50 Of The Most Inspiring Susan Boyle Quotes

I like her quotes and I think she’s a great artist.

Susan Boyle is a singer from Scotland who came to the third season of Britain’s Got Talent, where she sang ‘I Dreamed a Dream’, the first and last song from the Broadway musical Annie.

In 2014, Boyle was invited as a special guest to the opening ceremony of the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow. In 2015 Boyle was a judge on The X Factor and was the first female judge in the show’s history to ever win. She is also a mentor on Britain’s Got More Talent which has won the BBC TVBid since its inception.

Susan Boyle is quite the inspirational singer. We collected a few of her most inspirational quotes.

50 of the Most Inspiring Susan Boyle Quotes

I was a bit intimidated about the idea of singing the whole of Abigail’s Song on stage with an audience. However, I am looking forward to the show because of the fact that it’s being presented at The Gleeclub. It is such an amazing and inspirational venue and I am honored to be able to perform there. I’m excited to see what people think of the show.

Susan Boyle likes to play and sing when she’s alone. She also has a musical background.

The last sentence is just an incomplete sentence. It should not be parsed as an independent sentence, nor should it be joined to the previous one.
I suggest this.

Susan Boyle was on “Britain’s Got Talent”, and the moment she was on stage with the four judges, she was an instant star.

“Wild Horses” was the first song she sang on American Idol. When she sang that song, she said “No pressure.” to the audience.

I’m so proud that my son is funny – he’s like James Bond!

Susan Boyle says that she has performed at the Palace of Holyroodhouse twice, but this will be her first time at the venue.

Even though Susan Boyle has been on the public stage for years, she hasn’t stopped growing as a singer. She’s been on the road for decades, and she knows as much now as she did when she first sang in public. And she knows as much as anybody who is currently on the music scene in her age bracket. Even within her own generation, there are very few singers who could hold a candle to her, and she has no plans whatsoever to stop performing anytime soon.

It’s very easy to be impressed by someone who is beautiful, but Susan Boyle was the first person I’ve ever seen who truly embodied beauty in the flesh. She had an unblemished face, hair, and voice. She had charisma that was unmatched by anyone I have ever seen, even Britney Spears. She was the poster child for beauty at its finest, and no one can deny that she was the total package – from her appearance to her soul.

10th of 50 Susan Boyle Quotes

Susan Boyle wanted to have a positive impact on her family life.

The text of the above is the same in both cases, but the English was adapted from other words (or even whole phrases) used by Boyle in the interview.

Susan Boyle said she is on a diet, she just loves sweets, she eats sweets and she wants to lose her weight.

Musicians, especially those who are also artists, will tell you that they are only as good as their last gig. And while it is true that some artists are so talented that they can make their way through life purely through their artistic talents, many people have had to do it using a variety of other skills and talents.

When I look back on the day I auditioned for Britain’s Got Talent, I had lots of nervousness.

Susan Boyle says that she is content with the way she looks and she does not go in for plastic surgery. She wants to live her life the way she is.

Susan Boyle’s talent, despite the amount of criticism she receives, is such that she can handle her personal life problems, which is a great quality to have.

A choir is a group of singers, usually men and women, who sing together. It can be a group of volunteers or people who are professionally trained to sing together. In the 1950s, when Susan Boyle was a teenager, she joined the school choir. This is the time when she decided to sing in public. Her mother played a big role in creating her singing career.

This quote, said by “Britain’s Got Talent”-winning singer Susan Boyle, says a lot about what Asperger’s really is. It’s not about how different you are, but rather, it’s about how you carry on through life, and how you learn to adapt.

This quote comes from a clip of the singer’s performance of her hit “I Dreamed A Dream” from her 2009 ITV2 series Susan Boyle’s Got Talent. The clip from the first episode in the series, “I Got You (I Got You)” from season one, was used in the background of the quote.

Being scared of doing an audition every time is not what you should be afraid of. The fear is just a sign to let the character and your creativity flow. If you allow fear into your body while you are writing, you will not be able to find the character. You will not be able to find your own voice.

20th of 50 Susan Boyle Quotes

Singing is a beautiful gift, and is a great thing to pass on. I come from a family of singers, and I’m so proud of my father, mother and all my siblings, who have all been great singers. It is a wonderful gift.

Susan Boyle is going to continue her career, making albums and making people happy.

Susan Boyle’s standout moments from 2019 were her performance at the Los Angeles Music Awards and her appearance on America’s Got Talent.

Susan Boyle had a disability at birth, but she wanted to show the world that it didn’t define her life. Susan had cerebral palsy and has been on the TV screen since she was eight years old. Her debut album I Dreamed a Dream was an instant hit all over the world, selling over 40 million copies.

