47 Kevin James Quotes About Life, Success And Career

Kevin James is an actor / comedian who played the character Doug Heffernan on the CBS sitcom ‘The King Of Queens’.

I made a bad decision one day while in high school, and I thought I would never become a comedian. And for the time being, I just played football. I did well at sports, made the All-Area Team, and got to the state semifinals.

*L’Olivier is most famous for a film he did in French, Les Miserables, where he played Valjean the character from the musical.
*The Blind Side was one of the highest grossing films of the year.
*The Artist is set in an era where movies are considered art.
*The Wolf Of Wall Street was another top grossing film and the Academy Award for Best Picture.

Whether you are a fan of Kevin James or not, we hope these quotes motivate you to achieve your goals.

47 Kevin James Quotes

“Think about what you’re going to do next and respect it.

I always thought that pie was meant to fill the emptiness inside your heart. That’s why it’s so popular, and why so many people use it to get through the holidays or whatever else is going on in life.

3. If you’re not learning about something, you’re not living and prospering.

I also have a running app for my phone. And the first thing I do when I wake up is look at how many steps I’ve walked since I woke up, and the next step I do is check my phone to see what 1-step I have. It’s crazy how many people check their phones almost every second of the day.

You should always be striving to make your dreams a reality. No time is ever better than the present to work on your dreams.

A few weeks back, there was a case of a man escaping from his office through a ceiling window, and some people think it’s just a movie.

I like the chance that teachers have to make a difference in people’s lives, and I hope that all teachers know that.

Kevin James went to a comedy club when he was younger and tried out for a play, joined a theatre group, and started doing comedy as well.

As a leader it is your job to make decisions and your job is to take the responsibility of those decisions.

10th of 47 Kevin James Quotes

Songs don’t have to be something only you think about. You can listen to them as a moment in time to remember when something good happened.

Kevin: I’m a character actor. I’ve never played in a movie.

As the following picture illustrates, there is a lot of room for creativity and there is always a lot of room for improvement. Good luck!

PS: I hope you don’t mind that I’m putting up this picture as a reference, because you might find yourself asking if this is real. However, I’m quite certain that you will find it difficult to believe that this picture is a real picture. For how many of us have had the experience to visit a fast food joint without any food in our mouth? Now, try it your self!

A: If you feel it’s too difficult to grasp, you can have a look at the following picture for the sake of understanding.

Kevin James says the reason his character in The Nice Guys (Shane Black) likes women so much is that he grew up in a house full of girls.

Kevin James said that Thanksgiving is not a good day to be his pants.

There is no more pleasing feeling in the world than to have a slice of pizza sitting in front of you.

I grew up in a home where no one had any musical talent but when I learned how to play was taught from the ground up and it was a real passion that developed into performance and career.

It’s all about the audience; I don’t get nervous about that. I get excited.

You can find the official press release here.

Kevin James really likes the movie Rocky. He loves watching it, and he really, really likes the movie.

Kevin James says he wasn’t that funny when it first started out in college, although he had a few moments of standup when he got older.

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Kevin James said he learned how to make people laugh in college by taking a public speaking class.

Kevin James says he’s often told that he should have had a son and a daughter because he’s a different person with both of his kids. For example, he used to be much more of a ladies’ man.

You can hear the humor in his voice that makes you feel like you’re just along for the ride as Kevin James tells us what it’s like working with a director that lets him be an actor and a comedian. And even though he has had some comedic hits as well as some pretty serious dramas, Kevin James says his most favorite thing is making movies with other people. He makes the best out of everything, no matter what.

I don’t know why teachers say this, but school always seems to go on and on and on forever. I have been to school for a very long time, and that is a really long time. I would say that school ends when you die.

When the topic of art comes up, some people say that art is the way to feel or express their feelings. Other people say that art is an art form or a craft or a form of entertainment. Art is also called an entertainment or a performing art.

Kevin James said that music is the best inspiration for his family, because it is an important and necessary thing to learn.

Kevin James wants to be known as someone who can do comedies like Knocked Up and Superbad, so he didn’t want to do a romantic comedy starring Katherine Heigl or any other ‘goody-two-shoes’.

There are a few things that I’ve learned from starring in movies like “Talladega Nights,” where Kevin’s character got in a physical fight with a guy. You don’t want to do that. If you’re a guy, you don’t want to do that. I don’t want to think about that day.

I had my son in Boston on Easter Sunday. That kills me, from a sports perspective. He is a Boston baby and I am a New York guy.

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As a kid Kevin James would fantasize about the kind of things a young man of his time could achieve. By the time we get to his mid-forties, he has a wife and children, and he’s accomplished much more than he ever dreamed about as a kid. It’s good to be able to appreciate life’s accomplishments for what they really are.

People who can do things that you don’t have capacity to do are the people you should be focusing on.

The foolishness to chase the moon hurts my heart. I am stuck between the moon and the ocean and surrounded by an empty land.

I like you, and you’re cute, and you’re a sweet guy, and I’m attracted to all of those things, even if I don’t feel the need to take you out on a date. But if I did feel comfortable enough to ask you out, you do have to say something back, and even though you may not see yourself as someone who needs to be asked, you do.

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Kevin James wants to be a comedian who makes people laugh by talking about how he felt when he got the part in a movie. He also has some very big fans and will act no matter what happens.

He says his teachers helped him to become a good person, and that they are still affecting him today. He says he got a lot of good lessons from them, which he keeps using.

My dad shot marbles when I was in junior high and played Marble Madness when I was in high school.

Kevin James, that’s the number one goal of our movie. It’s not just for me to be proud of it and it’s not just for my children to be proud of it, we want people to come out of it and feel a little bit better about themselves.

People might complain that Kevin James is too simple, but I like that about him. I was surprised to discover that he writes in the first person. I know that he got a lot of stick for that, but he’s certainly pulled it off. I love that he writes in the first person.

Kevin James says he doesn’t have a gay bone in his body, but he does understand the hype of the gay community.

You know how to act like a comedian, but you don’t know how to be one.

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Kevin James said that it’s not the only time he used the words “Don’t over do it”.

Kevin James became interested in MMA after watching the UFC in 1993.

Kevin James said that we should try to connect with every single day, every guy and woman that we come in contact with.

It’s good to serve God, but we may have to do things which don’t necessarily glorify God in the world.

It’s like my friend that was supposed to come out to the game with me was busy, so I went alone. I decided to eat a whole apple before the game. I was so hungry!

Not everyone has the same dream body.


Thanks for viewing this collection of the best Kevin James quotes! It can be hard to find the best Kevin James quotes, so we have collected a collection of the best Kevin James quotes here. Share these quotes with your friends and family.

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