great, thank God for it and do your best. God will do the rest.

40th of 60 Joyce Meyer Quotes

Joyce Meyer says that God is not like people. Human nature is too selfish to understand God’s love. All we know is selfishness. We don’t even have a vocabulary for God’s love, no wonder we struggle to accept it!!

I am crazy about Jesus and want to be free from all the shackles of sin and selfishness and fear and the world and the flesh and be free like he is!

I agree. We need to pray together, not judge people.

A lack of love is a reason which causes us to become sick of life and look for more meaning and purpose outside of our relationship.

It is true that joy isn’t based on what happens in our lives. It’s based on knowing that Christ is with us no matter what happens.

A teacher can change the life of a student as a result of the student’s own performance and the challenges that the teacher offers.

The happiest people are the truly thankful ones. They know things have gone more smoothly than they had planned for and they take the positive out of that.

When you get angry, you can easily hurt yourself or others.

You can’t have a positive mind and a negative life.

I have become more self-aware of my character and learned to choose what I want to be and not what I want to be.

50th of 60 Joyce Meyer Quotes

Every where we look we see that people are searching for love, but they’re looking in the wrong places. This world is so full of pain, and the people in it are always searching for love, but there’s no where to find love, they should look for God, who is love.

I believe God wants us to be involved, which is why He called us “chosen ones” and told us to “go”. However, I also believe that God has His eyes on you. He sees your struggles and your victories. He knows you better than you know yourself. He sees every step you take and knows exactly where you are going. He doesn’t want me to just stand back and watch you struggle, but I can tell you that He sees your struggles and knows they are nothing compared to what God will do in the end.

The intentions of people don’t change anything. They are just a deep and deep rut.

I’m convinced that one of the greatest gifts you can give your family is a healthy you.

Integrity doesn’t mean not doing wrong in public, but it means doing right no matter what others might think.

This is the most powerful energy source in the universe.

The ability to wait is not simply the ability to wait without becoming impatient; it is how you behave while waiting.

Some people have a strong spirit and a fearless spirit, and they can conquer the world. Some people are fearful, and can’t conquer anything.

Let’s keep our eyes on Jesus and ask others to do the same. Forgiveness is a cleansing that we can have if we are clean. If we are dirty, we cannot get clean through forgiveness. This is why Paul was so concerned about that. He wanted us to be spotless before God so that we can have the grace to receive forgiveness.

When you are tempted to give up, your breakthrough is probably just around the corner. Let me tell you a secret:
The reason you are trying so hard to find your breakthrough is because you have a breakthrough. And you are looking for it because you don’t want to die trying.

As I have been told in the past, your emotions are not something you can control and there will be times where you may feel a way and then a few minutes later that same emotion comes through in some form or another and it can cause you to feel confused and insecure. There is nothing wrong with you and there is nothing wrong in you and there is nothing wrong in anyone who has an emotion that they are feeling or experience.


I hope you like these quotes from Joyce Meyer, and that you will share them with your friends.

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