I’m afraid to break my camera. I don’t want to go through the same heartbreak of not being able to photograph the wedding. I’ll make sure to bring my digital memory card so that I can keep this memory.

Susan Boyle went to her doctor and said she was told she has “brain damage.” She now has a clearer understanding of what’s wrong and feels relieved and a bit more relaxed about herself.

Susan Boyle is the person who was seen by British audiences on their television sets on the night of March 31, 2009, when she sang “I Dreamed A Dream.” Susan Boyle came out of her flat to sing a rendition of this famous song that she learned as a child.

I am going to do things the way I want to and no one is going to tell me it’s wrong. Life is my playground and I refuse to spend my time trying to please other people.

Susan Boyle would love to adopt a kid but her cat would get jealous because she would be spending all her time with a cat and not a baby. She didn’t want to see a cat and a baby fight so it’s something she may do later.

She doesn’t get it. You have to really want to do something. This is one of the best examples of this that I’ve seen or heard in a very long time.

30th of 50 Susan Boyle Quotes

People who were mean to me have realized I’m not as bad as they thought.

Susan Boyle said that she would like to try to ride a bike. She also said that she bought a bike for herself, which is sitting out in the summer house.

Susan Boyle would love to sing for the Queen at the Royal Variety Show. All the contestants are very good. She will just have to do her best and see what happens.

Susan Boyle first performed in the UK as the runner-up in “Britain’s Got Talent” when she was 12 and then won in America. Boyle made her American debut during a concert at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles April 8, 2011, where her performance of “I Dreamed A Dream” earned her rave reviews and a standing ovation.

I’m really self-conscious about how I look on stage. I try not to wear make-up. I put make-up on before I go on stage, but I have to hide behind my persona at some point. The audience, however, wants to see me smiley.

Even when a child is being bullied by their peers sometimes they don’t understand the severity of the situation. It’s like an adult giving a child a toy that could potentially break them in half and only after they learn you’re giving them a toy, they cry “No!”. Kids need to know that the words a bully uses can have a psychological effect on them.

My mother, knowing my love of all things musical, used to play me songs. It was never an effort to find the right song and sometimes she made me learn the lyrics. I loved it and I believe God was sending her songs to me.

She bought a posh house! BUT, her niece lives in it. She shares it among the family!

Susan Boyle was jeered at when she sang in the Eurovision song contest; she was told to shut up and sit still. She thought the cacophony of noise was because she had demons inside her head. When she started singing, the demons quietened down.

Susan Boyle is doing her best to make her way into the U.S. for a second tour at the end of the year. She’s a fan favorite, but there are a few things to watch out for.

40th of 50 Susan Boyle Quotes

I’ve always said that the moment will be perfect. I won’t be ready to come out if I was younger.

As an artist, I think she is a remarkable woman. Her talent is real. But how is it possible that a woman who, with her voice, was a superstar, can turn to a career in singing in a much lesser caliber than her past? I am not sure why. I do know that when Susan Boyle appeared on the television she was a girl of her time. There was no television in my country. She was famous, but at that time, she was not famous internationally.

One theory is that she is a product of her time, like many people coming from different parts of the world. Another theory is that the media created her. And another theory is that she is just a woman of her era, like many women.

Unmarried women in their forties with false teeth and tousled hair aren’t usually held in the highest esteem by our society. The feeling here seems to be that if I could be a success, then anyone can!

I had a lot of great teachers who taught me a lot. Some of them were great bosses and managers. Some of them were really good friends. And there were others who were jerks.

Susan Boyle feels she is a role model for the disabled and others less fortunate. She has recently been appointed as patron of the charity Action for Sick Children. This is charity for children with epilepsy and other ailments.

Susan Boyle has had some trouble at school, she still lives with her mum and has some difficulties. She was bullied at school when she sang and she did not get to sing in public until she got to the final of the Eurovision song contest. Now she has had a big success and she is the youngest contestant to win the Eurovision song contest.

If you really want something badly enough, you just keep going. No matter what your age or anything else.

The moment I saw her on YouTube singing “I Dreamed a Dream,” I knew how she would end up – a success at what she does. She is such a great person!

I don’t know about you, but I’ve always been a “No, it’s impossible” person. I can’t even imagine trying to do something as big and monumental as winning The Voice. You’d be out of your damn mind!

Susan Boyle had to work hard to become a Scottish superstar. She had no family background in the music business; she was a factory worker and a teacher. But she has a rich Scottish voice and charisma so she made it on her own.

Get rid of all your bitterness, rage, hate, and anger from the past, and don’t let it go to waste. Start thinking of how you can be of service to people.


This collection of Susan Boyle quotes is a great way to inspire and motivate you with the thought of Susan’s greatness.

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